Almodaria Central News Broadcasting Service (ACNBS)

We return this week with various stories from around the nation.
POLITICAL INSIDER Politički Insajder
Welcome back for another week of Political Insider, where Almodarians and others alike can get an inside view of the inner workings of our country. The news was rolling this week lets go over it:

Archaelogical discovery leads to rethinking of old theories
Starting off with some of the lighter news this week, Archaeologists discovered an intriguing site on the eastern coast of Aranistan. Researchers working with the Natural History Museum of Almodaria found an ancient village established sometime during the late stone age. The site had multiple mostly intact skulls, arm and leg bones, spearheads, and the remains of small homesteads. Normally, such a site is bound to have some excitement and eventually the excitement will calm down but, in this case, scientists continue to be hopeful that this new site will give us more information on how the humans that became what are now Almodarians migrated down to this point. Originally, it was believed Pre Almodarians came from the north and migrated down through the harsher western terrain before heading east. But with this new research, it is now believed that Pre Almodarians would’ve stuck to the coast as they moved south into what is now Tuvaria and Aranistan. This new discovery is surely an exciting one and we will watch it closely in the future.

As the ICAF 2024 World Cup nears, The Apex Reds heat up their strategy
The Almodarian National Football Team has begun training for the upcoming World Cup Qualifiers in Nystatiszna. Previously, the team faced a close quarter finals loss against Atalandr in the UCAFC Golden Cup. But the team has hope that the upcoming qualifiers will be successful with many hoping for a world cup victory similar to the recent Hockey World Championship that Almodaria dominated in. We spoke with the team Manager Mladen Ridic on what he projected for the qualifiers: “In preparation for the quart finals, we’ve been exercising caution while also not getting too cocky with our plays. But I see a good possibility we will make it to the cup in Nystatiszna.” we here at ACNBS are sure our nations team will play expertly as they’ve done in the past.

Politician found in Prostoric Rings barred from office
This last January, a major crackdown by the Almodarian National Guard on multiple underground churches and cults led to the arrest of Ajna Puskar, a futurist politician who had a seat in the upper house of parliament. Immediately afterwards, political outcry by Traditionalists called for Puskar to be put on trial for their crimes which has just come to an end this past February. Puskar was found guilty of breaking the oath of office, practicing illegal religions, and funding “Cults and other Obscene Groups” and was sentenced to a 5-year jail sentence and a permanent barring from any government offices. Activists in favor of Freedom of Religion gathered outside the courthouse and called for justice for Puskar though their sentiment is heard by no one. ACNBS once again would like to remind our viewers that participation in illegal activities will be known no matter how well you hide it.

Launchpads in Aranistan to be prepared for Launch in 2025
As space activity in Almodaria ramps up, launchpads are now being prepared across Aranistan to become the potential home of the upcoming Long Range Launch Vehicle or LRLV. For a refresher, the LRLV Program is a program by the newly formed Almodarian Committee for the Advancement of Spaceflight (ACAS) to make the first orbit capable payload launcher in Almodaria. And so, after many successful tests of vehicle hardware, the agency is now looking at potential launch locations. Luckily for Almodaria, we are situated just by the equator which if done correctly, can allow for the rocket to gain a speed boost using the rotation of the planet at the equator. With that being said, candidate launch locations are being seen from Tuvaria to Aranistan. We’ll be watching this situation intently.

That is all of the news from our united nation. Come back next week for a new update on what’s going on.