A Request from the New Pacific Order

A Message from the Diplomatic Corps of The Pacific

Hello Comrades from The East Pacific, dear Xoriet and handsome Ram,

With the increasing of my duties as Regent of the New Pacific Order, I find myself lacking enough time to attend to the needs of a diplomat in your region. Due to this, I’d like to request you officially receive our new ambassador to your region, Comrade Little Freeland, known in these halls as Little Raptorland! He has already joined you in the forums and he will be my eyes and ears away from here when I can’t visit myself!

That does not means you can’t reach me directly or ask questions, you can address anything to me here and if I can’t catch it myself, I’ll send my reply with LR, or I’ll have him pull me over here to you all!

Please concede LR the corresponding diplomatic credentials! Thanks and Regards,

Regent of The Pacific
Senator of Foreign Affairs

Hello guys, gals, and any other species I may have missed!

While I was a bit to lazy to prepare a speech, I can however, tell you that I’m happy to be here and working alongside you fellows.

If you need to reach me for any reason, whether it be any impending disasters or the local weather, you can TG this http://www.nationstates.net/nation=little_raptorland or http://www.nationstates.net/nation=little_sealand, preferribly Little Sealand

But we aren’t The South Pacific…

No comment.

— Begin quote from ____

But we aren’t The South Pacific…

— End quote

My clever plan to verify if you guys are reading worked!

Also it was late, I used a template, was sleepy, tired and am an internationally known idiot… sorry Ram :frowning:


— Begin quote from ____

— Begin quote from ____

But we aren’t The South Pacific…

— End quote

My clever plan to verify if you guys are reading worked!

Also it was late, I used a template, was sleepy, tired and am an internationally known idiot… sorry Ram :frowning:


— End quote

Don’t worry about it. Mistakes happen. The correction also more than makes up for it. :wink:

Besides, it isn’t the worst template I’ve seen – at least we weren’t [insert region here] this time. :stuck_out_tongue:

To be fair, I did the template and use it 30 seconds later three times :stuck_out_tongue:

Tssk tssk. These templates :wink:

Welcome again to Little Freeland, also, congratulations again to Elegarth.

Templates are nice with kola syrup, condensed milk and powdered milk:


I myself just had French fries and a chocolate milkshake. Have you tried root bear floats?

I hate the taste of root bear



Prussia had too much to drink

That’s a TEP inside joke. :stuck_out_tongue:

I wish I could understand it :frowning:

So do I. :wink:


So I’m not the only one…

It’s Prussian Diplomacy at its finest. :wink:

— Begin quote from ____

It’s Prussian Diplomacy at its finest. :wink:

— End quote

If you can’t beat em, confuse them :wink: https://groups.tapatalk-cdn.com/smilies/52127/1536592186.951-smiley.gif?ttinline=truehttps://groups.tapatalk-cdn.com/smilies/52127/1536592187.427-smiley.gif?ttinline=truehttps://groups.tapatalk-cdn.com/smilies/52127/1536592187.427-smiley.gif?ttinline=truehttps://groups.tapatalk-cdn.com/smilies/52127/1536592187.427-smiley.gif?ttinline=truehttps://groups.tapatalk-cdn.com/smilies/52127/1536592185.5641-smiley.gif?ttinline=truehttps://groups.tapatalk-cdn.com/smilies/52127/1536592189.7236-smiley.gif?ttinline=truehttps://groups.tapatalk-cdn.com/smilies/52127/1536592193.1323-smiley.gif?ttinline=truehttps://groups.tapatalk-cdn.com/smilies/52127/1536592186.4266-smiley.gif?ttinline=truehttps://groups.tapatalk-cdn.com/smilies/52127/1536592186.587-smiley.gif?ttinline=truehttps://groups.tapatalk-cdn.com/smilies/52127/1536592185.709-smiley.gif?ttinline=truehttps://groups.tapatalk-cdn.com/smilies/52127/1536592184.6998-smiley.gif?ttinline=true