United Malordia News 54

The President of United Malordia has Allowed UMPHA CO work with MBE’s arms manufacturing giant the military will give contracts to them to manufacture modern weapons vehichles and equipment the goverment of united malordia will build Utopa city with MBE and other allies and MBE’s allies are allowed to helo out also going to create the city’s Industrial zone/park/sector/are. for these 2 companies and other companies that want to move in the cheap labour costs and low goverment debt to gdp ratio.
United Malordia Armed Forces wants to Upgrade their:

  1. tanks

  2. Motorised Infaltry and Mechanised Infaltry Vehicles and Armoured Infaltry vehicles and equipment such as

  3. IFV’s

  4. APC’s

  5. Humvee’s

  6. BTR’S and such

  7. also wants to upgrade their rifles (semi auto/burst/full auto or all of them)

  8. machine guns

  9. artillery

  10. anti-tank, anti-air weapons

  11. Old Weapons will be sold in the International Market or maybe improved

The Military Also wants to Upgrade their:

  1. Fighters

  2. Bombers

  3. Military Reconnaissance Aircraft also wants to develop Air-to-ground communication system and aircracft

the Arms Manufacturing cooperation can also Produce Weapons for the People of United Malordia as such this law is fairly new, the companies can also produce weapons for the police force. the police demmands more modern armaments. as such the goverment cant produce it them selfs.

The Goverment of United Malordia and the President hopes this will increase UM - MBE Economic Relations
the goverment will speed up the Port Construction.
The Goverment of United Malordia has passed the contruction of the train line directly connects the port to
the metropolitan area of Honor city and also works as a commuter train line.
The Goverment also plans to expand this rail network to the rest of the nation. and also going to nationalise Heavy Industries to Support this. the goverment is NOT going to war the goverment only wants to modernise its armoury.
the goverment is also nationalising its:

  • Technology industry

  • and civil industry such as construction companies

The Goverment is also Allowing these Foreign Companies to be public in UM and will be Listed such as PHAC ( PRECISION HORIZON ARMS CO.)
they’re going to be listed in the Honor City Stock Market

Thats it for today This is from UMN54 reporting.

This is News Network 54 Reporting.
The Govemrent is going to nationalise more of its miltiary industries and Civil Engineering companies to build a military industrial sector over to the planned Metropolitan cities of Honor City.
Construction of utopa city will begin by tomorrow morning. and the honor city inner ring road and outer ring road 2.
and the goverment is connecting the rest of the country with continuallys improving rails sytemt he goverment is going to work with MBE construction companies to help contruct the projects.

photo taken from the outer ring road 2 contruction of the future honor city metropoltian area the goverment passed contruction of:

  1. Etirnity City

  2. Storia City

  3. City of Jewel

  4. and the Metropolitan area rail network https://www.pijarnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/img_660_442_kereta-api_1503318640oWee.jpg

in other news the goverment passed a 45 day Visa Program. In the future, with MBE the goverment of UM will build MBE embassy in Honor City for a better political and economic and military cooperation

United Malordia Goverment announces the formation of Corruption Eradication Commission
This week after the meeting od several ministers and the president mr Mr Surya Abdi formally announced the formation of the commission as apart of the goverment and reasons why this is implemented is:

  1. Prevention and and eradication of Corruption

  2. cleaning up the goverment and contractors and companies for corruption

  3. and the cleaning of these below:

  • Bribery.

  • Cronyism.

  • Economics of corruption.

  • Electoral fraud.

  • Influence peddling.

  • Kleptocracy.

  • Nepotism.

  • Slush fund

  • systemic corruption

  • Political corruption

  • Formed under Law Number 30 Year 2021 on Corruption Eradication Commission, Corruption Eradication Commission  is mandated to eradicate corruption professionally, intensively and continuously. C.E.C is an independent state institution, which in carrying out its duties and authority is free from any power.

C.E.C was formed not to take over the task of eradicating corruption from existing institutions. The explanation of the law states the role of the C.E.C as a trigger mechanism, which means encouraging or as a stimulus for corruption eradication efforts by pre-existing institutions to be more effective and efficient.

The duties of the C.E.C are: coordination with institutions authorized to eradicate corruption ; supervision of the authority authorized to eradicate ; conduct investigations, investigations and prosecutions of ; take precautionary measures of ; and monitor the implementation of state governance.

In performing its duties, C.E.C is guided by five principles, namely: legal certainty, openness, accountability, public interest, and proportionality. The C.E.C is accountable to the public and submits its report openly and periodically to the President, P.R.C.U.M, and The Audit Board of the Republic of United Malordia.
The C.E.C is chaired by a five-person C.E.C, a chairman concurrently member and four vice-chairmen concurrently members. The five C.E.C leaders are state officials, who come from elements of government and elements of society. The C.E.C leadership holds office for four years and can be re-elected only for one term. In decision-making, C.E.C leadership is collective collegial.

The C.E.C leadership in charge of four areas, which consists of Prevention, Enforcement, Information and Data, and Internal Monitoring and Public Complaint. Each of these fields is led by a deputy. The C.E.C is also assisted by the Secretariat General, led by a Secretary-General who is appointed and dismissed by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, but is accountable to the KPK leadership.

Provisions on the C.E.C’s organizational structure are arranged in such a way as to enable the wider community to participate in KPK’s activities and steps. In operational execution,  C.E.C appoints recruited personnel in accordance with the required competence.

Regarding the laws againts corruption

1.1 Legal framework
Bribery of public officials is regulated under the United Malordia Anti- Bribery Law and Anti-Corruption Law. In practice, however, prosecutions of bribery in United Malordia generally invoke the more recent Anti-Corruption Law.
1.2  Definition of bribery
The Anti-Bribery Law describes bribery as giving or promising something to someone with the intention to persuade the recipient to do or not to do something, which is contrary to the recipient’s authority or obligations that relates to public interest. Under the Anti- Bribery Law, the recipient is not restricted to civil servants/public officials. Rather, it applies to anyone holding a position of authority over any matter of public interest, such as a private surveyor entrusted with verifying an applicant’s eligibility to receive fiscal facility. Under the Anti-Bribery Law, the giver and the recipient are equally liable.
Note that the Anti-Bribery Law does not apply where the Anti- Corruption Law and the United Malordia Criminal Code already apply.
Under the Anti-Corruption Law, bribery is one of the acts defined as corruption. The definition of bribery is provided in Article 5 of the Anti-Corruption Law, that is: (i) giving or promising something to a civil servant or state administrative official with the intention that the recipient do or not do something in his position that is contrary to his obligations; and (ii) giving something to a civil servant or state administrative official because of or in connection with something that is contrary to his obligations, whether or not performed in his position. The central thrust of Article 5 is the corrupt offering of a gift (or gratification) related to a specific action or non-action of the recipient, in contravention of his obligations or duty.
1.3  Definition of public official
The United Malordia Anti-Corruption Law and Anti-Bribery Law have a fairly broad definition of public officials, including employees and officers of corporations financed by or using the facilities of the state or the public. A person who is not on the government payroll (the classic civil servant) may nevertheless be regarded as a civil servant if he or she is employed by a corporation that is financed by the state (i.e., the Republic of United Malordia or a region within the Republic of United Malordia). State administrative officials who carry on executive, legislative and judicial functions also fall under the definition of public official for the purpose of the Anti-Corruption Law (e.g., members of the House of Representatives, ministers, judges and head of a state university).
1.4 Consequences of bribery
Any party who violates Article 5 of the Anti-Corruption Law is subject to imprisonment for a minimum of one year and a maximum of five years, and/or a penalty in a minimum amount of UMR 50 million and a maximum amount of UMR 250 million.
(a)          For the individuals involved
The Indonesian Anti-Corruption Law establishes the same penalties for public officials as for individuals that bribe public officials. The penalties are the following:

