This RP will be largely focused on the insurgency in Mocambyk as it escalates and the actions taken by the governments, the soldiers and the people of the factions involved.
Pro-Communist Forces
The People’s Republic of Mocambyk
A newly independent state in northern Yasteria. The country is one of, if not the most, poorest nations on Urth. Hunger, poverty disease and illiteracy are rampant in the country. Currently run a one party state with a communist government under FRELIMO headed by Samora Machel. Government is relatively stable however it is under threat from the MNR bandits situated in the south of the country.
FRELIMO is the sole legal political entity in Mocambyk. It is often difficult to tell when FRELIMO ends and where the state begins. FRELIMO was socialist until transforming into a communist party in early 2018. The FPLM (Popular Forces for the Liberation of Mocambyk) are the official military of Mocambyk. It is rare among national militaries in that it doesn’t have a formal ranking system and is ran as a “people’s revolutionary army.” FRELIMO and the FPLM have large support among most citizens and both groups have extended their presence to almost everywhere in the country by 2018.
International allies
COMECON Forces and Members provide extensive logistical, economical and military support to Mocambyk.
Anti-Communist Forces
Republic of Anodin
Something of an international pariah, the Republic of Anodin still maintains a highly racist and speciest apartheid system of segregation between blacks and whites, vulpines and humans etc etc. In terms of the economy it is quite powerful and held significant sway over colonial Mocambyk. The government is a dominant party parliamentary republic with the parliament and government dominated by the far right Anodin National Action Front which seeks to maintain the current status quo at any cost.
Mocambykan National Resistance (MNR)
A largely incoherent group of bandits and thugs with very little in terms of political ideology besides from fervent anti-communism. The group was created and is effectively ran by the secret service of Anodin and continues to launch attacks on villages and important economic targets. Holds territory in the south of the country but has yet to penetrate further north.
International allies
West Cerdani provides limited support to the Republic of Anodin, largely in the form of trade agreements and occasional diplomatic agreements.
Neutral Forces
None yet
[spoiler]This RP will be focused almost entirely on Mocambyk, Anodin and their immediate surrounds. If you wish to take part in this RP please consult me first, I welcome people to take on roles from citizens to bandits to soldiers to even being government members supporting one side or staying neutral. Major story events will be written by myself. Joint posts are welcome for both small and major story events.[/spoiler]
This post is a WIP and is subject to change.