A Trip to Trenshka

A sleek, black, armed shuttle emerges from the many clouds of the Sokaiphellikan planet of Bielstek. The frigate dodges left, avoiding the Sokaiphellikan Defense Space Station, before slowing down. Aboard the ship, officers in various uniforms prepare the ship for FTL launch.  A bearded man dressed in red and black long sleeves enters the bridge.
“Ensign Balagtas, status report?” Captain Johnathan Kuvvutsy says as he sits in the captain’s chair “Are we ready for the jump?”
Around Kuvvutsy sat twelve officers in each of their stations, all doing system diagnostics in their systems. Dressed in color-coded long sleeves of their own, the officers sat in their appropriate cylindrical seats. Two security officers stood at the bridge’s door, standing by with their blasters.
“Just aligning to the Trenshka System, sir” Navigational officer Ensign Dreyfus Balagtas replies “ETD 2 minutes” He returns to the navigation system screen, calibrating the Diplomacy’s nose to heads towards the Trenshka System.
“Lieutenant Teeh, how’s our hull integrity?” Kuvvutsy says, swiveling his chair towards a pink-haired woman.
“Hull’s as strong as Sokalan coconut, sire” Lieutenant Magnolia Teeh, the ship’s weapons and defense officer, replies “Same with the weapons systems.” On her screen, a digital version of the Diplomacy showed details of the hull’s integrity along with the ship’s weapon systems.
Kuvvutsy continued doing checks with each officer on deck, checking all systems from the communications systems to auxiliary systems, until all systems were confirmed working. A hail notification from the Bielstek Core Transport Command pops up.
“Captain, FTL drive is primed and ready for Trenshka System,” Balagtas says “On your command.”
“Diplomacy to Core, this is Captain Johnathan Kuvvutsy,” Kuvvutsy says “Permission to jump?”
After a few seconds of silence, a voice replied. “Core to Diplomacy, all is clear. You’re good to go.”
The twin Gustavoski nuclear fusion-powered light FTL drives roars, catapulting the Diplomacy towards the Trenshka system to speeds faster than light.

When the SCN Shuttle dropped out of lightspeed they saw the Vibrant green and Blue World that was New Trenshka little Lights dotting the Surface of the Planet, In Orbit they saw the Rektar Defense Stations massive 400 meter stations that Featured a pleathora of Deadly Munitions,

Grey and Red forms dotted the orbit of the Planet The IKNs Massive Home Fleet had gathered around New Tresnshka,

They Were Hailed by the Heavy Cruiser IKN Defiance

“This is Imperial Navy Heavy Cruiser IKN Defiance, Please Identify yourself”

Captain Johnathan Kuvvutsy stands up in awe as the gigantic ship came into view. Jaws metaphorically dropped across the bridge.

“This is Imperial Navy Heavy Cruiser IKN Defiance, Please Identify yourself”

A voice overloads their comms, sending a message and bypassing the comms officer themself.

"This is Captain Johnathan Kuvvutsy of the Sokaiphellikan Confederate Navy aboard the SCS Diplomacy.“Kuvvutsy says as he replies to the voice “We’ve come in peace.””

The Heavy Cruisers Ventral Hanger Door Opened and 2 M class Starfighters maneuvered out and towards the Shuttle (note they look more like fighter jets)

“Follow The FIghters to Station Valkorian”

the Heavy Cruisers Thrusters Fire as it maneuvers back to Low orbit of Trenshka 
The Fighters take up postions in front and behind of the shuttle as they prepare to escort it

Kuvvutsy watched as what appears to be two starfighters exit from the ship.

“Follow The FIghters to Station Valkorian”

Kuvvutsy turns to a brown Vulpine. “Ensign Carlo, you heard him.” Kuvvutsy says “Follow the fighters.”

As the SCN Diplomacy follows the Kurikian fighters, Kuvvutsy can’t help but wonder at design and technology of the other worlds. Despite being in the Acquisition Corps for a decade, he can’t help but marvel at the state that Urthians are in. Just a century and half ago, Urthians were confined in a single planet and now, Urthians spread across the known galaxy.

