[ALLI]Krechziankan Civil War

The FPS delegation leader stood. “At this time, in concordance with Articles 4, 5, 6, and 8, FPS is requesting that EPTO take action upon the Revolutionary Government of Krechziano, which is both threatening the political stability of Krechzianko, a member state (article 4), and has blatantly attacked Free Pacific States, another member state (Articles 5 and 6). Under the stipulation of article eight, we can see no reason that any nation within this alliance would be unable or unwilling to assist, but counterarguments are welcome.”

Trevor kallansk stood up as he heard the FPS official speak. He then spoke the response.

“Xiopothos will certainly asssist in putting down this violent revolt. If the people of Krechzianko want change, they should protest for it peacefully, not through violent attacks. Revolt by violence will not acomplish anything but prompt we, thee nations of the EPTO to take action.”

Damn! I didn’t even notice this thread at the time!

Well, thanks anyway for the support.

OOC: Packilvania would probably ship weapons to the insurgents, if they would replace the current government with one more Pack friendly.

Well, the coup’s pretty much over PAck. We’ve had all the ‘Emergency Committee’ killed, save for a single member who escaped.

— Begin quote from ____

Well, the coup’s pretty much over PAck. We’ve had all the ‘Emergency Committee’ killed, save for a single member who escaped.

— End quote

What are you talking about? The FPS Government, the staff of the president, FPS legislature, and especially President Terrus had nothing to do with the murders of the members of the Emergency Action Committee.

Hehehe, reliable deniability. Pentastar gave the order without even consulting the head of the FPIA.