[EMBASSY] The Labyrinth

This thread shall serve the purpose of Consulate between The Labyrinth and The East Pacific

note: The Labyrinth gained a Consulate on June 2020.

A new government has been appointed in The Labyrinth, following the general elections held from 13-15 June. We have a new WA Delegate, El Spana, and a number of new and reelected cabinet officers, as well as one reconfirmed Regional Council member.

Read the full results NationStates | Dispatch | June 2020 Labyrinth General Election Results

This is rather late, but here you go anyway! NationStates | Dispatch | The Labyrinth Times 2nd Edition 7/5/2020

Sorry for the delated response, but Thanks for the update! I liked the idea of a weather forecast in the regional map

dangit I forgot about this

Anyway, we’ve had a little less activity recently. We were quorum raided a few days ago (our Vice-Delegate was made delegate) so that was fun :stuck_out_tongue:  We’ve also joined TEP and other regions in ATOMIC for N-day, and had a few elections as well (NationStates | Dispatch | August 2020 Election Results), for Vice-Delegate and Regional Council seat 1.

We have joined the NationStates | URA, with some weirdo called Merni as our representative. We also had NationStates | Dispatch | King's Statement on Recent Events, 9/8/2020 (as is to be expected when you have a ton of teenagers in a region) and NationStates | Dispatch | September 2020 Election Results.

Once again a (very) late update!

We’ve had a handful of elections since September, with Swiftlandian Peoples Republic replacing Ashtie as our WA Delegate. Some reform of one of our government organs, the Regional Council, may also happen in the next few months, since it is inactive in its current state.

Hi all, sorry for the slight delay! I am the founder and King of the Labyrinth and will be ambassador to The East Pacific going forwards.

We recently posted our March newsletter. Future editions will be more comprehensive but this includes info on our regional revitalization efforts.

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Hi all, see below for our monthly foreign affairs report:

Labyrinth Monthly Foreign Affairs Report by Portugal is Great
Events, happenings, and interregional news:

With the revamping of The Labyrinth, a regional election was held to determine who would take over the non-Delegate positions within the region. Former Foreign Affairs Secretary, A Memer, decided to resign from their post, with Portugal Is Great taking over in the interim prior to the election. As a result of the regional elections, Portugal Is Great was elected to the position of Secretary of Foreign Affairs for the next term.

Changes have been made to points 4, 5, and 7 of The Labyrinth’s Embassy Policy, making the policy less restrictive and leaving the decision-making more to the members of the Foreign Affairs team.

Changes have been made to the Regions Exempt From The Labyrinth’s Embassy Policy, removing regions that have ceased to exist, been refounded, or been rebranded, as well as adding A Taco Archipelago and Luminosity.

Work on a Greek-themed Regional Roleplay and RP Map has begun. RP is open to all members of the Labyrinth and it’s embassy regions. If you’re interested, telegram Uber Automatic Luxury Cosmic Socialism and introduce yourself on our RMB (you can post from your own region), we’d love to have you!

The Minos Rakov Accords between The Labyrinth and our close friends Balugata has been signed, cementing a partnership between the two regions that has been coming for a long time. This partnership will continue to bring the regions closer together, strengthening both the security and community of both regions.

The first Monthly Foreign Affairs Report has been written (you’re reading it right now). We will continue to provide monthly updates on our regional affairs, as well as post updates on our embassy regions should they be provided to us.

Embassy openings and closings:

Embassies with both Atlantis and Yecyma were opened at end of February.

An embassy with Mindoorian Federation was opened shortly thereafter, being the third new embassy opening this month.

One of our longest standing embassies with 21st Century Rome was closed after some deliberation. With their region being left inactive after a period of regional turmoil, the Romans have rebranded as Saeculum Obscurum, leaving no reason for the formers embassy to remain open.

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