2020 TEP Languages, Ethnicities and more!

Hi there!

As a new nation, it is very hard to world build when a lot of threads here are outdated, incorrect, or incomplete.
That’s why I’m making this thread to record only accurate and updated information needed by new nations to make an immersive and fairly accurate nation.

If you have any info, please message me on discord! BrotherKnight#9131
(most of the languages and ethnicities presented do not have wiki pages yet. please contact their nation’s owner for more info)

[spoiler]Languages with IRL Counterparts:
List their counterparts:

List their IRL inspiration (if any):

Ethnicities (Not Species):
List their IRL inspiration (if any):

[spoiler]Information with (*) means it’s still going under verification
(Nations please leave your nation’s languages and their IRL counterparts)

Staynish - British English
Codex - American English
Arcturian Islander - Filipino
Yomian - Japanese
Diyuhan - Cantonese (Chinese Simplified)
Justelvardic - Scottish Gaelic
Durdneelian - Irish Gaelic
Axdan - Italian
Ethalrian - German
Kostuvian - Arabic
Wachovian - French
Lissian - French (Quebecois)
Impelanazan - Spanish
Norgsveltian - Norwegian
Old Norgsveltian - Icelandic
Solian - Estonian
Zalian - Latvian
Rosalican - Dutch
Vulginian - Romanian
Valokchian - Lithuanian
Genograbian - Latin
Apoikian - Greek
Calth - Breton language
Jubliakese - Manx language
Blueacian - Frisian language
Eyjarian - Faorese
Horkalese - Norn language
Necratic - Pictish Language
Asilican - Romansch
Tieresh - Kven language
Arkian - Low Prussian

[spoiler]Information with (*) means it’s still going under verification
(Nations with ConLangs or Constructed Languages please leave your ConLang’s name and it’s wiki page)

Unonian - TEPwiki - is among one of the most widely spoken conlangs in Yasteria as it primarily is spoken in Vulpine countries such as Vekaiyu, Listonia, Auraliyu, Shango, and South Dveria.

Ayaupian -

  • Nestonian
  • Asconian
  • Palayonian

Asendavian -

Lapinumbian - a mixture of Latin, Greek, and Italian languages

[spoiler]Information with (*) means it’s still going under verification
(Nations please leave your nation’s ethnicities and their IRL inspirations)

Arcturian Islander - Filipino culture with American and British influences
Lapinumbian - Italians
Yomian - Modern Japanese
Diyuhan - Taiwanese/Hong Konger
Durdneelic - Californian and Irish
High Nerovian - a blend of royal British and French
Nerovian - a blend of American, British, and French
Volkian - Russia/Eastern Slavic practices
Lissian - French (Quebecois)

[spoiler]Information with (*) means it’s still going under verification
(Nations please leave your nation’s regional and official languages and your nation’s ethnicities)

Languages: Arcturian Islander, Staynish, Yomian, Diyuhan, Justelvardic and Durdneelic
Ethnicities: (They’re all Human) Arcturian Islander, Staynish, Yomian, Diyuhan, Morstaybishlian, Justelvardic and Durdneelic

Languages: Lapinumbian, Genogabrian and Apoikian
Ethnicities: Lapinumbia

Languages: Nestonian, Asconian, Palayonian
Ethnicities: Ayaupian

Languages: Alvish, Tavari-Acronian
**Ethnicities: **Acronian

Languages: Unonian
**Ethnicities: **Auraliyuan

**Languages: **Arkian, Asendavian and Norgsveldian
**Ethnicities: **Arkian

East Alksearia
**Languages: **
**Ethnicities: **Nerovian and High Nerovian

Southern Yugoslavia
Languages: Volkian
Ethnicities: Volkian

Languages: Lissian
Ethnicities: Lissian

Languages: Staynish and Codexian

Lapinumbian - Latin+Greek+Italian
Genogabrian - Latin
Apoikian - Greek
Lapinumbian - Italian

I haven’t finished my wiki pages for my language(s) yet, but you can list that one : Ayaupian (Federal Ayaupian)

You can also add, under Ayaupian : Nestonian, Asconian, Palayonian (I will edit this post and put the wiki pages in)

— Begin quote from ____

I haven’t finished my wiki pages for my language(s) yet, but you can list that one : Ayaupian (Federal Ayaupian)

You can also add, under Ayaupian : Nestonian, Asconian, Palayonian (I will edit this post and put the wiki pages in)

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Are these languages striclty conlang? or are they inspired by another language?

— Begin quote from ____

Lapinumbian - Latin+Greek+Italian
Genogabrian - Latin
Apoikian - Greek
Lapinumbian - Italian

— End quote

Is Lapinumbian some kind of mix of the three languages? If so, I’ll classify it as a conlang

— Begin quote from ____

— Begin quote from ____

I haven’t finished my wiki pages for my language(s) yet, but you can list that one : Ayaupian (Federal Ayaupian)

You can also add, under Ayaupian : Nestonian, Asconian, Palayonian (I will edit this post and put the wiki pages in)

— End quote

Are these languages striclty conlang? or are they inspired by another language?

— End quote

These are strictly conlang.

I’ll give you access to dictionnaries when I’ll make them a bit more complete. Also, have in mind Ayaupian is a compromise language from each of those three languages, so there’s nothing very new about it if you’ve already read the others.

— Begin quote from ____

— Begin quote from ____

— Begin quote from ____

I haven’t finished my wiki pages for my language(s) yet, but you can list that one : Ayaupian (Federal Ayaupian)

You can also add, under Ayaupian : Nestonian, Asconian, Palayonian (I will edit this post and put the wiki pages in)

— End quote

— End quote

Are these languages striclty conlang? or are they inspired by another language?

These are strictly conlang.

I’ll give you access to dictionnaries when I’ll make them a bit more complete. Also, have in mind Ayaupian is a compromise language from each of those three languages, so there’s nothing very new about it if you’ve already read the others.

— End quote

Yep it’s a mix of the three

Alvish is Mongolian.

Acronian and Tavari are, in theory, conlangs that make an IC language family, creatively named “Tavari-Acronian.” In reality, I have maybe like ten words >_>

Updates will be edited every 5pm Philippine Standard Time


Unonian is among one of the most widely spoken conlangs in Yasteria as it primarily is spoken in Vulpine countries such as Vekaiyu, Listonia, Auraliyu, Shango, and South Dveria

Arkian - German (Specifically Low German, or more specifically, Low Prussian)

I do also have a fairly large population that speaks Asendavian and Norgsveldian, the first of which is a conlang and the second is closest to Norwegian, but they aren’t my languages.

Staynish=British English

Codexian=American English

High Nerovian - a blend of royal British and French
Nerovian - a blend of American, British, and French

Volkia speaks the Volkian language, which is Russian. Volkian as an ethnicity and culture is also heavily influenced by Russia/Eastern Slavic practices.

Lissian = French (Quebecois)
(it’s both an ethnicity and a language)

I’d add that Ayaupians would look as a mix of latinos and native south americans, for color skin and body features, for humans and elves. But they would have made-up features as well.

New Leganés speaks Cukish, a conlang included on the Gondwanan language group of Carjado-Matrélikish, as well as Impelanzan and Staynish.
South Peragen speaks Impelanzan.

For the record we do have a spreadsheet on Urth languages…