The Massive Station Came Into View as they got closer

The 1km wide Ring had several Ships Docked to it Including a Arqintins Class Light Cruiser and Imperator Class Battleship

“Shuttle SCS diplomacy you are  cleared for Docking at Shuttle Bay N-7”

“Affirmative,” Ensign Balagtas says “Docking now.”

The SCN Diplomacy swiveled to its portside, aligning its docking tunnel to the station. The shuttle extended its docking tunnel to the station, magnetically attaching after reaching the hull.

They Are Escorted to the Stations Customs Terminal Along the Way isa Holographic Image of every Major Ship class in the Imperial Navy

From the Constant Victory Class to the Newer Arquintins Class Light Cruiser 
They are Able to See most of the ships in the Fleet before the Naval Parade even begins

(February 2nd is a holiday in 2199 Kurikia Due to it being when the first Interstellar Warship in the fleet was Launched the IKN Victory, Victory 1 Class Missile Cruiser)

Ensign Kel Zaknov marveled at the holo displays, admiring the detailed projections of the Constant Victory Class. “Holos here are a lot more high defined,” Zaknov says “We gotta take one so we can examine them”

“We’ll talk with the Kurikians about that request,” Kuvvutsy says “But first, let’s meet the Kurikians first”

They are Met By an Imperial Navy Lieutenant Colonel His Stark White Naval Uniform Cleanly Pressed and Fitted

“Министр иностранных дел и адмирал готовы принять вас”

“The Foreign Affairs Minister and the Admiral are Ready to Receive You”

Kuvvutsy smiles. He was a multilinguist, able to speak Iphelklorian (a language very similar to Kurikian), Sokalan, and Karish.

He bowed slightly before beginning to speak. “Спасибо лейтенант (Thank you Lieutenant),” Kuvvutsy says “Не думаю, что нам нужен переводчик.(I don’t think we need this translator)”

The Lieutenant  laughs 
“Standard Procedure, You never know who speaks Kurikian Or Not”

He leads them into a Open Office the window showing the Blue And Green world below them as the FA Minister and the Admiral  speak

Kuvvutsy, along with his XO and Chief of Security, follows the lieutenant.

Upon meeting the FA Minister, Kuvvutsy bowed slightly, as he did with the lieutenant.

“We appreciate your invitation,” Kuvvutsy says in Iphelklorian “I understand that you know that we seek to purchase several of your great empire’s spacecraft?”

The Admiral Nods

“I heard of your Interest,  I have prepared a Small Parade of our Smaller Cruisers and Capital Ships.” The Admiral Says turning to her window

“Sokaiphellika has been looking for a supplier of ships” Kuvvutsy says “Maybe Kurikia would be interested on being our partner for awhile”

“Ahh we would Be Interested, What exactly are you looking for?” The Admiral Asks

“We’ve been looking for some light carriers for our fighters.” Kuvvutsy says “Our heavy carriers are currently stationed for home defense and we’ve been considering expanding our fleet for rapid deployment. Another thing is we’re also considering purchasing some cruisers, frigs and maybe corvettes.”

“Hmm The Navy has a Few Venator Mk2s up for Sale, There Shorter than the Valiant Class by 50 Meters” The Admiral Says as she brings up her comm pad and swipes a few times before showing a image of the Mk2 to Kuvvutsy.

“I’ve seen the Venators, Admiral” Kuvvutsy says “I’m impressed by my eye’s got snared by your Arquintins Class Light Cruisers. I heard they had a fighter rapid deployment of some kind?”

To Kuvvutsy, Venators were an inferior Laguna Class Heavy Carrier. While bigger, it was comparably a lot slower and unnecessarily expensive. It wasn’t the light carrier that the SCN needed.

“The Arquintins They have a Small Hanger in the forks with enough room for 1 fighter” She Explains