A New Nation Arises!

In the recent decade there has been talks of a group of zealous individuals leaving all their belongings behind and making a journey to a small island South of Ferrum Terra, East of Rhodesialund, and North of Bach & Shacog. These pilgrims come from all walks of life however most were simple citizens and such is the case now. They have, for years, consider themselves a nation. However today, it is a different matter entirely. Caed Valley has been officially accepted as a sovereign nation within the East Pacific region. The population of the micro-nation celebrates their official independence and sovereignty with a modest carnival for all 1,263 inhabitants. Mid way through the festivities the Holy Governor strides upon a podium, flanked by his fanatical 12 man “Holy Guardsmen”, and announces:

“Today, my brothers and sisters, we have been rightfully noted as a true nation! Under God, and under Law! Today is a cause for celebration and praise to the Creator for his intervention in the clouded minds of our neighboring nations. We shall spread the Truth, and fulfill our duties to both God and Country! Laudem Creatorem! Laudem Creatorem!”

As the Holy Governor begins to chant, his Holy Guardsmen follow suite with heavy bass voices. Emitting a rumbling ‘Ahh’ beneath the loud chanting of the zealous citizens of the Caed Valley nation. This would be an uneasy sight for some foreign reporters, horrifying for others. Regardless… a new nation built solely around religion has arisen. The Caed Valley Defense Force (the military) could be seen in their converted Technical, when not enjoying the faire. Across these cheap military cars, painted in gold, was “Laudem Creatorem”. Praise to the Creator.

Feel Free To Post ]][edit_reason]" The population of micro-nation" should have been “The population of the micro-nation”[/edit_reason]

“This is weird… Right? It’s not just me?” A voice mumbled in Mahigian, its owner holding a video camera as he recorded the ceremony. “This is… Definitely one of our more interesting assignments.” A second voice responded in the same language, its owner writing notes in a small notebook. The writer’s partner nodded as he continued to film the speaker. “Better than dodging bullets in Dveria or rooting out dissidents in Kaza.” The chanting began erupting from the stage in front of them.

The writer stopped jotting down notes for a moment as the group on the stage started to chant, scanning his eyes across the carnival. “Hey,” he began, nudging the cameraman. “Get the technicals. We need as much info as we can get.” The cameraman started getting images of the vehicles while the writer eyeballed technical information on them and their occupants.

The chanting seemed to continue for some time, so the pair decided to pack it up before attracting much more attention to themselves. They were probably some of the only lupines on the island, part of a small “news team” to cover Caed Valley’s recent recognition as a sovereign nation. At least, that was the official story. To those in the Laiatanese intelligence community, the group was part of an operation with the Foreign Intelligence Service to get information on this once overlooked nation.