[A-2024-26] The Conclave Orders Act

Salasatov began an indefinite leave of absence on 2024-07-10T14:01:00Z.
This vote ended on 2024-07-11T10:48:00Z and has achieved quorum, with 12/16 eligible votes cast.

Index Name Classification Aye Nay Abstain Non Voting
1 Altys WA X
2 American-Cascadia WA X
3 ArenaC WA X
4 Arleat WA X
5 Asendavia WA X
6 CyberiumShadow WA X
7 Dabeez WA X
8 Dremaur WA X
10 Kingdom_of_Napels NONWA X
11 Mangegneithe WA X
12 Marrabuk WA X
13 Pauline_Bonaparte NONWA X
14 Sammy23 WA X
15 The Ambis NONWA X
16 Tommo WA X
= = = = = = =
Totals = = 9 0 3 4
Voting % = = 75.00% 0.00% 25.00% N/A
Total % = = 56.25% 0.00% 18.75% 25.00%

The Conclave Orders Act has passed the Magisterium and has been sent to the delegate.