Administrative action on Anur-Sanur

As the user Anur-Sanur has failed to heed repeated warnings regarding their unacceptable behaviour, and, in particular, has persisted in making personal attacks upon members of the forum administration, the user’s account has been restricted to the ability to read and respond in the Conclave forum, where their trial is underway.

The administration will monitor the situation and may calibrate these measures as warranted.

There are some community members who may consider this too lenient, but measures will escalate if no improvement in behaviour is detected.

For the record, I feel that this is an appropriate, proper use of force. Too often, forum administrators jump straight from warning to ban, when there are many useful steps in between. Kudos to Kelssek, Pack, and DFD.


I know you’ve waited your entire life for this. LOL. All Forum Admin and Moderators are named as Interested Parties in the “Trial of Anur-Sanur for deliberately being a public nuisance” that begins on Monday, November 15.

You have no obligation to attend if you are not interested. You may come and just munch popcorn if you like. If you have evidence to post in support of the matter or in defense of the accused, here’s how we roll.

The Conclave has agreed to a process that attempts to balance the desire to respect the rights of citizens, the mandates of Concordat, and prevent idiots like Bluto and his wood chipper from turning the event into a sideshow. In short, each side takes turns presenting evidence.

If you want to post evidence in support of the matter now, feel free. Just unlock the thread, drop in yer post, and lock it again. The evidence presentation period is just 48 hours in trial and if that cramps your style - or schedule, the trial thread is pinned in Conclave and you have Viceroy’s blessing to raid our little Bastille.

Arbiters may or may not post evidence or ask questions about evidence. Arbiters may post at any time.

The evidence to support the charge is heard first and the accused is given 72 hours to post their initial defense. If you wish to join the defense, that’s the proper time to post evidence to defeat the matter.

If Anur-Sanur declines to post a defense 72 hours after the evidence in support is posted, defense is waived. Anur-Sanur knows how to plea for a delay and the consequence of a no-show because this matter was opened originally on and was delayed at the request of the accused.

That 72 hour defense window might seem narrow, but please be mindful that is “trial time.” Viceroy has to schedule a matter publicly and invite the accused and Interested Parties several days in advance of the 48 hour evidence presentation, so a nation facing charges is typically given fair warning and prep time three times as long as that 72 hour window. In this instance, this nation has been given more than enough time to examine the evidence and prepare a defense.

The Order of Proceeding post at the top of the trial thread should answer most questions. If it doesn’t, feel free to PM me.

As a Citizen of TEP, I request the Viceroy to clarify which role no-Mod / no-Admin Citizens can have in this whole thing (eyewitness, perhaps?).

If they CAN have a role… will this be authorized only after a formal request of intervention from the Conclave (“Citizen Reziel you’re requested to appear in front of the Conclave to…”) or can this intervention be voluntary (“Your Honors, I’m appearing in front of you to say…”).

Looking forward to your kind answer,
with anticipated thanks


To clarify:

The trial is not to decide whether AS can post on the board. those privileges are suspended by act of admins. Admin actions are not bound by the conclave. What is being decided is AS’s right to exist in TEP for being a general nuisance.

— Begin quote from ____

Admin actions are not bound by the conclave. What is being decided is AS’s right to exist in TEP for being a general nuisance.

— End quote

If my post semed to suggest otherwise, I apologize: the trial’s matter was and is clear to me. Mine was a question about “judiciary-procedure” only, with the quoted passage being a never-under-discussion concept for me.

That said… Honorable Viceroy, my question stands.



— Begin quote from ____

As the user Anur-Sanur has failed to heed repeated warnings regarding their unacceptable behaviour, and, in particular, has persisted in making personal attacks upon members of the forum administration, the user’s account has been restricted to the ability to read and respond in the Conclave forum, where their trial is underway.

The administration will monitor the situation and may calibrate these measures as warranted.

There are some community members who may consider this too lenient, but measures will escalate if no improvement in behaviour is detected.

— End quote

Kudos, all. Is there a way to prevent posts in the Pax Box?

Dunno Kang.


Darn good question and I’m happy to take a whack at it.

In the broadest sense, all citizens are Interested Parties in every matter before Conclave, whether it’s a ruling on the meaning of Concordat or the trial of a nation.

Because Conclave exists to protect the rights of all citizens, any citizen may post in Conclave if they are added to the list of Interested Parties. Any citizen may PM Viceroy to make that request. I’m going to edit the initial post to the trial to reflect this. It’s pretty difficult for a Viceroy to say no as long as everyone follows the Order of Proceeding and posts relevant information regarding the matter. The first 48 hours (which can be extended if any Arbiter wants) are for posting evidence that folks believe support the matter. I’ve posted mine already.

The reason we ask folks to ask Viceroy before posting is to draw a line in the sand to prevent distracting and disruptive “drive by” posts.

The next 72 hours belong to the defense. The accused has the right to not incriminate themselves, which implies not posting at all - and asking that no one post on their behalf. So if you want to join the defense to defeat the matter, you’ll need to send a TG to the accused and ask them to name you as part of their defense. The reason I say TG is that Forum Admin have banned the nation from using PMs until the end of the trial. That’s their call and region government cannot constrain them from doing what they think is best.

It’s not like a RL trial: we don’t do the examination/cross-examination thing. Think of it more like filing of briefs, which are documents a judge reads. Although a defendant may or may not want to make a “closing argument” to convince the Arbiters to vote to defeat the matter, the final debate is between the Arbiters in attendance. It all takes place in public by law, but we have to balance the rights of the accused with the rights of the other citizens and the requirement that we act fairly and reasonably with the requirement that a trial be swift.

Facts are highly valued. Arguments, often not so much. Booyah, I support the matter OR feh, this is stupid = not at all. The only votes that count in the end are Arbiter votes. We were selected in part because we aren’t afraid of making decisions without regard to their popularity.

If any citizen is interested and wants to post in a trial is asked to please contact either Viceroy to post evidence or the nation facing Conclave to post for the defense. Any non-citizen must make a compelling argument directly to Viceroy for consideration. If they can convince me, then Conclave will decide if they want to hear a non-citizen. Viceroy presides but only haz 1 vote. The opinion of Conclave is what I heed. They don’t work for me, I work for them.

— Begin quote from ____

It’s not like a RL trial: we don’t do the examination/cross-examination thing. Think of it more like filing of briefs, which are documents a judge reads.

— End quote

… or perhaps it’s EXACTLY as a RL trial in a country which is not the USA.
*Reziel goes back to RL work writing lawyerish briefs hoping the RL judge will actually read it.

Jokes aside… I thank you for your answer, Viceroy.


That actually sounds halfway fair.

FYI to Admin. Conclave has authorized perma-ban of Anur-Sanur.

And denied Kurdaziastan a retrial.

Happy Thanksgiving to you US folks.