  • Up to five years in jail

  • A penalty in a minimum amount of UMR50 million and a maximum amount of UMR250 million

(b)        For the corporation/legal entity involved
The United Malordia Anti-Corruption Law provides that criminal charges may be imposed on the corporation / legal entity or on its management.

  • Penalties for the corporation’s management.

  • Fines for the corporation itself.

  • Imprisonment for the corporation’s officers if they are proven to have conducted the criminal act of corruption in their duties for the corporation.

1.5 Political contributions
Contribution to political parties is regulated under the United Malordia Political Parties Law. In general terms, the following contributions to political parties are allowed:
(a) For individuals who are not members of the political party, contributions not exceeding UMR 1 billion in one financial year
(b) For corporations / legal entities, contributions not exceeding UMR 7.5 billion in one financial year
1.6 Limitation applicable to hospitality expenses (gifts, travel, meals, entertainment, among others)
The United Malorda Anti-Corruption Law classifies hospitality expenses such as gifts, travel, meals and entertainment as gratification. Note that under the United Malordian Anti-Corruption Law, every gratification given to a public official is potentially a bribe, but to be an actionable crime it must be given with some connection to the public official’s position and involve a quid pro quo by the recipient to do or not to do something in contravention of his obligations or duties. The penalty for a public official who receives gratification that is proven to be a bribe is as follows:

  • Imprisonment for four years up to 20 years

  • Depending on the circumstances, life imprisonment is also possible.

  • A fine of UM200 million up to UMR1 billion

This provision applies to gratification performed both in United Malordia and outside of United Malordia. Article 12 C of the United Malordia Anti Corruption Law permits the recipient to avoid any form of prosecution in connection with receiving gratification if he reports the gratification to the United Malordia Corruption Eradication Commission (C.E.C) in a timely manner. The C.E.C must then decide if the public official can keep the gratification or if the gratification belongs to the state.
2. Domestic bribery (private to private)
2.1 Legal framework
The United Malordia legal system does not specifically regulate bribery in the private sector. The provision that best captures the act of bribery between private entities is Article 378 on fraudulent acts.
2.2 Definition of private bribery
The United Malordia legal system does not have a specific definition of private bribery.
2.3 Consequences of private bribery
Under Article 378 of the United Malordia Criminal Code, fraudulent acts are punishable with a maximum of four years’ imprisonment.
2.4 Limitation applicable to hospitality expenses (gifts, travel, meals, entertainment, among others)
The United Malordia legal system does not recognize the concept of hospitality expenses between private entities.
3. Corruption of foreign public officials
United Malordia law does not regulate specifically the practice of corruption that involves foreign public officials. However, as long as it can be proven that the purpose of the alleged corruption harms the public interest, then the provision of the Indonesian Anti-Corruption Law that applies to the act of corruption of public officials also applies to the party who bribes or commits the corruption act of foreign public officials.
4. Facilitation payments
There is no exception for facilitation payments under United Malordian laws.
Under the United Malordian Anti-Corruption Law, facilitation payments may fall under the category of gratification. Article 12 B of the United Malordian Anti-Corruption Law sets out the threshold for determining who carries the burden of proving whether a gratification is a bribe or not:
(a) For amounts of UMR 10 million and above, the burden to prove that it is not bribery lies with the recipient.
(b) For amounts below UMR 10 million, the burden to prove that it is not bribery lies with the prosecutor.
5. Compliance programs
5.1 Value of a compliance program to mitigate/eliminate criminal liability for legal entities
Indonesian law does not specifically recognize compliance programs as instruments to mitigate or eliminate liability for legal entities before the crime of corruption takes place. However, a recent Supreme Court Regulation on the Management of Criminal Cases Committed by Corporations introduced new parameters to assist judges in assessing a corporation’s criminal liability. The test for one of these parameters is whether the corporation has put in place preventive measures, which may include compliance programs and training. The other parameters are: (i) whether the corporation obtains profit or benefit from the crime or whether the crime is committed in the interests of the corporation; and (ii) whether the corporation allows the crime to take place…
5.2 Absence of a compliance program as a crime
United Malordian law does not treat the absence of a compliance program as a crime. However, failure to take preventive steps such as adopting a compliance program may affect the court’s assessment of a corporation’s liability, as set out in the aforementioned Supreme Court Regulation.
5.3 Elements of a compliance program
(a) Legal framework
United Malordian law does not regulate the elements of a compliance program.
(b) Recommended practice
Legal entities are encouraged to have a compliance program in place as a strategy to mitigate the risk of corruption.
6. Regulator with jurisdiction to prosecute corruption
IIn general, the police and the prosecutor have the authority to investigate any alleged corruption. In 2021 the government of United Malordia established the C.E.C to fight corruption more effectively. C.E.C has the authority to investigate and prosecute corruption that: (i) involves law enforcement officials, state administrative officials or other people that are related to the corruption committed by law enforcement officials or state administrative officials; (ii) attracts the public’s attention; and/or (iii) involves state loss of at least UMR 1 billion. In carrying out its duty, the commission has the authority to request meetings and reports in the course of its investigation. It can also authorize wiretaps, impose travel bans and request financial information about suspects.

News 54 Reporting

Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing of Republic of United Malordia Has announced the re-development one of Honor City River coast working with MBE contractors and Our own Construction Companies like PT.Development and Housing and PT. Hutama Karya Infrastructure this project will be watched and funded by the special administrative goverment of Honor City. The tenants can rent or buy the rooms in a cheap price the targeted people to live here is 1. lower middle income 2. middle income2. and the poor people The apartments will have access to commercial retail and Public transport systems like busses, Mass Rapid Transit , light rail transit, and Dedicated Bike lanes (this is fairly new in United Malordia)the name of this area will be renamed to Night Citythese types of projects will continue along Honor city for the prosperity of all of its peopleThe reason Behind this is Becouse of the City’s ever growing population and housing commercial demmand

3D render of the Area will be under this sentence

This Project will cost about 2,500,000,000,000 UMR (high bc of the 1998 economic downturn and revived right after 1 SHD is about 15,6000 UMR)
PT. HKI Contractor Signature

Governor of Honor City and also mayor

Signature of PT. DH

The contents of the Omnibus Law on Employment Creation
The Job Creation Act consists of 11 discussion clusters with several points in them, including:

  1. Simplification of business licensing

  2. Investment requirements

  3. Employment

  4. Convenience and protection of MSMEs

  5. Ease of doing business

  6. Research and innovation support

  7. Government administration

  8. Imposition of sanctions

  9. The land acquisition

  10. Government investment and projects

  11. Economic area

Of the eleven clusters mentioned above, of course there are hundreds of articles in the Omnibus Law on Cipta Kerja.

