…1.1. This Act shall be known and cited as “The Conclave Orders Act”.
…2.2. An Order shall be defined as any binding statement by the Conclave to compel any individual or institution to complete an action with an explicitly stated indictable penalty for failing to execute said action.
…2.3. A verdict shall be defined as any binding and final ruling by the Conclave on a matter of trial or legislation interpretation. Verdicts shall not be considered Orders.
…2.4. A Trial Order shall be defined as an Order to conduct, suspend, or reverse a select action in order to preserve the status quo or security of the East Pacific or rights of a Resident during a trial. Trial Orders cease to hold effect when a trial concludes.
…3.1. The Conclave may only enact these kinds of Orders:
…3.1.1. Order an individual to preform a duty required of them by law when said individual is failing to preform said duty at the proper time,
…3.1.2. Order an individual to appear before the Conclave as a witness during a trial,
…3.1.3. Order an individual who is currently on trial but has not appeared for trial to appear for said trial,
…3.1.4. Order an individual to cease behaviors that are disrupting the Conclave’s function,
…3.1.5. For the duration of a trial, Order a suspension on a government action/process if the trial concerns said action/process, for the sake of maintaining the status quo during a trial,
…3.1.6. For the duration of a trial, Order a ban or ejection on any nation of an individual on trial if said individual represents an in-game security risk to the East Pacific.
…3.2. If the Conclave believes it necessary to enact an Order that does not fit under Section 3.1 but is still required for the Conclave to preform its duties properly, it may enact such an Order following its regular processes.
…3.2.1. However, upon enactment of such an Order, the Magisterium shall hold a majority confirmation vote on said Order. Failure of the confirmation vote shall result in an immediate repeal of that Order, nullify/reverse any indictable penalty generated by said Order, and end any trial wherein the Defense is charged with an indictable penalty from said Order.
…3.2.2. The Order shall stand during the confirmation vote.
…3.2.3. The Conclave shall publicly notify the Magisterium of the enactment of such an Order within 24 hours of its enactment. Failure to give notification within that timeframe shall lead to the immediate repeal of that Order once the 24 hours expires.
…3.3. For Orders temporarily banning an individual during a trial, such a ban shall not constitute as evidence against the individual and may not factor into the Conclave’s decision making.
…3.3.1. As an exemption to the Citizenship Act, such individuals shall also be allowed to maintain Citizenship for the duration of said Order if they were a Citizen when the Order was enacted. If the Conclave does not ban the individual following a guilty verdict for the relevant trial, said individual shall be given 48 hours to become compliant with the Citizenship Act once the Order expires.
…3.4. Abuse of Orders by the Conclave, wherein the Conclave utilizes Orders in a manner that is unreasonable and/or unjust, shall be considered abuse of power and grounds for removal by the Magisterium following Concordat procedures.
…4.1. The Conclave reserves the power to remove a Vizier or Magister as granted by Concordat.
…4.2. The relevant government authorities must execute a Conclave verdict even though Conclave verdicts are not considered Orders.