Major Amendments/Rewrite of Concordat: Rough Draft I

I have finally finished a rough draft of fixing the Concordat.


Preamble: We, the gathered nations of The East Pacific, who desire a more prosperous and successful region, gather to establish this Concordat of the East Pacific.

Article A: Executive

Section 1A) This Concordat defines the Delegate of The East Pacific as the designated nation/person who holds the in-game position of WA Delegate.

Section 1B) This Concordat defines a Regional Officer of the East Pacific as an appointed member of TEP who holds special moderation powers over the in-game region.

Section 2) This Concordat invests executive authority in the incumbent, or currently-sitting, Delegate of the East Pacific and does appoint the Delegate the executor of this Concordat and any subsequent laws passed by the Magisterium.

Section 3) The Delegate of the East Pacific shall be a Citizen also within the World Assembly elected for a term of four months by a vote of the Citizens of the East Pacific. This Delegate may (re)run as many times as they want, and may serve as many times as they want.

Section 4) The Delegate or a properly-assigned Regional Officer of The East Pacific shall eject and/or banish member nations from the region, who have committed an offense of decent proportion or higher, or have been convicted/found guilty of an otherwise punishable offense by the Conclave, for a designated period of time.

Section 5) The Delegate shall represent The East Pacific to other regions and organizations as the head of state, for such things as the construction of embassies, and the negotiation of treaties.

Section 6) The Delegate shall nominate citizens to serve as Viziers, and Arbiters, as well as appoint Regional Officers. The Delegate may also appoint Ministers to perform any of the duties of the Delegate or to advise the Delegate.

Section 7) The Delegate of the East Pacific shall not serve concurrently; or at the same time; as a Magister, Arbiter, or Vizier.

Section 8) The Delegate of the East Pacific may order a Vizier to assume the Delegacy temporarily in order to provide for the security of the region. The Delegate may retake the Delegacy at any time after that point.

Section 9) An individual that has assumed the Delegacy through a means other than that provided for by this Concordat shall not be recognized by the government as Delegate.

Article B: Legislative

Section 1) This Concordat does hereby invest legislative authority in the Magisterium, which shall be the sole, or only, official legislature for the region.

Section 2) Citizens wishing to become Magisters  must follow the method prescribed in the standing orders of the Magisterium; which may be changed at any time.

Section 3) Magisters will elect among themselves a Provost, the head of the Magisterium, every three months, outlined in the Standing Orders. This process is to be orchestrated by the previous provost or a representative of said provost. The provost shall preside over the Magisterium’s meetings, represent it to the Executive and Judiciary, and keep a record of the laws of the East Pacific.

Section 4) A Magister may be removed by the Magisterium by any method outlined in the Standing Orders of the Magisterium; previously mentioned to be subject to change in Section 2 of this article.

Section 5) The Magisterium shall pass laws by majority vote (50% or more).

Section 6) The Delegate shall have the power to veto, or cancel, any law passed by the Magisterium. The Magisterium shall also have the power to override a veto by a 2/3 vote.

Section 8) If the Delegate does not veto a law passed by the Magisterium within seven days, it shall be enacted.

Section 9) The Magisterium may ratify by majority vote a declaration of war or treaty submitted by the Delegate.

Section 10) The Magisterium may appoint Arbiters nominated by the Delegate by majority vote, as well as Viziers (for a life term) nominated by the Delegate by a 2/3 vote.

Section 12) The Magisterium may remove an Arbiter by a 3/4 vote, or the Delegate or a Magister by a 2/3 vote for absence or high crimes. [2013 Am 1, §3]

Section 13) If the Delegate is removed, resigns, or leaves office by other means, the Magisterium shall then select a Vizier as Acting Delegate until a new election for Delegate has been held.

Section 14) A Magister may not serve concurrently (at the same time) as Delegate or Arbiter.

Section 15) The Magisterium shall meet in open (public) session except when it is agreed by majority vote that a closed (private) session is necessary.

Section 16) Each time a Magister votes, they must also explicitly supply their WA nation in the same post.

Article C: Judicial

Section 1) This Concordat does hereby invest judicial power in the Conclave, which shall be the sole interpreter of this Concordat and the judge and jury of indicted citizens.

Section 2) The Conclave shall be composed of four appointed Arbiters.

Section 3) An Arbiter shall not serve concurrently as a Magister or the Delegate.

Section 4) The Arbiters shall elect from amongst themselves for a term of six months a Viceroy, the head of the Conclave, who shall oversee the proceedings of the Conclave and administrate all elections in the East Pacific and represent the Conclave to the Magisterium and the Delegate.

Section 5) The Conclave may rule on the actions of the Delegate or laws passed by the Magisterium and nullify (discontinue) and prohibit (not allow) any which are contrary to this Concordat.

Section 6) The Conclave may judge the actions of any nation in the East Pacific for violation of this Concordat and punishable offenses according to the laws of the East Pacific and sentence those found guilty.

Section 7) Trials in the Conclave shall always be in open session.

Section 8) The Conclave may remove a Vizier by 2/3 vote or a Magister by majority vote for absence or high crimes.

