Allegheny Matures

President Gordon stood before the senate as he adjusted his reading glasses while looking at a few of his talking points.

"Ladies and Gentlemen of the senate, for the past 5 years now we have been working to better our country by promoting industrial and business growth, by giving our citizens the rights all sentient beings deserve and providing a safe land for them to inhabit. I think these efforts have culminated to create the most stable Allegheny region we have seen since the 10 year era of peace within the city-states in the forties. However since as far back as i can remember our people have never interacted, on a major scale, with the outside world.

It’s time to remedy this senators, it’s time to grow up and become a true nation, to interact, to trade with out neighbors. We have hit a plateau in growth and if we continue our isolationist polices we will surely wither away. I propose that we lift the immigration ban, that we make alliances, that we share our economic success with the rest of the world by allowing them to invest and buy Alleghenian products. In my opinion this is the only way we can finally become a proper nation."

An announcer spoke into the microphone.

“Senator Jarred Hopkins Democrat of Port Vue moves to speak.”

The senate coordinator motioned him her approval.

Senator Hopkins stood up.

“Mr. President, myself and a few other of my Democrat constituents have compiled a few points we would like to make about the state of the East Pacific. To my knowledge the nations of this planet are at best highly unstable and with our small military defense force in my opinion it would be foolish to even try to make our presence known. Also we feel that openly trading with other nations could possibly put several of our highly esteemed corporations out of business. How can we know that they can even compete? Also, to lift the immigration ban would be foolish, how can we know that these “potential immigrants” aren’t terrorists looking to create havoc to our innocent people?”

Another unnamed senator stood up, “That’s a bunch of fear mongering bullshit!”

The senate coordinator rapped her gavel on the table, “You sir are out of line, there will be order in this senate hall!”

The President sighed and removed his glasses, “No he is right a lot of those fears are not unfounded, but i feel that this will go well, i ask you this, how can we possibly ever know how we can handle ourselves in any problems if we don’t face our fears and push on. To sit here and to not interact with other people of other countries is in my opinion quite childish. If someone wanted to destroy us it would have happened already. I will personally show the people of this world that we are ready. I must, we must… we must do this. The republic of Allegheny is ready for this, our people are ready for this. You have spoken to your districts, you have conversed with the people. As their representatives you are obligated to pass this motion into law.”

The senate coordinator set up the vote on the computer system.

“Commence the vote, you have one hour.”

President Gordon sat back with a good feeling, he was ready for this, he was ready to show the world that the R.O.A. could compete with the best, he only hoped that The East Pacific would be as kind to Allegheny as Allegheny was willing to be to them.

A day later the bill was finally passed, and the media frenzy began with 24 hour coverage of the events that would soon possibly follow. People cheered while others feared what could happen.

OOC:Hope this was a good start, not sure if this should be in the other Rp forum. hope you like!)

This is the Alleghenian News Network, your window to national happenings.

“I am Terrance Corta your broadcaster for the afternoon portion of this broadcast. This portion of ANN is brought to you by the Alcan Corporation, Quality Aluminum for the future!”

“Tonight at eight o’ clock the President is scheduled to address the nation and formally send out his formal invitation for cooperative national relationships. Before his speech however we will speak with Senate minority leader Jarred Hopkins and the CEO’s of Alcan Aluminum’s George Alcan and Clarion Mining’s Robert Doyle on their opinions of this latest development.”

“Good afternoon gentlemen, I would like to start with you Senator Hopkins, during the last session where this issue was brought up and voted on you and several other democrat senators opposed the idea of opening up international relations with the other East Pacific nations, you called them at best highly unstable and that they pose a danger to us if we were to actively participate on a international scale. Do you still stand by these words?”

Hopkins smiled and began to speak. “Absolutely I do, our nation is in the perfect position, why should we start opening up our nation to others when a isolationist policy has kept our nation relatively stable?”

Doyle interjected. “I find it odd that a liberal person like yourself vehemently opposes this proposal from the conservative Union party, you’ve been asking them to become a more centrist party and when this type of proposal comes up you guys freak out? In my opinion this is a good idea we can start selling more product, immigrate willing workers and produce more and work faster, make even more profit and keep up the standard of living the Alleghenian people have enjoyed for years now.”

Hopkins laughed at the comments of Doyle. “This is too much too quickly, I find this great optimism to be quite frightening really, how can we even know whats going to happen, we could be attacked, immigrant workers could take our jobs away!”

George Alcan interjected. “Only a communist wants to keep everything to themselves, this is our way of sharing the wealth without having to steal it from taxpaying workers and businesses.”

Hopkins became enraged. How dare you call me a communist you greedy slob! What do you even know about politics, you sit in your lavish apartment bathing in your money!

George was surprised at the sudden rage. “As a CEO of a major corporation I know well enough about politics, And I do not waste my business’s money with such wasteful things like yourself senator! You’ve been a closet commie your entire life, you lie and waste tax payer money!”

Senator Hopkins stood up punched George Alcan in the face continuing to dive on him and punch him. The screen went blank.

“We are sorry for the inconvenience, we are experiencing technical difficulties.”

A few hours later…

Over in the Capitol tower the President was preparing for his speech, His wife was helping him adjust his tie and making sure there wasn’t any dirt on his jacket.

“Are you ready?” She quietly said.

“As I’ll ever be!” The President turned and walked out into the media center which was broadcasting the speech. He approached the podium and began to speak."

“As you all know we have passed a new bill legislating the opening of our borders to any foreign trade and we are creating a new process through which we may better integrate with the international societies of this world. We must be accepting of any new people that we meet, we must trade to survive or we will plateau and fall short of the goal of an invincible economy, an invincible nation, only through trade agreements and alliances can we do this. I ask the people of this nation to help us move forward and to work as hard as they can to continue to become a better place to live. I have here with me an official document that will invite other nations to engage in these type of relationships to come and see our nation and what we have to offer. Thank you.”

The President came to his aides and handed them the letter to be formally sent out to the nations of The East Pacific. It reads:

To whom it may concern,

The Republic of Allegheny is opening it’s borders and in the interest of creating a diverse international relationship with the countries of this world has began setting up the structure needed to freely trade between nations, to allow immigrants and visitors to pass between borders and to create a strong alliance. Tours and visitations to personally talk between our two nations are welcome and can be arranged immediately if so desired. We look forward to a peaceful coexistence.


President Allen Gordon, The Republic of Allegheny.