Embassy of the Limboese Republic


Welcome to the Embassy of the Limboese Republic! [1]

The Limboese Republic, known colloquially as Limbo, is an island country located south of mainland Aurora, having the Azure Sea to the west, the Sea of Tranquility to the north and the Sempiternic Ocean to the south. It was founded on 04 December 1910 through the Treaty of Abaksi. Limbo has a population of ~ 8 million people (according to the 2022 census), out of which 32.6% are humans, 26.2% are orcs, 20.5% are cava, 18.1% are elves and 2.6% identify as other ethnicities. Our country has a total GDP of $246.06 billion.

The Limboese Republic is known by some as a safe haven in times of conflict and turmoil, as it has always kept a low profile and remained non-aligned throughout of it’s history. This status has contributed to the cultural diversity and uniqueness.

Since early 2000s, we have been part of the International Forum. We believe in diplomacy and wish to contribute to a better Urth, through cooperation, peace and solidarity.

At the moment being (January 2025), the current leaders of the Limboese Republic are:

  1. President: Hellen Portman (independent, since 10 July 2024);
  2. Prime Minister: Alex Orgonomik (LCU, since 30 November 2024);
  3. President of the Parliament of the Republic: Dochi Per (GP, since 26 November 2024).

Our nation has changed it’s foreign policy and now seeks to establish relations with other nations of Urth (with some conditions, of course). The embassy will remain open to all those who wish to negotiate with us regarding the following things:

  1. Establishment of diplomatic relations;
  2. Opening of embassies and/or consulates on the territory of the Limboese Republic;
  3. Cultural, economic, educational and/or social agreements;
  4. Visa policies;
  5. Agreements regarding the use of any port on the territory of the Limboese Republic;
  6. Special military agreements (SMAs);
  7. Participation in any Limboese international initiatives.

Our constitution does not allow membership in any military organization, though special military agreements can be put in place, as per Law 71/2005 (“Law of Military Neutrality in Case of Foreign Invasion”): “The Constitutional Court may annul Article 11, Title I (“Military neutrality”) of the Constitution only in exceptional cases. (…) The Limboese Republic, through the National Government, may create special military agreements (SMAs) in peacetime that will clearly specify that the other signatory party/parties will be able to deploy their armed forces on the territory of the country only in exceptional cases that are reported by the Ministry of National Defense through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the embassies subordinated to it. (…) Exceptional cases are considered: invasion or occupation of the territory under the administration of the State and its citizens.”

From a trade perspective, the Limboese Republic can offer the following things:

  1. Agriculture, horticulture and related matters;
  2. Heavy water, nuclear fuel and nuclear waste management services;
  3. Reforestation and ecosystem regeneration;
  4. Iron, marble and steel, as well as metallurgical services;
  5. The use of any of our ports.

In the case of economic agreements or SMAs, an independent commission will assess the sapient rights situation in your nation. We also ask the governments interested in any partnerships with the Limboese Republic to submit a report on this matter.

With all that said, we hope that our future together will be as bright as possible.

“Aequalitatem et solidarietatem.”

[1] https://tep.wiki/wiki/Limboese_Republic






To whom it may concern,

Greetings and Kon’nichiwa from the Royal Commonwealth of Shimajiro! We welcome you to the international community and would like to establish an official line of diplomatic relations between our two beautful nations.

We, as a nation, would like to request the following:

  1. Opening of a Shimanese embassy in your beautiful capital of Gercuktav, giving the city a direct link to Shimanese diplomacy and the City of Seikan.
  2. The establishment of a 45-day visa programme
  3. Diplomatic recognition and the official establishment of diplomatic communications
  4. Free Trade Agreement between our two nations.
  5. A non-aggression pact which sees our two nations pledge never to impede on one another and work together in harmony!

We cordially hope that these requests are suitable, but of course if they are denied, we still wish that relations between our two states remain cordial and friendly!

You can learn more about the Royal Commonwealth here.

Should you have any more questions, feel free to reach out or contact our international embassy in Seikan here.

Yours faithfully,
Shimajima yori aiwokomete,

Etsuko Kobayashi, Minister of Foreign Affairs
International Embassy of the Royal Commonwealth of Shimajiro
Seikan, Gurētāseikan, Shimajiro

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TO: Etsuko Kobayashi, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Royal Commonwealth of Shimajiro


The Limboese Republic, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Diplomacy, is grateful for your interest in a diplomatic agreement between our two states.

Your request has been analyzed by the institutions of the Limboese state, which together made a favorable decision on the offer received by the National Government through the International Embassy of the Limboese Republic.

By this document, we inform you that the Limboese Republic is committed to:

  1. recognizing and respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of your state;
  2. implementing a 45-day visa program for Shimanese citizens;
  3. signing a non-aggression pact with your state;
  4. signing a free trade agreement between our nations;
  5. providing space for an Shimanese embassy on Peace Boulevard, Historical Sector, City of Gercuktav, Tautav County;
  6. sending a Limboese ambassador to the City of Seikan.

We hope that relations between our two states will become close in the future.

Best regards,
Maria Tonova, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Diplomacy.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Diplomacy
Peace Boulevard, Historical Sector, City of Gercuktav, Tautav County

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TO: Maria Tonova
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Diplomacy
Limboese Republic

SUBJECT: Establishing of formal relations

Your Excellency,

In my capacity as the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Beirais, allow me to extend our nation’s warmest welcome to the International community.

In this spirit, I write to you to request an establishing of formal diplomatic relations between Beirais and Limbo, and an exchange of Embassies between our capital city of Angra and Gercuktav. If possible, we would also like to discuss travel agreements between both our nations.

Should you be open to either of these requests, my office will coordinate directly with yours. We cordially await your response.

Kind Regards,

Márcio Egas Moniz
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Republic of Beirais

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To: Márcio Egas Moniz, Minister of Foreign Affairs


We, the Limboese Republic and its people, thank you for the warm welcome and the interest in establishing diplomatic relations between our two states.

Diplomacy is a priority in the foreign policy of the Limboese Republic. Therefore, we announce that we accept the establishment of formal diplomatic relations with your state and that Limbo promises to:

  1. recognize and respect sovereignty and territorial integrity of Beirais;
  2. exchange of embassies between the cities of Angra and Gercuktav;
  3. donation of a building on Peace Boulevard, Historical Sector, Gercuktav City, Tautav County (“Embassy District”) for a Beiran embassy;
  4. negotiate and sign travel and trade agreements between our two states;
  5. sign a non-aggression pact.

We hope that the future will be a prosperous one for both our countries.

Best regards,
Maria Tonova , Minister of Foreign Affairs and Diplomacy.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Diplomacy
Peace Boulevard, Historical Sector, City of Gercuktav, Tautav County