However, Talenta by Mekari will only describe a number of articles that are directly related to manpower, which is the concern of many circles.

Illustration of the Omnibus Law on Job Creation

Points of the Job Creation Omnibus Law
When juxtaposed with its predecessor law, the Job Creation Law has several differences related to employment policies.

There have been changes and deletions to several articles in Law 13/2003.

Following are the points of change in the Omnibus Law on Job Creation compared to the Manpower Law 13/2003:

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a. Hours of Work / Holidays
The points regarding working hours or holidays in this new law are:

  1. Hours of Work
    Overtime is 4 hours per day and 18 hours per week.

In the previous law, it was stated that the maximum overtime work was only 3 hours per day and 14 hours per week.

  1. Long breaks
    There is no obligation for the company to provide long breaks.

So, the right to take 2 months of long leave for workers / laborers who have worked for 6 years continuously, which was in effect in the previous law, is delegated as the authority of the company.

  1. Menstrual leave
    There is no mention of menstrual leave for women on the first and second days.

It is not yet certain whether the articles related to menstrual leave have been changed or removed

Article 81 of Law 13/2003 stipulates that female workers / laborers can get a day off during their first menstruation and second period during menstruation.

Illustration of vacation leave in the Omnibus Law on Job Creation. Illustration of vacation leave in the Omnibus Law on Employment Creation

  1. Maternity Leave
    Nothing stated regarding maternity and maternity leave.

It is not yet certain whether the articles related to maternity leave were changed or removed.

In the previous Law Article 82, a mechanism for maternity leave was regulated for female workers. This includes leave for rest for women workers / laborers who have experienced a miscarriage.

  1. Breastfeeding Rights
    Nothing says about the right to breastfeed.

It is not certain whether the article related to the right to breastfeeding was changed or removed.

Previously, Article 83 of Law 23/2003 stipulated that female workers / laborers whose children were still breastfeeding had to be given the appropriate opportunity to breastfeed their children if it had to be done during working time.

  1. Weekly Holidays
    1 day off from work or weekly rest for 6 working days.

This means that in a week, as many as 6 working days, 1 day off.

This is different from Law 13/2003 which states that there are 2 options for the weekly rest according to Article 79 paragraph (2) letter b, namely a weekly break of 1 day for 6 working days in one week or 2 days for 5 working days in one week.
b. Worker / Employee Status
Articles regarding PKWT that exist in the Manpower Law are deleted. There are no provisions governing the terms of Fixed Time Workers (PKWT) or contract workers.

This means that there are no restrictions on workers who can be contracted, aka unlimited contract status.

The article in Law 13/2003 that was abolished is Article 59, which regulates that the PKWT agreement for workers is carried out for a maximum of 2 years, then it can be extended again within 1 year.

Referring to the explanation of Article 59, it means that the maximum contract period for workers is 3 years, after which the appointment is carried out or not continued.

Illustration of contract employees in the Omnibus Law on Employment Creation. Illustration of contract employees in the Omnibus Law on Employment Creation

c. Wage
The rules regarding wages have been changed to 7 policies, including:

    1. Unit Yield and Time Wages
      In this Job Creation Law, it regulates the unit wages and time.

Unit yield wages are wages that are determined based on one time, such as daily, weekly or monthly. This includes hourly wages.

This unit wage is determined based on the results of the work that has been agreed upon.

  1. Minimum Wage
    In the Work Creation Omnibus Law, the minimum wage is stated to be only in the form of the Provincial Minimum Wage (UMP).

This means that the Regency / City Minimum Wage (UMK) and the Regency / City Sectoral Minimum Wage (UMSK) are no longer used.

So that the determination of the minimum wage based on the province or UMP.

  1. The formula for calculating the minimum wage
    In calculating the minimum wage, the formula for the Job Creation Law is used:

UMt + 1 = UMt + (UMt) x% PEt)


UMt: Minimum wage for the current year
PEt: Annual economic growth
Does not include inflation calculations, but becomes regional economic growth
The formula for calculating the minimum wage in Law 13/2003 is:

UMt + {UMt, x (INFLATION +% Δ PBDt)}


UMt: The stipulated minimum wage
UMt: Minimum wage for the current year
INFLATION: Annual inflation
Δ PDBt: Annual Gross Domestic Product Growth
4. Bonuses
The Omnibus Law on Employment Creation regulates the provision of bonuses or other awards for workers according to their working period.Minimum wage

  1. Wage structure and scale

  2. Overtime pay

  3. Wages for not coming to work and / or not doing work for certain reasons

  4. Form and method of payment of wages

  5. Other things that can be calculated with wages

  6. Wages as the basis for calculating or paying other rights and obligations

  7. Previously, Article 88 paragraph (3) of the Manpower Law stated that there were 11 wage policies.

The 4 provisions related to wages in Law 13/2003 which are deleted in the Job Creation Law are:

  1. Wages for exercising the right to take time off from work

  2. Wages for severance pay

  3. Wages for calculating income tax

  4. Fines and deductions from wages

Meanwhile, the previous Manpower Law did not regulate the provision of this bonus.

Illustration of employee wages in the Employment Creation Omnibus Law. Illustration of employee wages in the Job Creation Law

d. Severance pay
Here are some points regarding severance pay in the Omnibus Law on Employment Creation compared to the Manpower Law:

  1. Replacement Rights
    There is no reimbursement money in the Work Law.

Previously, the Manpower Law regarding compensation for this right was regulated in Article 154 paragraph (4).

  1. Service Period Remuneration
    There is no reward money for a 24-year service period in this Job Creation Omnibus Law.

Previously, Law 13/2003 was related to the provision of reward money for workers / laborers who have worked for 24 years or more to receive 10 months of wages as stated in Article 156 paragraph (3).

  1. Severance pay
    Regarding severance pay in the Job Creation Law, it is as follows:

  2. There is no severance pay for workers / laborers who were laid off because of a warning letter

  3. There is no severance pay for workers / laborers who have been laid off due to merger, change in company ownership status

  4. There is no severance pay for workers / laborers who were laid off because the company lost 2 years and went bankrupt.

