(OOC: Joint post between me and Norgs!)
November 2008, Kholivioni Palace, Neriveli, Nilovia…
Xerxes was on vacation when his father was killed. It was the middle of summer. He and his wife Astrid had gone on a summer retreat to the city of Ureli, on the coast of Lake Nilovi. Cool fresh water, the sun beaming against the calm waves, the sky a crystal-clear blue. Astrid and Xerxes had been kayaking for a good few hours. Meanwhile, in those same fateful hours, Xerxes’ father had been suddenly and violently overthrown by military general Zerkesi Verulidze. He had no clue until after the fact. His entourage of security guards called him back to the coast soon after the attack on the King and briefed him on the situation. The news was like a punch to the gut. His father, dead by his own general? As he stood at his own coronation, on the very balcony which his father stood 15 years prior, those past few weeks roiled through his mind. He blamed himself for taking that vacation. If he could have just been with his father at the time of the coup, he might have had a chance at saving him. But no. Here he stood, taking on the weight of a country’s problems, with half of the country having fallen to Verulidze’s forces. His coronation’s security levels could not be higher; only the most trusted and vetted guests could attend. Frustration furrowed his brow and darkened his mind. He looked down through the central aisle that separated the crowd into two halves, fitting for such a fractured nation as his. He then felt the warm comforting squeeze of his hand, pulling him away from his clouded thoughts. Astrid, the light of his life. He turned his eyes to her’s, eyes full of determination and hope for the future. And in that, he knew he and his nation would persevere.
“It will be alright.” Astrid’s voice whispered out, tone being gentle and warm as she looked towards him. Still holding his hand tightly. As if she could see the dark clouds that were gathering around his mind and shooed them away. “You’re not alone, you have me. You have my nation’s support, we can get through this.” She had a smile on her lips as she held her head high in confidence.
The two newly-crowned monarchs of Nilovia turned back to the doorway of the balcony, completing the official ceremony. As they walked into the palace, Xerxes finally mustered up the will to respond, “I trust you, dear. I only wish that this day would have been under a better light, and far in the future. There is so much work to do.”
He slowed his walking as the reason for the ceremony came at him full force. His voice choked as he said, “I miss him so, Astrid. It shouldn’t have ended this way for him.”
She kept her smile as her eyes became more sympathetic, as she gently pulled him to sit down to a nearby couch. Placing a hand on his cheek gently rubbing it as she then pressed her forehead against his. “Life is unfair dear, and it gives us many challenges. Only thing we can control is how we go on to tackle them.” She held him close as she comforted him.
“It hurts so much, Ash,” he said softly, tears rolling down his cheek. Out of the public eye, the King and Queen of Nilovia sat on that couch, mourning the day of their coronation.
10th March 2022, Jotüngrad Palace, Helslandr
Astrid let out a small sigh as she looked in front of her bedroom mirror, she was dressed in a full ceremonial military uniform. As advised by her government, it followed the expectations of Hjørdist doctrine at least. Which was something she would have to get used to, only having been raised to Orthodox standards. Strapped to her hip was a ceremonial, though still sharp, saber with a steel hilt. Her long white silver hair is tied into a ponytail. With the uniform being completely black with the exception of some red symbols, including a tiny patch to honor those monarcho-socialist insurgents that had been fighting against the nationalist government. It was, according to her advisers, vital to seem like a figure for all who fought against the nationalists. Though she couldn’t help but being a bit nervous with this new found responsibility, even if she didn’t show it as she kept her head up high and a confident smile.
She was the first queen Helslandr ever had since their independence from the Queendom. Hels she being part of the establishment of a new Queendom on the peninsula, though not the Queendom but still. There was a cultural role that came with being a Queen in this part of Urth, and she had to keep that in mind. To act the way Hjørdists would expect her to act, while of course not angering the political groups in the country. Gods she was getting her nerves worked up again. She let out a heavy sigh, breathing in and slowly as she calmed down. With her turning around to face her husband, who was yet to be fully dressed. “How do I look dear?” She gave a gesture towards her outfit as she smiled warmly towards him.
