Resolution To Commend General Xoriet Ysabel Montresor

The following resolution was debated, moved and seconded in this

— Begin quote from ____

BE IT PROCLAIMED by the Magisterium of the East Pacific:

RECOGNIZING her ten months of true and dedicated martial service to the East Pacific;

IN APPRECIATION OF the high standard with which, as general and commanding officer, Xoriet conducts herself and the East Pacific Sovereign Army on the field of battle;

CONGRATULATES the General on the occasion of EPSA’s unprecedented success in mobilization and coordination culminating in successful fifty-eight detag actions performed 18th through 20th majors, August 2014;

HEREBY COMMEMDS General Xoriet Ysabel Montresor

— End quote

Vote AYE or FOR, if you are in favor of this resolution, NAY or AGAINST, if you’re against, ABSTAIN or PRESENT, if you feel that you can’t reach a decision in good conscience.

You must state your World Assembly (WA) nation at the time of your vote with the following two exceptions:

(1) If you do not have a WA nation, then you must make a statement to that effect.

(2) If your WA nation is on assignment with the EPSA, then you must make a statement to that effect.

This vote will close on 29 August 2014 at 1000 HRS Eastern Daylight Time


TEP: Severisen

A Slanted Black Stripe (TEP/WA) votes Aye.

British Grand Pacific (TEP/WA) votes FOR.


TEP/WA: PrussianEmpire


TEP: Eastern Tim-Opolis
WA: Lianda


WA: Vac the Destroyer

This vote is now closed.

AYE / FOR: 6
NOT VOTING: 4 (The Oan Isles, Macordie, God-Emperor, Tano)

A majority (100%) are in favor. 6 of the 10 (60%) eligible members are present. Pursuant to provision 5.2 of the Standing Orders of the Magisterial Assembly, quorum (1/2) was met.

The Resolution “Commend General Xoriet Ysabel Montresor” has passed.