  5. There is no compensation in the form of severance pay for the heirs or their families if the worker / laborer dies

  6. There is no severance pay for workers / laborers who are laid off because they are about to enter retirement age

Meanwhile, the rules regarding severance pay in the Manpower Law 13/2003 are as follows:

  1. Severance pay must be given to workers / laborers who have been laid off for committing violations after being given a warning letter stipulated in the work agreement, company agreement or cooperation agreement (regulated in Article 161).

  2. Severance pay must be given to workers / laborers who have been laid off due to changes in status or company mergers or changes in company ownership, equal to 1 salary, 1 time reward pay, compensation for rights (regulated in Article 156).

  3. Severance pay is given to workers / laborers who were laid off because the company was losing money and went bankrupt (in accordance with Articles 164 and 165)

  4. Providing compensation money to the heirs or the worker’s family if the worker / laborer dies.

  5. Severance pay is given to workers / laborers who have been laid off because they have entered retirement age. Severance pay is given 2 times, reward pay for working period of time and compensation money for rights (in accordance with Articles 156 and 167).

e. Social Security
The regulations regarding social security in the Omnibus Law on Job Creation and Law 13/2003 include:

  1. Pension Security
    There are no criminal sanctions for companies that do not include workers / laborers in the pension security program.

Previously, the Manpower Law stipulated that companies that did not include workers / laborers in the pension security program would be subject to imprisonment for a minimum of 1 year and a maximum of 5 years and / or a fine of at least UMR 100,000,000 and a maximum of UMR 500,000,000.

  1. Job Loss Guarantee
    There is a new social security program arrangement, namely Job Loss Security, which is managed by BPJS Ketenagakerjaan based on social insurance principles.
    f. Layoffs
    Following are the differences in the provisions regarding Termination of Employment (PHK) which are regulated in the Omnibus Law on Employment Creation 2020 compared to this Manpower Law.

May do layoffs
In Law 13/2003, there are 9 reasons companies may layoffs, including:

  1. The company went bankrupt

  2. The company closed due to losses

  3. Change in company status

  4. Workers / laborers violate the work agreement

  5. Workers / laborers make serious mistakes

  6. Workers / laborers enter retirement age

  7. The worker / laborer resigns

  8. The worker / laborer dies

  9. Workers / laborers are absent

Meanwhile, the Job Creation Omnibus Law adds another 5 points, bringing the total to 14 reasons that allow companies to lay off, namely:

  1. The company is doing efficiency

  2. Companies carry out a merger, consolidation, takeover or separation of companies

  3. The company is in a state of postponement of debt payment obligations

  4. The company commits an act that is detrimental to workers / laborers

  5. Workers / laborers experience prolonged illness or disability due to work accidents and cannot carry out their work after exceeding the 12 month limit

Those are the points in the 2021 Employment Creation Omnibus Law that need to be known and understood, both workers in general, and specifically for those of you who work in the Human Resources (HR) or Human Resources (HR) management section of the company.

N54 NEWS 54
Reporting. several hoax news about the new OMNIBUSLAW passage had happened over social media the police has arrested the prosecutors. Ministry of Communication and Information Technology asked the social media app and website take the hoax news down and ban the account because of hoax news one of the pictures of the mass demonstrations had been taken one of them being the inner ring road the police had pushed them back and riot police is going forward and split and pressure the protesters and ballistics units throw tear gas and rubber bullets and rubber shotgun ammo. to push the protesters out of the toll road system.

picture taken in the capital city honor city
The Protesters demand retraction of the law but the president says the hoax news had been removed apprehended the prosecutors had been arrested the police demands the protesters go back home and the president ensures its all hoax the prosecutors of the hoax will be sanction with 6 years in prison and fined with Rp1,000,000 in cash. the president will announce

— Begin quote from ____

its going to be alright its all because of hoax news.

— End quote

this protest made motorists angry as the roads around the area are jammed anyone who still stays will be apprehended and fined with a million United Malordian Rupiah.

In other news the country will hit by battering tropical storm coming from the north to the south maybe even near honor city. Official Reports from Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysical Agency they might say its going to be a whole week long even going to sunday! better prepare United Malordians for a battering storm coming in.

Other news stories the president will ensure outside companies can work with the government of United Malordia

Goverment Infrastructure Projects and economy
After a long while the goverment of united malordia finally actually passes the construction of a city will be apart of the honor city

Construction site.png
the new city will house not just the rich don’t worry it will house middle upper lower income people and poor income people it’ll be facilitated with police healthcare education and such the new city will be connected with a 2nd outer ringway system much bigger railway commuter system BRT network and light rail transit the city it self will have a metro system which is pretty new in United Malordia the government of honor city will fund new metro lines and monorail rapid transit system will span allover the city. this is a forwards planning as the country will reach over 200 million population. economists confident united malordia will not be poor for long to support these projects government incentivise people pay taxes more for the projects to be completed it’ll lower taxes back to normal after the construction is completed. the new city name will be Beaksi city the city will have districts and subdristricts the city will have its own regency. the city goverment announces honor city will reach over 10 million population and 30 million metropolitan population in the not so far future. the government will further fund education and healthcare and build more schools hospitals public and private physical structures such as roads, railways, bridges, tunnels, water supply, sewers, electrical grids, and telecommunications (including Internet connectivity and broadband access). the goverment will launch internet sattelite to improve broadband wi-fi speed and upload speed to 30 MBPS. the goverment’s internet branch will further improve the internet by creating 5G networks. the vinturis lake dam almost completed the government the president will go there and announce the grand opening of vinturis dam. the goverment will search for more rare earth materials for the economy and hard working united malordians
the companies will be invovled will be PT. Hutama karya United Malordia(H.K.I.U.M), PT. P.P.U.M (Pembangunan Perumahan United Malordia)

United malordia government will fund the navy and military overall in an operation to rid off Draken sea from pirates for faster cheaper water trade routes. other countries can help out in this operation. the military will have its first home made aircraft carrier named UMS ir. fidhan junior it’l consisted of anti aircraft weapons heavy armour but high speed efficient fuel usage.

The president has announced plans for these islands to have a city port and an airport and gambling will be legal there in the islands of united malordia there will also will bea  refuel dock and dry dock for civillian use and military use to protect the islands and potential illegal fishing and potential pirates from the north. 
   Very down below as you can see the this is part of a city plan of casinos and hotel and resort this one will have public transport stop on it they said its Metro Rapid Transit future network the goverment will prioritise the construction of the international airport and port and fueling dock the city will not be car over-reliant and the city will be construction with several contruction companies like PT.PP PT. HKM. and public housing retail and commercial retail buying a house here will be cheap the rich who wants to stay in this island gambling island will havea  specific area the housing there will not effect the entire cheap housing in the entire city https://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S1366554508001518-gr2.jpg
 standard automated container yard layout 
The city will be inittiated by the morning and the new law put on the island (cartographers please theres new city)
we all source all of this from official goverment information in the totally real www.um.gov.
anway the employees will be the locals if shortage people are allowed to work thare people from the mainland and foreign workers too as we are compassionate 
goverment does this for the people and and CEO’s and even SOE’S foreign contruction companies allowed to join but the goverment is monitoring the construction.