Section 9) Arbiters are appointed for a six month term. Arbiters shall then retain/keep their seat after their term until a citizen is nominated to replace them. [2014 Am 1]

Section 10) An Arbiter may be reappointed when their term ends. There is no limit on the number of terms an Arbiter may serve.

Section 11) In the court proceedings of the Conclave concerning final decisions, the total number of votes cast may not exceed 3. The Standing Orders of the Conclave shall determine which of the four Arbiters shall cast these votes in any circumstance, each of whom may only cast one vote.

Article D: Viziers

Section 1) This Concordat does hereby invest the power of regional defense to the Viziers.

Section 2) The Viziers shall be put in charge of removing from power any Delegate removed by the Magisterium or any individual that has illegally seized the Delegacy.

Section 3) The Viziers may temporarily remove the Delegate if the majority of Viziers believe beyond a reasonable doubt that the Delegate has acted to destroy this Concordat. This temporary removal must be confirmed within 72 hours (3 days) by a 2/3 vote of the Magisterium or a decision by the Conclave. If the temporary removal by the Viziers is not confirmed, the delegate must be reinstated. If the temporary removal is confirmed, the Magisterium shall determine if the removal is permanent as required by Article B, Section 12. If the Magisterium does not remove the delegate, the delegate shall be reinstated.

Section 4) Upon confirmation of a temporary removal under Article D, Section 3, the Vizier which replaces the Delegate shall become Acting Delegate for the remainder of the temporary removal, or until another Vizier is chosen as Acting Delegate by the Magsiterium.

Article E: Citizenship

Section 1) A Citizen of the East Pacific is a resident of the East Pacific that has ratified this Concordat and has fulfilled any additional requirements for naturalization as may be codified into law.

Section 2) Residents that are denied Citizenship may make an appeal to the Conclave.

Section 3) The Magisterium may, by majority vote, define additional requirements for obtaining Citizenship within the East Pacific.

Section 4) Without effect of Section 1, the Magisterium may by majority vote grant honorable Citizenship to any individual, and that individual shall be considered a Citizen thereafter. The Magisterium may by three-fourths majority vote revoke honorable Citizenship from a holder of honorable Citizenship. Revocation of honorable Citizenship does not infringe on the rights and abilities of the individual to acquire Citizenship under Section 1.

Article F: Rights of Residents and Citizens

Section 1) Each nation shall have the right to free speech and the government shall take no action to limit this except when a nation is determined by the Conclave to be acting deliberately to cause a public nuisance.

Section 2) Each and every nation shall have the power to make such alliances as it sees fit, so long as these alliances do not act against the East Pacific, nor violate this Concordat.

Section 3) Each citizen shall have the right to a swift and impartial trial by the Conclave if action is taken against them by the regional authorities.

Section 4) No nation shall be tried twice for the same offense.

Section 5) No nation shall be forced to incriminate itself.

Section 6) Each nation shall have the right to legal counsel in a trial before the Conclave.

Section 7) Each nation may enter and leave the region freely, unless that nation is convicted of a crime by the Conclave. Citizens shall upon leaving the region surrender any governmental roles outlined in this Concordat and unless granted honorable citizenship may not hold such roles until they return.

Section 8) Each citizen shall be free to serve in any office in the East Pacific but no nation shall be granted a title of nobility by the government of the East Pacific, nor will such titles granted outside the East Pacific be favored above that of Citizen of the East Pacific.

Section 9) All rights not in this Concordat described or reserved to the government shall remain in the hands of the individual nations.

Article G: Enactment and Amendment

Section 1) This Concordat shall take effect following a simple majority ratification vote of nations of The East Pacific publicly on the offsite forums, to be overseen by the Elders.

Section 2) The East Pacific Elders shall oversee the first elections for Delegate and Magisterium following the successful completion of the ratification process. This voting shall take place publicly on the offsite forums. The Elders shall cease to function thereafter.

Section 3) The Magisterium shall have the authority to propose an amendment to this Concordat by a 2/3 vote; such an amendment must receive the support of 3/4 of those Citizens voting in a referendum administered by the Conclave.

Section 4) Any changes made to the Concordat shall result in a new citizenship topic started with the amended Concordat in it. The former citizenship thread will be linked in the first post of the new one.


This edit may still have quite a few flaws, but it’s better than what’s currently in place. This draft was made primarily to patch up a lot of vagancies.

Say what you need to say about it; I will probably be making several drafts.


  1. This was kinda rushed; but I dunno. Again, I may be making several drafts.

  2. Fedele has begun restoring the Regional Officers one-by-one.

  3. In response to NSToday - “Whether this is indicative of a desire to exploit the current tumultuous period for legislative gain” I’m not attempting to exploit. I’m trying to fix the cracks left in the Concordat, and whatever the heck Fedele’s done his entire term… which I would rather not talk about this outside of any requested interviews. Thanks.

