Citizenship Application Thread

Citizen Name: Tom
Resident Nation: Alien
WA Nation: AS-16 Kickback

By posting this application, I hereby ratify the Concordat of the East Pacific.

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Updating my World Assembly nation back to The Clockwork Multiverse following a WA ban on Multiversal Alliances

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Citizen name: Yazov Ball
Citizenship nation: Veritasial
WA nation: Veritasial

By posting this application, I hereby ratify the Concordat of the East Pacific.

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Resident nation: Virgolia
WA nation: Weewooweewooweewoo

By posting this application, I hereby ratify the Concordat of the East Pacific.

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Tom, Vixen, Yazov Ball and Virgolia have been telegrammed.

@DmitryYazov has been confirmed as a citizen.

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@Virgolia has been confirmed as a citizen.

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@theclockworkvixen has been confirmed as a citizen.

@Tom has been confirmed as a citizen.

Citizenship Name: GioSivo
Resident nation: Pledonia
WA nation: Pledonia

By posting this application, I hereby ratify the Concordat of the East Pacific.

telegram sent to @GioSivo

@GioSivo is hereby confirmed as a citizen

Hey! I would just like to let any officials know that I am joining the ESPA. So Iā€™d appreciate it if you were to update my WA status on the roster,
(My nation is The Perplexed)

EPSA Commodor Altys confirms, editing roster to reflect as such.

Hi, I would like to notify the citizen officials that I am joined EPSA. Please update my WA status on the roster

Dear Citizen Office, Drem has confirmed my EPSA status, please reflect it in the roster thankye thankye

Resident nation: Chinesasia
WA nation: Chinesasia

By posting this application, I hereby ratify the Concordat of the East Pacific.

EPSA Commodore Altys confirms EPSA status for Sokala. Telegram also sent to Chinesasia.

Editing roster for Sokala and Lucklife

@schmerzencheese has been confirmed as a citizen.

@SiriusBlack8009 and @Libertanny you two are no longer part of EPSA. You must re-apply for WA citizenship before the end of February 9th - before voting for Delegate starts - or you will be stripped of your citizenship.

Resident nation: The East Ambis
WA nation: Gaynes and Rainbows

By posting this application, I hereby ratify the Concordat of the East Pacific.

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