TEP Government Uniforms

As newly appointed Fabulous Fashion Kitten, i hereby mandate the following uniforms for the Executive, Legislative, and Judiciary.

The fabulous Tuxedo Thobe, comfort of not wearing pants with the businessness of a tuxedo!

EPSA has applied for exemption and gets less-awesome MJOLNIR powered-assault armor as battle thobes are less then practical.

Effective immediatly,
Fabulous Fashion Kitten

Fishmongers gonna fish…

Oh god not that… wait… can Viziers get EPSA uniforms…?

I immediately declare this null :stuck_out_tongue:

Quite ugly, and I would allow the Executive to declare their own uniforms but not that of the Magisterium nor the Conclave

There’s a lot of nudity in A Slanted Black Stripe. Not a lot of uniforms.

It is written in clause over 9000) of the Concordat that the Executive has the uniform-setting jurisdiction for all branches of government.

Just only our copies go above clause 1337, upgrade your Concordatreader.exe files maybe?

Concord a treader?

It’s Hobbes, GE. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh, I know…


You men and your armour & dresses. sigh

I refuse to wear it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well Vac, no need to worry.

I’ll take the middle one.

If we are going to have tuxedo dresses, I propose the following version be worn during the warm, summer months:


I wear my EPSA armor 24/7

Awww yeeee

Doesn’t that get in the way when you’re showering?

Prussia doesn’t shower.

— Begin quote from ____

Doesn’t that get in the way when you’re showering?

— End quote

Ever see an arm or leg after it comes out of a cast? Apply that to Prussia’s entire person. No wants to see (or smell) that.

You know… I kinda almost like it…