THE REGIONlAL ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE has elected to deny appeals on the bans of Slatos and Portuguese America.
Slatos, also known as Chechnea, Kamchatki, New Jamisonia, Meddaco, Meddacah, Volgarod, and certain other alternate names, was banned numerous times for flaming and flamebaiting, with a history of ban evasion.
Portuguese America, also known as Ayrodicum, was banned for trolling, and subsequently discovered for ban evasion.
Decision-making in these cases were made by RAO members and affiliates Aivintis, Albrook, Altys, East Malaysia, Libertanny, McStooley, Merlovich, New Leganes, and Romanoddle Republic.
Big thanks to Improper Classifications for discovering this for me. Found Missing has been previously noted raiding a lot of regions and dropping off in TEP. Originally thought to be just some random independent merc or other, we took quick action upon receiving evidence of fascist involvement.
RO Name: Merlovich
Banned: Animee
Reason: Racial slurs in TG
Evidence: Logged in # nationstates but will more than likely result in an immediate IP ban anyway.