Bussines Sector
the goverment privatising 1% one of its State Owned Enterprises in the Honor City Stock exchange (HSX) other than the people spending in the residential retail market.
The goverment will built the Huge Honor City international stadium for football/soccer and basketball both alltime favorite in united malordia this includes a training centre next to it the stadium will not havea  humongous parking lot it will have a BRT stop underground metro line and a future Monorail Mass Rapid Transit for the whole city this infrastructure will spread to major cities across united malordia inlcudes the new cities soon,

Weather Sector

Honor City:30°C, Clear (until 06:00) (this includes the metropolitan cities under constructed)

Vinturis City: 20**°C, Thunder and Rain (until 00:00) **

Angel City: 19°C, Ice and rain (ice is short it will be only rain) ****

Victoria City: 33**°C, cloudy and 95% humidity (until 5:00pm) **

City of Perseverence: 29°C, Clear (until saturday 9:11pm)****

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤThe Goverment announced the construction of The HC Inner ring expressway

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤAfter talks about the fasibility the goverment has pushed the construction of the Honor city Inner ring expressway and tehe expressways will connect the inner ring expressway with the outer ring 1 and 2 the goverment will fund this project working with state owned and privately owned companies and even considering working with auroran construction companies the goverment is hoping this will increase the competetiveness of United malordia in the regional and international stage in economy.

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤThe goverment is also pushing for more broadband access and internet speed and availablity and pushing for 5G the goverment is also pushing for more power plants and electrical grids as demmand rises the goverment will demolish inneficient coal and oil plants and gas power plants for more environmentaly friendly approach and for nuclear power the point of the nuclear power plants is to increase power availability for united malordia and more wind and solar plants and the goverment will fund public transportation more considering monorail systems across the country the goverment is planning to push more cities to be errected as plans for the honor city metropolitan area and also plan to push for the new captial and the road and rail link to the capital to the rest of the nation the reason to move the capital is honor city becoming more crowded and traffic increases and for unity. Will this effect the economy of honor city? No people will still go to honor city as a business decision because its the 3rd largest city on urth by population

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤThe goverment is also pushing for LRT systems for honor city and the metropolitan area and other cities in united malordia and plans for Victoria - Wergby Expressway and Rail link is to be pushed as fast as possible the consturction will be devidied into sections Victoria - Vesborg Section, Vesborg - Alvbeir section, Alvbeir - Ny Osfyord section, Ny Osfyord - werby section it can continue on and on if that is consructed it will be much cheaper for transportation of goods MBE and with Norgs and plans for Durnanini - Honor City Motorway.

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤThe Goverment is planning for more deregulations

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤThe goverment is planning for more deregulations so investors and local busineses to compete and grow the united malordian economy which will be deregulated you may ask?

  1. Work hours

  2. social hours

  3. oil price deregulation

  4. oil and gas drilling and petroleum manufacturing and selling

  5. tax

Sectors which will be deregulated:

  • Construction

  • Manufacturing

  • shipping/trade

  • airline sector

  • Service sectors

  • mining sector

  • Public sector

  • Education

  • Research and development

  • real estate

  • Utilities - Electricity, gas

  • farming / fishing

  • retail

  • financial services

  • communication

  • Hospitality and leisure

  • Information Technology

  • health

  • transport

  • industrial sector



ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤThe Goverment formal claims and new economic strategies

The goverment ahve announced planned expansion to the west south of the dashed yellow lines for rare earth minerals and minerals such as iron copper and such and the goverment formally claims these two islands in the south for geo-political reasons and potential resource rich area plan to build a naval base on it the goverment is allocating the military budget mostly to the navy as piracy becoming more and more a problem in the northern
 Other than that the goverment is forming the Economic Road And Belt initiative Program to increase economic growth across the continent of gondwana for military and economic reasons as roads and rails and planes serve as a fast way to supply your military mens whilse increasing economic growth thru civil engineering projects the first one is Wergby - Honor City Expressway (Route 10 EXPWY)

Honor City metro expansion and Commuter lines upgrading north south rail network Victoria - Honor City - Angel City Rails the goverment is now ready for a new capital city as honor city is overcrowded traffic jam pact and hot the new capital will be centralised will bea  seperate special administrative region inside Province of Hwasong the govemrent is willing private and state enterprises to fund this project aswell with alcohol tax, gas tax the goverment is willing to create economic agreements such as free trade agreement with Norgs plan to relief the honor city port there will be victoria cargo port and angel city port these new ports will fit bigger ships will havea dry dock mainly rail dry dock right infront also plans for inland dry dock near the new capital. the image legend cross new capital dashed line south of the dashed line is new land the circled thing id the enw island the island names for now will be island 1 and island 2 and the new capital name is Hope City.



ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤthe goverment gives private industry to build the new capital the new expressway 240 Honor CIty Metropolitan area, Hope City, Perseverence city. The goverment is also funding rail high speed rail and cargo and rail also the goverment found 120 billion barrels of oil offshore the goverment is making a state owned oil corporation called PT. United Malordia Oil company. the goverment will build refineries the oil drilling stations them selfs and manufactureoil tankers the goverment is also spending on dudanini honor city ring road(s) victoria to norgsdevelet for faster and cheaper transport and faster travel time also the goverment is planning multi lateral rail network norgsdevelet - united malordia - durdanini high speed rail.

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ The goverment is also focusing on public transport: MRT, LRT, tram and BRT networks by making them more efficient and education budget is raised and the goverment plans for education reform plan.

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ the goverment is also expanding the cheap apart housing and public cheap apartment projects beyond honor city moving it to the metropoltian cities and outside of that the public transport funding will be yond the honor city metropolitan the goverment is also extending the angel city - honor expressway (EXPWY 44) towards durdanini, the goverment is expanding and increasing our electricity capacity by building more Power plants away from trade routes.

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ The Goverment is Expanding the water infrastructure plan building more pumps and desalonation plants and piped water all people with illegal water whels are getting a piped water line the goverment is planning to launch internet sattelites to make broadband everywhere else the goverment is planning to expand it’s 5G internet programme.

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ The Goverment is building more tourist infrastructure like Hotels, Resorts and such, the goverment plan to move away from comodities exports while making it still important tourists can fly to peterborough

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤThe goverment is expanding the Manufacturing sectors to high value sectors like phone and electronic manufacturing such as the chip and medical manufacturing. the goverment is also planning to expand textile manufacturing the goverment plansfor Yeongrang Embassy in United malordia on the current capital honor city and Tivot embassy.

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤThe goverment assures residents in honor city the economic hustle bustle of honor city wikl not be moved to the current capitalit stay because its the 3rd biggest city in the world.


