[Advisory Question] Citizenship Act

— Begin quote from ____

…4.1. The Commission may hold Citizenship audits at any time in order to verify Citizenship and update records.

…4.2. If a Citizen’s Nation is found to be residing outside of the Region or CTE’d during an audit, their citizenship shall be removed by the Commission.
…4.2.1. Citizenship may not be removed if a Citizen has lawful exemption allowing them to maintain Citizenship while outside the Region.

…4.3. If Citizenship is not removed, Citizenship shall be fully reinstated upon a Citizen’s return to the Region.

— End quote

Hello, honorable Arbiters. Following a recent citizenship audit, I hereby submit this question to the Conclave for the purpose of clarification:

Per the above section of the Citizenship Act, would it be legal to remove Citizenship from a Citizen who returned before a Citizenship audit? For example: say I moved my Citizenship nation from TEP for a day on 4/31/2021. I return said nation to TEP sometime on 5/01/2021. A Citizenship audit is held on 5/04/2021, and the auditor realizes that I left TEP but returned prior to said audit. Would I loose my Citizenship and have to reapply, or would I keep it?

You would keep your citizenship. Even if we interpret the phrase “during an audit” to refer to when the auditor finds out, section 4.2 uses the present tense, suggesting that it refers to nations outside the region or CTEd as the audit is ongoing.

Section 4 clearly states that citizenship is removed during audits, and that if it is not then a nation’s citizenship status is “fully reinstated” upon returning to the region. A nation that currently has citizenship and is in the region doesn’t lose citizenship during an audit.

Popping in as a Citizen/Magister here: I’m pretty sure it was written in the way Le Honklave describes because it prevents citizenship from being taken away from people who accidentally move their nation, since that happens a lot, especially with R/Ders. It could also be to protect citizens from citizenship removal if they are ejected by the EPPS for endocap reasons, which it does, intentionally or not. The third group that would be protected would be Forum Roleplayers that tend to neglect on-site stuff, and may forget to log in. This would lead to a removal of citizenship and susbequently a removal from the RP. This clause would protect them from that even if they accidentally CTE. Again, this may not be intentional, but it’s how it technically works.

— Begin quote from ____

Popping in as a Citizen/Magister here: I’m pretty sure it was written in the way Le Honklave describes because it prevents citizenship from being taken away from people who accidentally move their nation, since that happens a lot, especially with R/Ders. It could also be to protect citizens from citizenship removal if they are ejected by the EPPS for endocap reasons, which it does, intentionally or not. The third group that would be protected would be Forum Roleplayers that tend to neglect on-site stuff, and may forget to log in. This would lead to a removal of citizenship and susbequently a removal from the RP. This clause would protect them from that even if they accidentally CTE. Again, this may not be intentional, but it’s how it technically works.

— End quote

That was fully the intent, but author’s interpretation isn’t a good way to interpret the law as surrounding law as well as precedent and legal norms can change. So I wanted to ask to make sure that my interpretation was the correct one.

But yes, it was intentionally designed with that effect in mind.

Thank you for your time, Arbiters.