I’m going to post the thoughts that I have publicly now, as I had been discussing with fellow Arbiters for a hot minute.
So, my position on the original AQ is that the position of Emeritum is an award, or should be considered as one. It can be bestowed upon someone and it can be revoked. I know many a professors who have become emeriti and I know a handful who had it taken away. The point is not to confire any government office or position with no role. The point is to award and to promote those of service and meritorious action during their tenure, and to allow them to “use” the title afterwards.
Secondly, if we are arguing that TEP cannot give titles or awards that have no functional use, then all our awards would unfortunately be null and void due to Concordat F.2, as stated in government-plaza. Therefore, it is of my opinion that if we want to have awards and a title of Emeritum, it has to be merit-based and awarded by someone(or entity like the Magisterium) so that the threshold of merit can be met. While in addition, it must be revocable. Most titles that I know of are not very revocable, and would be in violation of F.2, but an award can be taken back (or rendered null and void in the event of awards given by previous delegates if a future delegate wants to [since exective orders work like that]) and an award can also be amended and changed over time.
Thirdly, and I know this is an odd point to make, however, with the way that OGOs and Pacificum Orientale Awards can be awarded and granted, one could argue that it would allow the suffix of OGO to be added to the person’s name. It is an odd reading, but technically, the OGO is an “title” that could be awarded.