The Goverment has bassed bank deregulation law of 26th of august 2021

  1. Packet 1 2021 (Pack21)
  • The removal of the credit limit increased the roof on credit

  • The freedom to determine their own level of interest increased interest rate limits

  • reduce the dependence to the Bank of United Malordia

ㅤ 2. Packet 2 (pack21-2)

  • ease of opening new bank

ㅤ 3. Packet 3 (PACK21-3)

  • restrictions and weighted banking requirements by requiring

  • dipenuhinya persyaratan pemodalan minimal 8% from wealth

ㅤ 4. Packet 4

  • Assessment of the level of health of the bank known method CAMEL (Capital, Asset, Management, Aerning, and Liquidity)

Government regulation the Wisdom of Low Interest Rates.

Interest rate is the center of attention theory of oppression financial. mention some of the reasons why interest rates need to be considered:
a) the interest Rate is the price relatively most important in the market,
b) interest Rate is the regulator of prices in the market,
c) Setting the interest rate a lot of influence on the distortion in the market

The arguments given by those, among others, because:

a) Usury Argument
b) Reallocation of Resources
c) of the Income Transfer Mechanism
d) Lenders Viability
e) Inflationary Effect, and
f) Second Best Argument.

Usury Argument
Intended as an act based on moral, religious and per-scales
another in opposing the determination of the interest.
Income Transfer Mechanism
An argument in fliana is expected that the low interest rate is
one of/some of the mechanisms of the wisdom that it is possible to be
affect the distribution of income in rural areas. Just a pity that
because as a tool to redistribute income, then the interest rate is not
the balance will result in the problem of efficiency and the impact is not created
the distribution of income but it is precisely the kon-sentrasi income.
Lenders Viability
Many said that the deregulation of interest rates paid for different
kinds of savings instruments will lead to a slowdown in the solver’s problem
financial institutions because of the high cost of funds that can be loaned.
Second Best Argument
This argument says that the agricultural sector is a sector that is not
a lot has changed, then the wisdom of the agricultural credit that software be an option
in stimulating agricultural production
The impact and Cost of Suppression of the Financial
The Model developed. is a model of the 2 sectors to
the economy is growing. By using a model of the macro to 2
sector, this model indicates that the equilibrium real interest rates are high
is a factor that encourages the growth of even if total savings
the real is not affected by the interest rate. It is caused due to repair
the quality in the reserves of its capital.
While the model developed by Gonzales-Vega test the effect of
capping interest rates on Credit Allocation Optimum Social. Alo-head of Credit
Optimum Social is intended as the allocation of the maximum to the
net income is the total of the various community groups who participated
in economic activity both as a manufacturer, or as a financial institution.
This Model is more micro which describes the social cost of artificially
charged on interest rates and the ceiling interest rate money market.
This Model suggested that the mechanism to optimize the re-distribution
income is with “a Loan-Cum-lumpsump transfer” which is performed without
the cost of social or allotment.
The Model developed by Krugman model is based on the 2 period
proposed by Fisher which emphasizes the division of the credit market
into a “borrower” and “lender borrow”. As was stated by the
that the presence of capital market in many ways to allow the sector
household to centralize the savings to offset the investment. This Model
consider the number of households that homogeneous, where each household
considered as the producer-consumer good in the period now and that will
come, and be able to transfer the current consumption to the consumption of which will come
along the curve o-r production. The impact of restrictions on interest rates
analyzed in the impact on well-being (welfare effect), the impact on the
the efficiency and the impact on growth.

The deregulation of Banking in United Malordia
Since the term liberalization is less preferred in United Malordia, then to
replace the word used words Deregulation which more or less means the same.
The deregulation of the banking held on June 1, 2021 which is the package
the wisdom that contains, among other:

  1. the the heighted roof of the credit limit
  2. the Liberation of bank interest rates
  3. an Increase in interest rates money and
  4. For the sectors prioritized remain in effect capping the level of credit and liquidity
    Bank United Malordia
  5. the Looseness of the top tax deposits.
    With the Deregulation of Banking is expected to eliminate distorsidistorsi in the national economy, especially for the banking sector. This means
    that interest rates on deposits increasingly reflect the nominal value of the actual
    because of the fluctuating follow the fluctuations in the rate of inflation. to see the development of
    the value of the interest rates on deposits .

Embassy Construction and more Economic Dregulation plans and Budgetary adjustments and interest rates
and trash problem and the military and technology.

The Goverment of United Malordia have announced budget adjustments increase spending on infrastructure like

  • Waterworks and sewage treatement and watertreatment plants and desalonation plants

  • Road And rail improvement, research on high capacity magnetic levitation train to reach higher speeds

  • Increased spending on Public Transportation

  • Increasing internet connectivity and Internet speed improvement and the implementation of 5G nationaly and national broadband access.

  • Decrease funding and evetually stoped for unrenewable sources of energy like coal and oil and natural gass these are still mined but its mostlikely going top be exported while increasing funding for better battery for renewable energy and more funding towards renewable energy sources like wind, solar, geothermal, HydroElectrics and a proposed electrical token system more efficient electrical grid systems

  • and more funding towards telecommunications and moving telecommunications lines underground in the cities

  • formation of National Metro and Subway system. to centralise operations for metro sytems

Regarding Trash problem more funding on cleaning up rivers across the country and reycling plants and incenerators on unrecyclable material such as

  • nonrecyclable plastic bags

  • Food waste.

  • Food-tainted items (such as: used paper plates or boxes, paper towels, or paper napkins)

  • Ceramics and kitchenware.

  • Windows and mirrors.

  • Plastic wrap.

  • Packing peanuts and bubble wrap.

  • Wax boxes.

The goverment also bans dumps to be made in or around of built up areas like villages and cities

Regarding Budgetary yes the goverment is decreasing interest rates offering tax cuts and rebates on the poor and middle class
Decreasing food imports and funding towards medical research and education Improvement plans and child protection programs
Goverment also increased funding towards education the goverment now funds engineering and vocational classes as they are very important for the economy and Expanded Tertiary Education Equivalency and Accreditation Program, Free Medical Education.
Goverment plans to improve the current welfare system more fuinding t owards police and fire.

From the tax cuts the goverment hopes more FDI and pour in and corporate entities the goverment also imrovement on goverment structuring and state owned and goverrment owned entities. Plans for good loans and making it easier to get loans from banks and bank structure improvement just incase a economic crisis is coming and increase on good debt and decrease on bad debt to stimulate faster growth and more deregulation plan plan for tereupenership program for farther economic growth cutting more trade tarrifs.

To increase Productivity the goverment increased Smarter R&D funding.

  1. Focus on “low-hanging fruit.”

  2. Improving and making current regulations straightforward.

  3. Improving current anti-trust system for better economic productivity

  4. More efficient machines and heavy equipment for construction like road and rail.

  5. Set goals for employees and provide performance-based incentives.

  6. Decreasing Exessive Fatige on work.

  7. more efficient data transportation and faster data more and faster data centres and better data security.

