[DISCUSSION] Legislative Templates

I am also in favor of the preamble, short as it may be. It adds a level of flavor in our laws that, in my opinion, have already been stripped to the point of practicality.

Besides that, I also like the x.y. system, since it does make it easier to cite a specific clause. It’s just easier to write

The Danke Memes Act, Article 6.9

rather than

The Danke Memes Act, Article 6, Section (Clause?) 9

I’m in favor of the first one, as it provides a level of “zooming into” the specific law, from the Law, to the Article, to the clause, while also keeping things short and simple.

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7 posts were split to a new topic: [AMENDMENT] Formatting the Standard Date & Time Act

Here is a reformat of most of the Acts:

The remaining Acts are the Endorsement Caps Act, the Regional Officers Act, and the Citizenship Act which all have amendments at vote, the Pacificum Orientale Awards Act which will be replaced soon, and the Public Official Disclosure Act which will likely have its proposed amendment put to vote soon.


I motion to vote.



Vote: [OB-2023-55] Formatting Amendments Omnibus

I don’t believe we should have this type of formatting for Concordat Amendments, since this formatting is never used for them. Also, you may want to say “as defined by the SOM” in your definition of Bill; RN the definition is too vague.

Done, additionally clarified that the Provost must present a reformat of non-conforming Acts or the SOM to the Magisterium to avoid confusion about how the Provost can reformat.