A plot

A basement in an innocuous building in Draeset, December 27
Evan Martin sat at the bottom of the basement, waiting for the other conspirators. Nobody knew what they did in there, except the others. He had no plans to let people find out.
He wanted a coup d’état. He hated the government of Tretrid, and wanted himself solely to guide the direction of the nation. He wanted to rule with an iron fist, and be the most feared dictator on Urth.
“Let this meeting come to order. Let’s review our plans for the 9th.”
His plan was for February 9, the anniversary of the creation of the First Republic from anarchy. It was quite a holiday, but also came with the fact that the First Republic lasted a few months before collapsing, and there were a few more months before the formation of the Second Republic.

Their plans were to sneak bombs to the basements of every major building in Draeset. The charges were strong enough to destroy the floor of the building (and the ceiling of the basement), and the buildings would fall and be destroyed, and their forces would take the city. Then they could force the survivors to storm Tretridia, and seize the government. There was just one problem.
“How will we take Fort Johnston? When we take Tretridia, the current government will almost certainly flee there. And it is their largest military installation.”
Obviously there had to be wrinkles to be ironed out. That was to be worked out.