Basic Fact Sheet on Kangarawa

The Republic of Kangarawa

Short name: Kangarawa

Official language(s): English
Other language(s): Aboriginal Dialects
Capital: Tasman
Currency: Wazoo
National animal: Tasmanian Devil
Motto: “No, you’re not paranoid. It’s really happening.”


The Head of the Government is the President.

Government Structure

A multi-party system forms the basis for Kangarawa’s government. At present there are three major parties: the Democratic Socialists, the Conservative Alliance and the Nature’s Rights Party. The country is divided into ridings, of approximately the same population, and whichever party receives the majority of ridings forms the government. The leader of that party becomes the President.

Government itself is divided into two houses, the Lower House, comprised of all those members elected in the various ridings, and the Upper House. The Upper House consists of Ministers and Secretaries of various Government Departments who are appointed by a President to serve a twenty-year term. Thus, even though a party may be in power in the Lower House, it may not be able to pass legislation if the Upper House is not in agreement. All bills must be passed by both Houses. Elections are held every five years.


Ethnicities: [ul]
[/li][/ul] [/color]
Religions: [ul]
[li]Christian 38%
[li]Agnostic 17%
[li]Aboriginal 23%
[li]Other 22%
Economy: Frightening

Geography and Climate

Highest point: Profer’s Eye 8068 m
Lowest point: Lake MacQuarrie -25 m

Avg. summer tempurature: 31 C
Avg. winter tempurature: 5 C

Kangarawa is ringed by mountains along the southern coast and eastern border, with Mt. Ebarus (4717m), 5 km from the coast, the only active volcano. The Kashaboholeth Mountain Range on the eastern borders stretch for approximately 800 km and are heavily glaciated. Over 120 mountains in this range exceed 6100 m in height. For the most part, the climate is very temperate, with extreme cold being seen only in the mountains. High mountain passes can become almost impassable in winter due to heavy snowfall, while the lowlands are tropical in areas. Small areas of rainforest are being preserved. Fed by underground springs, Lake MacQuarrie is the largest fresh-water lake, being 52 km wide and 82.3 km long.