Hello! While not new to Nationstates, I felt that after a couple months have having my original nation CTE, it was time for a refresher. It just so happens I landed right here in TEP, and I’ve decided to stay.
Since I have stumbled upon those questions of yours about things such as “How long I’ve been playing?” and “What country are you from?” and “where did you hide the bodies?”, why don’t I answer some so you guys (and gals!) can get to know me better. We might even get all buddy buddy like in those cheesy cop movies!
In no particular order…
[li]I am from the United States (good ol’ 'Murica.)
[li]Esseland was inspired by combining Hesse with England to produce the most glorious of self absorbed yet humbly adequate states known to insect and robot kind.
[li]I enjoy thinking up pseudo governments and learning about how real governments function, but sometimes just everything about government is headache inducing.
[li]I haven’t joined the WA yet (though it will happen eventually).
[li]I’ve been playing NS since the (somewhat…not really) ancient year of 2011.
[li]I discovered NS after observing a strange man in a restroom. It was Mr. Max himself, whom promptly evacuated the men’s room after he noticed me staring. Fortunately, he left his wallet and I found his home address. While watching him from that one somewhat human sized bush next to his window, I saw him on NS. Wanting to be more like Mr. Max, I joined NS! Google.
[li]I don’t watch the news; if I wanted to be force fed horribly biased and, many times, inaccurate information, I’d go onto /r/politics.
Ah, anyway. Happy to be here, and thanks for having me!