I’m back and I’ll give my own answer to this:
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Do we have any limitations for the treaties?
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As far as I know, not really besides Concordat requirements that Wall mentioned.
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Are treaties accepted in the form they are now (stating some alliance)? Or can we also submit treaties aiming for different things?
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Treaties are any form of agreement between two countries I’d the definition multiple dictionaries are providing me.
Based on that, I would say we could make a lot of things a “treaty”. For example, a Non-Aggression Pact I’d a treaty.
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I’m mostly interested if we can submit a Non-Aggresion Pact, or treaty / pact of friendliness or if we can guarantee independence of another region? And speaking of the last one - is treaty needed?
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A Non Aggression Pact or a Pact of Friendliness is a treaty and can be submitted.
However, a Guarantee of Independence is not a treaty. A GoI is one region guaranteeing protection to another, and by it’s wording alone usually means a stronger power protecting a weaker power, whether said weaker power wants it or not. A GoI is not an Agreement between two regions but rather one region declaring a certain action, therefore it is not a treaty and therefore doesn’t have to be submitted to the Magisterium.
In other words, I would say that by itself a GoI cannot be submitted as a treaty. A resolution would, in a legal manner, be better fitting.
A GoI could be written into a treaty, but again it would be a one sided thing in what should be a mutual document.
As for whether a GoI should be written as a treaty or not…
In all honesty I don’t see the point. It’s an affirmative action taken by one region so it seems weird to ask the target region for it’s approval.
I think a GoI is a perfect example of executive policy and order, and I would think it best for stand alone GoIs to remain as executive orders. However, I do think it could make sense to put in a GoI as a singular item in a multi-item treaty.