Make TEP Gay Again June 2024

since you asked me to ask questions when i offered

  1. Is there a time wherein you envision running for Delegate again seriously? If so, why?

  2. What have you been generally doing in TEP’s Executive in the last term?

  3. As OO of EPSA, what have you been doing in regards to running EPSA? If you’re selected as OO again by the next Delegate, what plans do you have to improve EPSA’s activity? If you ever run as Delegate again in the near future, do you think you’d directly run EPSA or let it run hands-off by an OO you choose?

  4. If you ever did run for Delegate again but held foreign positions in other regions, would you drop all your foreign positions if elected? Would you do so only if explicit conditions you set for yourself are met - if so, what?

  5. Do you have any general ideas you’d think would benefit if the Executive implemented them? What about ideas specific to EPSA, Culture, News, FA, Outreach, UTEP, WAA?

  6. What do you see as TEP’s greatest strength as a region at present?

  7. What is an important general thing TEP can improve on, in your opinion, as a region at present?

  8. How would you handle an underperforming Minister? What if that Minister, after initial intervention, refuses to improve? What if the Minister wishes to improve, but they can’t due to general burn out even after multiple interventions?

  9. How would you handle a Minister position that no one seems to want to fill?

  10. What qualities are you generally looking for in a Minister, if you were elected Delegate?

  11. As Delegate, would you have any plans to encourage interactions with Forum RP? If so, what are they? What about RMB RP?

  12. How would you decide your vote in the WA as Delegate? How would the general FA climate affect your decision (i.e. a treaty ally’s delegate is up for a commend, but they didn’t reach out to us for a vote).

  13. Say a treatied ally came to you asking for your WA vote one way or another in the SC - how would that influence your WA vote? What about the GA?

  14. Do you think our foreign affairs are in need of cleaning up? If so, what would this “clean up” entail?

  15. If you were elected Delegate right now, you’d have to resign as Arbiter. What would you be looking for in an Arbtier nominee that would replace you?

  16. Do you believe that a treaty means TEP should act in ways that go above and beyond the strict treaty text when interacting with said ally or at the ally’s request? Or do you believe that TEP is not obligated to perform actions it would otherwise avoid performing, if a treatied ally is asking for such actions to be done?

  17. UTEP has seen a radical change since four years ago, given that its now a public respiratory of knowledge than a debate space or even before Wondress/Sammy, a classroom with lessons and certificates. Which version of UTEP do you think UTEP should undertake, and why?

  18. As Delegate, is there any legislative bills or motions you would want to get passed?

  19. If it became necessary to nominate more Viziers, what would you seek in a Vizier nominee? Do you believe we need more Viziers at present?

  20. Say a treatied ally breaks a treaty but denies doing so. What would be your next steps?

  21. If our relationship with an embassy or treatied ally becomes strained, would you entertain having a candid conversation with said region’s leadership on relations, or would you decide to simply close down relations without a final conversation (assuming FA-IC agrees with your actions).

  22. How often would you check up on your Ministers? Would you say you’d be a more hands-on, micromanaging Delegate or a more hands-off, aloof Delegate?

  23. Say a FA situation arises that requires a quick response - maybe only 12 hours - and say that isn’t enough time for most of the FA-IC to state their opinion. What would you do in terms of making an FA decision?

  24. If you are elected Delegate again at some point, do you have plans on gathering feedback over your term? If so, what are they?

  25. How often do you plan to release updates on the Executive’s general happenings?

  26. How often do you plan on giving out awards per Delegate term?

  27. What is the role of a Deputy Minister, generally speaking, under a Minister? Are Deputy Ministers even nessecary?

  28. Would you have a Vice-Delegate? If so, what roles/responsibilities would you give that VD? What qualities and qualifications would you look for in a VD?

  29. Would you make any changes to the Executive’s present structure? If so, what are they?

  30. In what ways do you think TEP can improve its endorsement culture? How would you spreahead improving endorsement culture as Delegate?