  8. to increase competetiveness goverment plans for better improvement anti-trust system.

The goverment passed the construction of more embassies such as the Tuvalistan Embassy in Hope city for easier international relations and cooperation.

Regarding the military the goverment is experimenting on Exoskelleton and cybernetics, robotics technology better weapons, equipment, body armour, improving the current heat vision and night vision goggles and sights, better radar technolog (also to be implemented for civillian use),communications, censors, transport technology and mapping and better training on psycological and physical side.

exoskelletons and cybernetics are also going to be use on civillian industry like contruction.*

Recently Goverment plans for Technology centre has been aprooved but will be decided somewhere and a dedicated technology university and collage.

for equal development goverment gives villages large cement bags whatever theyw ant to build with it for equal development across the country and better road quality and faster distribution of goods and services.
The Goverment also implemented a ban on foreign plastics trash.
This has been News 54 Your Reliable News Source.


Breaking News! The president resigns as he became too old to run the country wants to move on the new president
The New President have been picked its Handoko Susanto Sudjarwadia party member with almost the same views of the 102 year old president his enaugoration will begin tomorrow at 7:30 PM for west unite malordia time and east united malordia time.
an The goverment have increased the milittary budget to 2% of the GDP to modernise well equip the military and recruitment program to reach 1,100,000 active personnel with incentives like proposed collage covered by the military system to increase technological improvement in the civillian and military sector the goverment now finished testing exo skelleltons and a preparing for biotech program now pushing for use in the constrution and mining sector and special forces first then the rest of the united malordian armed forces the goverment gives green light fornuclear program for electricity and fusion research. the goverment have prosessed rocket program for defense and civillian use. to increase internet speed united malordia govemrent plans for better upload speed and full adoption of 5G new 5G towers will be built! with military defense using rubber bullets just incase those karens try to destroy the towers. the military budget plan will go to the navy and air force and then the army.
in relevant topic the goverment have given the green light build a new aircraft carrier for the navy and airforce.

New adopted a new missle defense equipment. and the govemrent planning for more bank reform and strenghtening and stock market reform and stock market strenghtening from effect from other countries and companies. prison incarceration have been fully removed the govemrent fully removes eladed gasoline from ground vehicles.
The goverment allowed the construction of a new electronics factory complex for United Malordia State Owned Electronics Company (UMSOEEC) to produce normal electronics and a bit more military electronics technology and goverments to import minerals for the electronics from the Posol Industries . The goverment have pushed for the Pantai Indah Honor City to be built and several more islands planned for construction to defend uhonor city from flooding and for tourism boost and more development. goverment is commited to search for minerals like oil.

                    The govent allready enougerated seevral infrastructure projects.

                     the govement now officially plans for deregualtions on these sectors for more foreign investments:
  • Construction

  • Manufacturing

  • shipping/trade

  • airline sector

  • Service sectors

  • mining sector

air force weaponry and beach resort housing offices and commercial project

Breaking News! the goverment have greenlighted investigation on posol industries and discovered lots of corruption some of the political party members of the Democratic Party of Struggle of United Malordia and discovered slave trade and riots on the streets they have found dout about this news and the nuclear power plant demonstrations it had fooled of that the goverment assured them that the safety systems are better we are learning from their mistakes as of rn its not built on the planning stage then consruction begins debates around where they’re going to place have been confirmed.

The Rioters are demmanding and chanting "Down With the regime! Reform! Down With corruption and Posol Industries! "the city goverment has sent it’s riot police to the locations of the demonstrations the goverment have sent military personell reccomended to use ruber bullets and rubber shots in shotguns the police are using water canons, tear gas and blue dyed water to arrest demonstrations with or without the goverment confiermed “we will stop working with posol industries” this the biggest demonsrations ever in united malordia.

The Protesters have stopped demonstrating and completely cooled down. the goverment does not stop construction its an effective to create sustainable nergy other than Hydropower, or hydroenergy, and solar and wing power the goverment now standarides all construction made out of conrete with CONCRETENE and new gluelam pressured wooden with standardised fire safety buildings given green light for construction and prefab to increase construction efficiency such as this below these new buildings will be homes for middle class and lower class and office places.


The government announces this building will be completed by 2024 and the creation of nuclear energy ministry and the nuclear power plant will be completed by 2030. concerning posol industries assets will be sold to our own companies our troc corporation buying some of the assets on mining the CEO of troc corporation, Hendra Sudirman Sugiarto says “concerning the slave controversy we are freeing them under international law and hiring local workers but not in slaves actual paying jobs these assets will be in countries has good reputation”.
the govemrent lowers tax on middle class lower middle class poor and bettter job offers and in the process to make free education the
government aims to finalize all the new policies by the end of October.

                       According to Handoko Susanto Sudjarwadia, additional packages of economic measures will be introduced following this first step. He announced the plans jointly with a number of government ministers, including Wira Suparman Sutedja, the Coordinating Economic Minister;Prasetyo/Prasetya Zixin, the Finance Minister; and Verawati Intan Kusnadi, the Trade Minister. 

                       The main goal is to increase investment in the country; this is to be accomplished in part by a regulatory overhaul. The government has drafted 17 government and presidential regulations, two presidential instructions, 63 ministerial regulations, and five other regulations. (Id.)

In a previous discussion of the need to reform existing regulations, on September 2, 2015, the United Malodian government described the deregulation effort as “massive” and said that it would impact manufacturing, trade, and agriculture. According to Wira Suparman Sutedja, the project will involve the review of 160 existing regulations.

                       plans also include tax holidays and a new policy on the import of beef. Wira Suparman Sutedja said government was considering opportunities to provide incentives for investors to accelerate smelter development. 

                       Handoko Susanto Sudjarwadia stressed  the pressing need to improve the country’s economy, stating, “we are racing against time,” and adding, “I want there to be revisions to laws that hinder anything, be it goods, services procurement or the investment climate, One estimate puts the amount of investment from domestic or foreign sources needed to achieve Goverment of united malordia's plans to target faster growth upto above 8% annual growth in the economy.

Topics that are deregulated are:

  • Construction

  • Manufacturing

  • shipping/trade

  • airline sector

  • research and development

  • Utilities IE. Electricity and gas and others

  • Communication services

  • Hospitality and liesure

informationand technology

and the lection year is delayed to 2030.

All my characters’ names are randomly generated. Any resemblance or match in name with a person in real life is purely coincidental.


