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Axdel pledges to destablise southern Arcturia

Without any apparent reason but to fulfil his perverse communist fantacies, the Axdelian leader Diego Corbinn pulled out of the country’s signatory in the Puntalian Compromise Treaty to keep the region stable from warmongering factions like the UCA, which would do anything to promote Osterlicsh and its communist insurgencies to overthrow us and our neighbours in Puntalia. Axdel’s withdrawal from the PCT makes perfect sense to any sensible and free thinking Rodenian, as it is clear it is to weaken the floodgates and flood our country with red communist flags. The communist Corbinn blamed it on losses in its steel industry; and to that we say “why don’t you make good quality steel that people will buy then?”

The communist Auroran nation of Axdel has sent some warboats into our vicinity, and its communist broadcaster the Axdelian Merit Online said the government was planning to invade us. That’s right. Even now in the presumably peaceful 2022, communists threaten the world again. First it was Osterlicsh and its communist insurgencies trying to overthrow our neighbours a couple years ago, to which we assisted Puntalia and flushed them out, then on the 19th of January this very year countries in Novaris were reporting deadly amounts of particulate and gaseous radioisotopes from a nuclear reactor meltdown in Vesienväl. And guess what? Vesienväl is communist. Axdel probably want to invade us so they can have their own communist nuclear power plant blow up and spoil all of our food supply, our water supply and give everyone cancer. Is that what we want?

In defence of peace, our military has begun preparring for the possibility of war due to the threat Axdel poses. Surveilence and early warning systems are keeping tabs on Axdel’s warboat movements and general military presence in the region; as well, our own navy has been deployed to defend our territorial waters from possible Axdelian submarines. The Rodenian government has blamed Axdel for escalating tensions and insisted that they should “rethink their strategy”. The Supreme Archon Kirk Santon told Diego Corbinn that if they instigate war, the death of innocents are his responsibility. But of course, death is what communists and socialists love. Our deaths. Communists alike want the death of Rodenia.