  4. Coca-Cola was my ally in me overall getting this done.

  5. I will account for the latest bill/amendment regarding residents’ rights… if I haven’t indirectly done so already.

A first glance at this reveals a whole lot of wording changes that don’t actually improve the text, and in some cases make it read more poorly, in my opinion. I’m not so sure about some of the practical changes, either. Is there a reason to lower the Magisterium’s veto override threshold, or to shorten the length of time during which a delegate may veto an act of the Magisterium? Most concerning is your new Section A(4), which discards the previous, concrete standard of “committed a summary offense or have been convicted of an indictable offense by the Conclave” with “committed an offense of decent proportion or higher, or have been convicted/found guilty of an otherwise punishable offense by the Conclave”. This terminology would permit a delegate to summarily eject/ban anyone for anything they deemed an “offense of decent proportion”. How is this anything other than a dangerous alteration to what currently are rather clearly demarcated powers of ejection and banishment?

— Begin quote from ____

A first glance at this reveals a whole lot of wording changes that don’t actually improve the text, and in some cases make it read more poorly, in my opinion. I’m not so sure about some of the practical changes, either. Is there a reason to lower the Magisterium’s veto override threshold, or to shorten the length of time during which a delegate may veto an act of the Magisterium? Most concerning is your new Section A(4), which discards the previous, concrete standard of “committed a summary offense or have been convicted of an indictable offense by the Conclave” with “committed an offense of decent proportion or higher, or have been convicted/found guilty of an otherwise punishable offense by the Conclave”. This terminology would permit a delegate to summarily eject/ban anyone for anything they deemed an “offense of decent proportion”. How is this anything other than a dangerous alteration to what currently are rather clearly demarcated powers of ejection and banishment?

— End quote

just making sure there are no vagancies, but I’ll make sure to completely undo my changes

back to square one

— Begin quote from ____


  1. This was kinda rushed; but I dunno. Again, I may be making several drafts.

  2. Fedele has begun restoring the Regional Officers one-by-one.

  3. In response to NSToday - “Whether this is indicative of a desire to exploit the current tumultuous period for legislative gain” I’m not attempting to exploit. I’m trying to fix the cracks left in the Concordat, and whatever the heck Fedele’s done his entire term… which I would rather not talk about this outside of any requested interviews. Thanks.

  4. Coca-Cola was my ally in me overall getting this done.

  5. I will account for the latest bill/amendment regarding residents’ rights… if I haven’t indirectly done so already.

— End quote

  1. For starters how we work on drafts is to show what was removed and what was added.
  2. Executive propaganda. He restored a Vizier without border controls.
  3. That stuff is bad for you.
  4. I’m glad. I would suggest looking at past discussions on how we draft and also look at the current and past laws to get an understanding of the legal system. The Conclave also has a nice collection of things to help you also.

— Begin quote from ____

— Begin quote from ____


  1. This was kinda rushed; but I dunno. Again, I may be making several drafts.

— End quote

  1. Fedele has begun restoring the Regional Officers one-by-one.

  2. In response to NSToday - “Whether this is indicative of a desire to exploit the current tumultuous period for legislative gain” I’m not attempting to exploit. I’m trying to fix the cracks left in the Concordat, and whatever the heck Fedele’s done his entire term… which I would rather not talk about this outside of any requested interviews. Thanks.

  3. Coca-Cola was my ally in me overall getting this done.

  4. I will account for the latest bill/amendment regarding residents’ rights… if I haven’t indirectly done so already.

  1. For starters how we work on drafts is to show what was removed and what was added.
  2. Executive propaganda. He restored a Vizier without border controls.
  3. That stuff is bad for you.
  4. I’m glad. I would suggest looking at past discussions on how we draft and also look at the current and past laws to get an understanding of the legal system. The Conclave also has a nice collection of things to help you also.

— End quote

I really cannot get this done by myself though, I’m gonna need some help, but I have no idea where to look.

— Begin quote from ____

— Begin quote from ____

— Begin quote from ____


  1. This was kinda rushed; but I dunno. Again, I may be making several drafts.

— End quote

— End quote

  1. Fedele has begun restoring the Regional Officers one-by-one.

  2. In response to NSToday - “Whether this is indicative of a desire to exploit the current tumultuous period for legislative gain” I’m not attempting to exploit. I’m trying to fix the cracks left in the Concordat, and whatever the heck Fedele’s done his entire term… which I would rather not talk about this outside of any requested interviews. Thanks.

  3. Coca-Cola was my ally in me overall getting this done.

  4. I will account for the latest bill/amendment regarding residents’ rights… if I haven’t indirectly done so already.

  1. For starters how we work on drafts is to show what was removed and what was added.
  2. Executive propaganda. He restored a Vizier without border controls.
  3. That stuff is bad for you.
  4. I’m glad. I would suggest looking at past discussions on how we draft and also look at the current and past laws to get an understanding of the legal system. The Conclave also has a nice collection of things to help you also.

I really cannot get this done by myself though, I’m gonna need some help, but I have no idea where to look.

— End quote

Where you can look is everywhere and everything located within the Magisterium forum and subforums. We do have a resolution that covers legislative procedure.

A true rewrite of the Concordat can’t be done. What the Magisterium can do is amend or add complimentary laws.