Struggling to put on his dress shoe, he looked up at his wife. Despite the turmoil of his own life and country, Astrid’s beauty outshone it all. His thoughts had been lingering back to his own country, teetering on a knife’s edge for so long that anxiety had become the new status quo for him and his subjects. Worry melted away when Astrid turned to him, poised to rule with the kind and fair hand he knew she had. He placed the shoe on the floor and one-shoedly walked to Astrid, resting his hands on her waist. “You look stunning, dear,” he said, enamoured in her eyes.
“Thank you.” She placed her own hands on his shoulders giving him a peck on the cheek, smiling warmly as she pulled back. Though giving a curious look to his disheveled hair. “Come on, we need to make you look your finest before the ceremony starts.” She teased gently as she pushed some of his dark hair back. “Even if the ceremony is on a shorter end.”
He looked down at his half-buttoned shirt and his half-shoed feet. He smiled abashedly and replied, “Some help would indeed be appreciated.”
Astrid couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle at that as she reached down to button up his shirt, shaking her head in amusement. “You know I think Hjørdist likely expects this to be reversed.” She teased gently before giving him a peck on the other side of his cheek, before picking up the dress tie from the bed. Helping her husband to tie it.
Grinning, Xerxes replied, “Well I’d certainly hope they get used to seeing a woman in charge. Especially one so steady as you’ve been for me.”
“I just hope the Hjørdists don’t expect me to personally stab any woman who looks at you. I rather not dirty this sword.” She said before letting out another small laugh before poking the exiled-king’s nose as she took a step back to let him finally put on his other shoe. Though did grab a comb from a nearby desk to begin combing his hair back.
Tying the knots to his footwear, his thoughts turned back to Nilovia. It had been nearly fifteen years since his coronation, and little progress towards reunification had happened in that time. Lovelia supported his cause as well as a number of other great powers, but such support was token at best. When would it end? The bloodshed had steadily gotten worse and worse as Verulidze grew more belligerent over these years. At least his people had stymied the dictator’s endeavors. Sitting up and letting his wife comb his hair, he returned to the joy of the moment, happy that Astrid’s war was over. There was some peace in this world, and that brought some gladness into his heart. Smirking, Xerxes quipped, “Don’t worry, dear. I’ll do the stabbing for you.”
“I’m sure you will.” She teased back as she gave a peck on his lips before putting down the comb, and gently grabbed one of his hands. “Now you look more presentable for the citizens.” She kept her teasing tone as she pulled him by the hand out of the bedroom, and slowly headed towards the balcony. Stopping right behind the balcony door, looking outside one could see there were thousands that gathered outside waiting for them. Waiting outside their palace, one that was certainly smaller than the one they had in Nilovia or the residence that they were given in Osfjord. Their new palace was more like a smaller mansion. She gave a look towards her husband. “Ready?”
His eyes softened as they met Astrid’s. He responded with a simple and sure, “Always, Ash.”
She smiled warmly at that before looking towards the balcony doors grabbing the handles as she pushed them open, and the cold air hit them as they stepped forward into the balcony. Immediately a cheer came from the large crowds gathered outside their home. People waving the black, white and blue flag of Helslandr. She couldn’t help but notice the exhaustion that was on the faces of the people, yet despite the exhaustion they were still smiling wildly. The civil war was finally over, having ended only two weeks prior. Mainly because of the intervention from the Federation and the UCA, who knows how long it would last without it? Even now there still were troops from the coalition in the country, though they were mainly concentrated in the South.
While she didn’t say it, or even thought about it. With her thoughts more focused on the hope people had towards this new beginning. It is still hard to not notice how different this all was to Nilovia. While one nation was forgotten by the world powers and allowed the continued bloodshed, the other had powers there to act and intervene to end it.
The gods seemed to answer the prayers of the Helslandrer people… May they finally answer Nilovians’ prayers next.