The Goverment of United Malordia with the Ministry of National Development Planning of the Republic of United malordia carried out a devaluation of the currency to increase expots and the govemrent with the central bank carried out increased interest rates and with the Ministry of National Development Planning of the Republic of United Malordia plans for high speed rail is in the planning stage to spread allover the country with consideration the overment plans for net30 and net30-2 (Internet 2030)and increase construction for fiber optic cables nationaly and internationally the goverment now allowed free education plus benefits if you pick engineering, architecture technology and research and construction for more recycling faccility(ies) and construction renovation and improvement on rail and public transport in towns and cities across the country to decrease reliance on cars.
                          To Prevent Birth rate to 0 the goverment is planning to prevent has somekind of plan give 3x the  income and the rich couldn’t abuse this system the goverment has plans to regulate to increase industrial productivity and further plans to avoid and decrease current bad debt. the goverment proceeded with the proposal the making of free healthcare program the goverment proceded MediLife. MediLife is a scheme that provides Citizens and Permanent Residents with universal and lifelong protection against large healthcare bills, regardless of age or health condition.
You are required to stash 3⁄4 of their wage to 3 accounts.
The Ordinary Account.
The Special account.
The Medilife Account.
The interest rate a minimum competetve interest rate of 2.5 to 5%.
                          MediLife is a defense intented only for a catastrophic of health conditions of people.


News 54, United Malordia -President Handoko Susanto Sudjarwadia announced enaguration of Honor City Outer Ringway 2 for traffic and for the metropolitan area of Honor City and the construction for The Half A Kilometer High Tower Office and Residential and commercial mixed use area and more waterworks projects and consturction of water pipes more public housing apartments increased funds for quiality of life projects and people are nowpaid to have babies and enacted maternity leave to increse birth rates national average of 2.1 births per-woman.

Handoko Susanto Sudjarwadia enagurated the construction for more metro lines metro loop project and more lrt lines for the metropolitan area of and city of Honor City, New Ruby City, angel city, Victoria Metro and Subway line(s) the president Handoko Susanto Sudjarwadia also enagurated more sewage treatment plants and more desalonation plant and water pipes and diccomissioning 100 coal plants.

Secretary of Logistics Solutions Corporation Matsubara Michi Proposes projects for seaport capacity expansion
-Sibolwari Seaport expansion
-Rei Ayanami Seaport construction expansion for Saint Angels City
-Jakaraya Seaport Expansion
-Suratang Seaport in victoria

  • and rail access to ports
    These projects are Enagurated for construction by 17th of june 2022

Hutama Karya Construction began construciton the mixed use construction with the HK-T (Half Kilometer Tall) Megatall office Skyscraper as the centre piece of the site.

The Weather Next ew days and next will be a high of 39°C and a low of 26°C at night high humidity of 95% next week will be high of 38°C as we are in the dry season of our great country United Malordia So Becarefull people its going to be HOT HOT HOT

News 54, United Malordia President Handoko Susanto Sudjarwadia announced the construction of Trans-Coastal High Speed rail across united malordia possibly even connecting all the way to Norgsnyveldet and all the way to Salisar the President Handoko Susanto increased funds for regular rail and tram systems to all cities in united malordia to be efficient and brand new locally made models the goverment.

The President Handoko Susanto Sudjarwadia announced ban of pumps to pump underground water to significantly slow sinking of cities the goverment providing funds for impacted structures and people for water pipes and ban car centric devleopment and planning like minimum parking regulations these will increase our carbon footprint in return the goverment encouraging public transit and bike lanes construction The Goverment also given funds for Honor City Metropolitan Underground water discharge channel system for constructio to permanently stop surface flooding and increased fines and more severe deciplinary measures to decrease ammount of trash on the streets the goverment introduced proper recycling to schools and build more recycling trash cans and more recycling plants the goverment now introduced ban of plastic bags, cups, straws, plastic wraps, Ziplock bags, inside. cereal box plastic, bubble wrap, clear plastic wrap, some department store bags, PAX FRUIT chip bags, single cheese wrappers, 6-pack plastic and candy wrappers. to decrease ammount of plastic trash we emmit.

The President Handoko Susanto Sudjarwadia giveincentives for eletric vehicle manufacturers funds for electric charging stations in gas station and possible grants for factories and the goverment also giving incentives for computer, laptop and phone semiconductor fabrication plants/factories. the goverment is planning for trade deal with New Leganes fo import of oil and the manufacturing of asphalt and petroleum in our refineries (to be more and more exported) the goverment of united malordia proceeding the construction of the New Leganes Embassy in Hope City,


United Malordian Goverment granted construction on floating solar panels off the coast and new nuclear plant on the coast with anti Urthquake and tsunami measures and new windmills offshore. The govement also proposes yrade deal of more oil long term imports from New Leganes and an embassy in Hope City for Diplomatic and economic partnership action investment on the oil industry.
A new biggest refinery in the country granted construction to increase growth of OIL VAT products in the north east of the country
The govemrent is also expanding the manufacturing industry to other products like Medical Manufacturing and car manufacturing specificly better electric cars and other ports across the country are to be expanded to increase exports and space for international ferries. The Goverment of united malordia is planning for bileteral economic and trade partnership with SH. more industrial sectors are being built and expanded across the countries and incentives ffor foreign companies setup factories in united malordia nothing too severe to effect the national budget long term.

                             Now you May as what are these incentives small tax cuts and space in the H.C.EX (Honor City Stock EXchange) these will provide hundreds of thousands to millions of new jobs for average united malordians and migrants from other countries who are searching better living conditions cand jobs.

                             A new International school is granted to be built in honor city this will provide technical support and Goverment efforts to increase exports to diversify the united malordian economy the goverment will provide high quality cheap public housing for average untied malordians and students the goverment is encouraging more Transit Oriented Development across the country for housing commercial and office space.                            These Developments will be subsidised from the goverment and foreign through investment.  

70th Road Ave. Development Project.PNG
NFT’s are bannned from the country as they increase income inequality and Crypto is also banned from the country.

the United Malordian Goverment have nationalised some industries specificly banks and construction companies that has operation abroad tomorrow morning HK-T will be finished and fully operational the outer ringway 2 will be finished by estimate next month or two goverment has announced by 2024 the high speed rail project should be finished and proposed regional international route extension is offered up to other countries north and wouth of the country and the goverment is planning to expand the metro system outside of honor city create metropolitan system and regional trains pass through the subway system with 3 to 10 minute frequency to decrease traffic and expanding the bike lane network and the goverment have passed new law based on bike lane construction. such as and also added shark teeth marking:

harbour road 2 project has finished and has full operations cargo ports are planned to be connected with rail seperated system from passanger to keep frequency high on passanger rail and set a limit on how long can the cars can be.

• At an equivalent intersection (without signs. shark-teeth marks, or traffic lights) you must give way to drivers coming from your right.
• Priority vehicles with optical and sound signals (such as police, fire departments, and ambulances) always have priority.
• Pedestrians on a crosswalk have right of way.
• As a cyclist, when approaching roundabouts, you give way to drivers that are already on the roundabout. On the roundabout itself, you have priority. When leaving the roundabout, signal with your arm to the right.

talking about traffic the goverment is expanding the network of Automatic number-plate recognition cameras across the country .