[hr][hr]Queen: Rach Eriksen
Crown Prince: North East Somerset
Statsminister: The Iron Rebel
Culture: Nephimir, Integration: Zander Cerebella, Foreign Affairs: Josh Sebastian, Security: 34625197
Speaker of Riksdag:(Riksdagens Talman) Kayden Von Amsberg,
Royal Council: Isidor C. Somerset, Charles Cerebella, Zander Cerebella, 34625197, Fuzzy
New Statsminister
The Iron Rebel was elected Statsminister November 16th, after defeating an empty seat in a unanimous land slide. From there he filled the rest of the Riksraadet by maintaining Josh Sebastian to handle Foreign affairs, moving Bran Triune from Culture to War, after that through a hiring topic, it was decided Zander would handle Integration, and Nephmir would handle Culture, and 346 Eriksen was sought out to handle security for his admin rank.
Festivals and other cultural events are being discussed, additionally the Statsminster proposed a treaty between Balder and the United Kingdom of the Netherlands, and a positing competition began on December 8th, which will run until the New Year, the winner shall gain a to be determined prize.
News from the Riksdag
Earlier in October, the legislative assembly of the region, the Riksdag, was especially busy with official business. the Riksdag voted to amend the Treaty of the Old Gods, Balder’s treaty with Osiris. Essentially it consists of the removal of Article IV: The Imperial Sovereign Realms Army. It retained the uniquely close relationship between Balder and Osiris established in Articles 1-3. But without a joint military. In order to facilitate the possibility of joint operations in the future, the Riksdag further amended Article 3:i, which established a Joint Operations Centre in Osiris, which is where the HQ for ISRA was formerly located. This ensures the regions continue to have the option to conduct joint operations, and have a suitable permanent communication channel for military matters.
Aside from this, the first Amendment to the Citizenship Act was also passed to law. Authored by Riksdagsledamöter Arielle Nightingale, features two main changes: Removal of the Oath; addition of Honorary Citizenship and the granting of Permanent Citizenship for Jarls. Another amendment, this time for the Representation for the Realm Act, proposed again by the former, is currently being voted on by the body. The bill reduces the size of the Speaker’s term and removes the prohibition from the Speaker serving in the Riksraadet too.
Balder Signs The Independent Manifesto
Balder is a strong and progressive region, and as such, it takes great joy and pride in having been invited to and participating in Europeia’s Convention on Independence. The Balder delegation was composed of Queen Rach, Prince NES and Statsminister Zander who joined the leaders of other major Independent regions of NationStates. A number of issues on the philosophy and application of Independence were tackled by the delegates which were articulated in the recently released Independent Manifesto. The Manifesto lays out the basic principles and values of Independent regions. These principles have existed for some years now, but this is the first time that those principles have been encapsulated in a single document. Commentators have praised the Manifesto for offering a comprehensive and scholarly review of Independence as a philosophy and as a foreign policy.
Nearing 100k Forum Posts
December marked a historic milestone for the Balder forums. Following successive pushes for forum activity by the Monarchy and the Regional Government, the total forum post count have breached the 90k level. When asked to comment, Statsminister The Iron Rebel said that he was “very much delighted” with the achievement, and now looks to push the numbers a level higher. “On December First, Balder reached the 90,000 post mark, with a post on the matter from by myself the Statsminister. Balder continues its pursuit from here to 100,000 posts, which I personally hope to achieve before June at the latest. This has long since been a goal of Queen Rach for balder to reach 100,000 posts, and it is one that is in sight.”
L.O.P Liberated!
Zander celebrates the liberation of his original homeland
On Sunday the 14th of December members of the Jomsvikings joined forces with New Hyperion and the Association of Imperialism in liberating The Land of Power from invading forces. The operation was a resounding success for all involved as perfect timing prevented any chance of the invading Delegate banning the liberation force and it was also Zander Cerebellas first attempt at leading a military operation in over 4 years. Even Statsminister The Iron Rebel joined in with minutes to spare. Additional AoI and New Hyperion forces are now currently reinforcing Zander.
Balder’s Secrets!
NES takes participation in a facesitting protest.
Prince and Security Minister 346 goes nutty while watch border feed.
New Speaker Kayden Von Amsberg reportedly having an affair with a sock puppet.
Prince Isdor rumored to be vacationing in Cuba.
Jarl Charles Cerebella caught robbing retirement home.
Jarl and Minister of Integration Zander goes mice hunting with Fuzzy.
Minister of War Bran and Minister of Culture Nephmir start extreme battleship tournament in pool.
Minister of Foreign Affairs Josh Sebastian’s book for affairs hits the internet.
Statsminister the Iron Rebel once again sent to mental ward.
Happy Holidays!
Written by the Riksraadet