Map Claims (old)

My application for a spot:
Name-Respublika Bielarus
Location: We would prefer to be on the same place as Xiopothos just on the complete opposite side of the island.
Size: same as the real Belarus 80,155 sq. mi.
Important info: Conservative Democracy, built on the principles of Christianity. 2 houses of Parliament, a Presidency, and Prime Minister, along with the cabinet of ministers.

My application for a spot:
Name: Republic of Ehirsaa
Location: South Western Continent. Far Western Coastline. Center Coastal Area Of Continent.
Size: 163,696 mi²
Important info: A Republic where the people truly have the say. Not conservative but not liberal either. A nice blend of the two. Civil Rights have been sacrificed for a better economy as well as political freedoms. And though sacrificed, civil rights are still considered important. As such, legal proceedings are extremely regulated and the defendant is truly considered innocent till proven guilty. Church & State are separated and religion has no funding of any kind from the government nor does it have any form on any currency or government property.

Name: Graustarks
Location: [spoiler][/spoiler]
Important RP (tell us a bit about your nation!): The Dictatorship of Graustarks is a medium sized, orderly nation ruled by a mostly-benevolent dictator, who grants the populace the freedom to live their own lives but watches carefully for anyone to slip up.

Spot Application

Name: Stanley Kubrick
Location: (Halvii is just there for reference) I would like my nation to be in the same square as Halvii, going a little over into the square above. I would also like those little islands on the far left on the image.

Important RP: The Empire of Stanley Kubrick is a tiny, safe nation, remarkable for its compulsory military service, irreverence towards religion, and suspicion of poets. The hard-working population of 18 million Stanley Kubrickians have some civil rights, but not too many, enjoy the freedom to spend their money however they like, to a point, and take part in free and open elections, although not too often.

Hey all, your map requests are being processed. In the meantime, how about starting up some roleplays or joining some current ones? We are pretty easy-going and enjoy roleplayers that are bold!

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Hey all, your map requests are being processed. In the meantime, how about starting up some roleplays or joining some current ones? We are pretty easy-going and enjoy roleplayers that are bold!

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You might want to remove me because I don’t consider myself experienced enough at roleplay or politics, So I probably will not do anything with it.

Hey guys, been busy with work and school lately, but I will be going through the requests tonight and updating the map tonight/tomorrow night. Thank you for your patience, and feel free to get involved!

Alright, map has been updated. I didn’t add you in GamCal because you said you wanted to be taken off, let me know if you ever want to be put on. Aden Ragera, I cut back your claim substantially due to your still relative “newness” as what you claimed would immediately put you at the third largest nation. I hope what I did give you is acceptable, and if you have any questions or concerns (goes for everyone placed on the map), let me know.

Can’t complain… You forgot my cities though, it’s fine, just add the capital (Mèrcer) somewhere down the center (near the middle lake) and we are done

Im not trying to complain and I understand that your schedule is very full but Ive waited about 2 months for my claim on the TEP map, and the great ahem fair Absolute Monarch of New Romastia needs its power to cough restore what it was before “The Great 15 Year War.” Glory to Romastia. Long live the King!

Hey Zach! When you get the time, could you change the name from Rhodesia to the Veridian Empire? Also, Genosha is now fully annexed/part of the Empire.

Here is a wiki on the recent nation. I only have the infobox, more will be added. The economic data will have to be looked over when FPS comes on.

I wrote this 2 months ago, and I don’t know why it didn’t appear on this thread, so I’m quoting it.

— Begin quote from ____

Hello, my nation is the Cooperative Commonwealth of New Leganes, and as it has some importance (population, medals…) I think now is the best moment to ubicate this nation in TEP map. Here is a description from my factbook you can use to draw it, but if you need changes, I don’t care.

New Leganes is located on the centre of the East Pacific. It is an archipelago made of 510 islands, 4 of then much bigger than the others, and an atoll. These are Forndinge, on the northwest; Rhundinge, to the northeast; Rhunstell, by the southeast; the archipelago of Fornstell, an atoll formed by a volcanic eruption that immersed the original island, by the southwest; and Taurillien, where the capital of New Leganes is placed, to the south.

On the centre of the New Leganes archipelago there are 463 small islands that are a famous touristic landmark for workers and old people.

Forndinge is the biggest island of New Leganes.

Privetia Taurillien expands gaining the sea, what makes Taurillien the real biggest island of New Leganes.


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I wrote this 2 months ago, and I don’t know why it didn’t appear on this thread, so I’m quoting it.

— Begin quote from ____

Hello, my nation is the Cooperative Commonwealth of New Leganes, and as it has some importance (population, medals…) I think now is the best moment to ubicate this nation in TEP map. Here is a description from my factbook you can use to draw it, but if you need changes, I don’t care.

New Leganes is located on the centre of the East Pacific. It is an archipelago made of 510 islands, 4 of then much bigger than the others, and an atoll. These are Forndinge, on the northwest; Rhundinge, to the northeast; Rhunstell, by the southeast; the archipelago of Fornstell, an atoll formed by a volcanic eruption that immersed the original island, by the southwest; and Taurillien, where the capital of New Leganes is placed, to the south.

On the centre of the New Leganes archipelago there are 463 small islands that are a famous touristic landmark for workers and old people.

Forndinge is the biggest island of New Leganes.

Privetia Taurillien expands gaining the sea, what makes Taurillien the real biggest island of New Leganes.


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Yeah, that tends to happen. Please forgive Southern Yugoslavia, he’s been pretty busy slash slammed. Dealing with work, being an apprentice, and school. When he has the time, he will gladly mark you on the map. :slight_smile:

Ok, don’t worry, I’m also a student and I know he must be very busy :wink:

Nation Name: Musfiqistan
Important Roleplay: The Islamic Republic of Musfiqistan is a large chain of islands similar to Indonesia. The people the are very patriotic, and fervent Muslims. The country is republic, but it is also heavily conservative and authoritarian.

If you need more I will add it.

The Democratic, and strong-willed people of The Allied States of Woodbank are kind and benevolent, but a true force of nature if threatened. We collectively wish to stake claim to the uninhabited area below “The 7th,” as well as a piece of land to the NW on the shore. (We are planning a great, man-made bridge, the likes of which are unprecedented.)

Thank you for your consideration.

Name : Propwash
Location :
Important RPm : Propwash is founded on blood,Now Propwash is land of the free,anyone can be anything! (except criminal!)

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Name : Propwash
Location :
Important RPm : Propwash is founded on blood,Now Propwash is land of the free,anyone can be anything! (except criminal!)

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More Neighbors!

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Name : Propwash
Location :

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Important RPm : Propwash is founded on blood,Now Propwash is land of the free,anyone can be anything! (except criminal!)
More Neighbors!

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Congrats! Now hopefully the Pax don’t decide to assimilate you. :stuck_out_tongue:

Name: Hausberg

That’s the general area I’d like to claim for my nation but if that’s too much land area then just tell me so I can change the borders.

Info about Hausberg: The Federation of Hausberg is a democratic union between several distinct provinces that is governed by a central republic at its capital. It is a very politically libertarian nation that relies heavily on the private industry. Free speech and the right to a fair chance to pursue one’s goals in life are important values throughout Hausberg. The nation has a fairly large wealth gap between the rich and the poor, but the gap is being closed over time through natural market forces. Despite the relatively low restrictions on business, Hausberg has been able to rein in some control over corporations through its large spending in its law and order departments. The people and government of Hausberg hope to one day make the federation into a the dominant economic power in the world through its powerful corporate enterprises.