Fortitudo-Class Jumpship
The jumpship is the hearth of the Holy Terran Navy and the centrepiece of every fleet. It is heavily armoured and carries limited offensive capability of its own as the majority of onboard power is used to recharge the jump drive. Mainly used to transport fleets from system to system.
3700 metre long jumpship
Super heavy armour
2 fusion power plants
4 thruster banks
10 capacitor banks
3 supply stores
5 ammunition stores
10 HTN Mark I Hasta 304.8 mm naval gun batteries (all Type 0 broadside)
12 HTN Mark I Spatha 152.4 mm naval gun batteries (all Type 0 broadside)
12 HTN Mark I Gladius 76.2 mm anti-aircraft gun batteries (all Type 4, half top, half bottom)
16 HTN Mark I Pugio 25.4 mm anti-aircraft gun batteries (all Type 4, half top, half bottom)
2 HTN Mark I Pilum 533.4 mm torpedo tubes (all Type 0 prow)
4 HTN Mark I Verutum 457.2 mm torpedo tubes (all Type 0 prow)
2 hangers
Domina-Class Battle Carrier
The battle carrier is a battleship strong enough to stand in the line of battle and can dish out severe punishment with its main guns, but also able to perform carrier functions with its large hangers. Mainly used as part of the battle fleet to provide screening functions with its small craft.
3000 metre long battleship
Heavy armour
Audax-Class Assault Carrier
The assault carrier is a dedicated small craft carrier that has exchanged its offensive and defensive capabilities for a huge hanger and small craft service space. Mainly used for planetary invasions.
2500 metre long carrier
Medium armour
3 fusion power plants
12 thruster banks
12 capacitor banks
5 supply stores
2 ammunition stores
2 HTN Mark I Hasta 304.8 mm naval gun batteries (all Type 4, half top, half bottom)
4 HTN Mark I Spatha 152.4 mm naval gun batteries (all Type 4, half top, half bottom)
12 HTN Mark I Gladius 76.2 mm anti-aircraft gun batteries (all Type 4, half top, half bottom)
16 HTN Mark I Pugio 25.4 mm anti-aircraft gun batteries (all Type 4, half top, half bottom)
4 HTN Mark I Pilum 533.4 mm torpedo tubes (all Type 0, prow)
4 HTN Mark I Verutum 457.2 mm torpedo tubes (all Type 0, prow)
3 hangers
Magna-Class Battleship
2500 metre long battleship
Heavy armour
60 HTN Mark I Hasta 304.8 mm naval gun batteries (half Type 3, half Type 4, all Type 3 broadsides, half Type 4 top, half Type 4 bottom)
120 HTN Mark I Spatha 152.4 mm naval gun batteries (half Type 3, half Type 4, all Type 3 broadsides, half Type 4 top, half Type 4 bottom)
480 HTN Mark I Gladius 76.2 mm anti-aircraft gun batteries (half Type 3, half Type 4, all Type 3 broadsides, half Type 4 top, half Type 4 bottom)
240 HTN Mark I Pugio 25.4 mm anti-aircraft gun batteries (all Type 4, half top, half bottom)
360 HTN Mark I Pilum 533.4 mm torpedo tubes (all Type 0, one-third prow, two-thirds broadside)
360 HTN Mark I Verutum 457.2 mm torpedo tubes (all Type 0, one-third prow, two-thirds broadside)
Victoria-Class Battlecruiser
2000 metre long battlecruiser
Medium armour
24 HTN Mark I Hasta 304.8 mm naval gun batteries (all Type 4, half top, half bottom)
48 HTN Mark I Spatha 152.4 mm naval gun batteries (all Type 4, half top, half bottom)
192 HTN Mark I Gladius 76.2 mm anti-aircraft gun batteries (half Type 3, half Type 4, all Type 3 broadsides, half Type 4 top, half Type 4 bottom)
192 HTN Mark I Pugio 25.4 mm anti-aircraft gun batteries (all Type 4, half top, half bottom)
240 HTN Mark I Pilum 533.4 mm torpedo tubes (all Type 0, one-third prow, two-thirds broadside)
240 HTN Mark I Verutum 457.2 mm torpedo tubes (all Type 0, one-third prow, two-thirds broadside)
Domitor-Class Cruiser
1000 metre long cruiser
Medium armour
12 HTN Mark I Hasta 304.8 mm naval gun batteries (all Type 4, half top, half bottom)
24 HTN Mark I Spatha 152.4 mm naval gun batteries (all Type 4, half top, half bottom)
96 HTN Mark I Gladius 76.2 mm anti-aircraft gun batteries (half Type 3, half Type 4, all Type 3 broadsides, half Type 4 top, half Type 4 bottom)
192 HTN Mark I Pugio 25.4 mm anti-aircraft gun batteries (all Type 4, half top, half bottom)
120 HTN Mark I Pilum 533.4 mm torpedo tubes (all Type 0, one-third prow, two-thirds broadside)
120 HTN Mark I Verutum 457.2 mm torpedo tubes (all Type 0, one-third prow, two-thirds broadside)
Virago-Class Destroyer
500 metre long destroyer
Light armour
3 HTN Mark I Hasta 304.8 mm naval gun batteries (all Type 4, all top)
6 HTN Mark I Spatha 152.4 mm naval gun batteries (all Type 4, all top)
12 HTN Mark I Gladius 76.2 mm anti-aircraft gun batteries (all Type 4, all top)
6 HTN Mark I Pugio 25.4 mm anti-aircraft gun batteries (all Type 4, all bottom)
300 HTN Mark I Pilum 533.4 mm torpedo tubes (all Type 0, one-third prow, two-thirds broadside)
300 HTN Mark I Verutum 457.2 mm torpedo tubes (all Type 0, one-third prow, two-thirds broadside)
[spoiler]To add a bit of randomness to fleet engagements, I separate armour into 4 categories. For maximum playability, the difficulty of the roll, per se, can be performed using a coin and a standard six-sided dice. Armour represents the difficulty of penetrating the hull and damaging modules on a Terran ship. Either a random module can be damaged or a specific module can be damaged depending on what is required to make the best story in each situation.
Light Armour
Light armour is the lightest armour of the Holy Terran Navy. Hits to vessels clad in light armour have a 1/2 chance of penetration and damaging important modules. To test light armour, either flip a coin or roll a dice. If the coin flip produces tails or if the dice roll produces 4, 5, or 6, then penetration occurs.
Medium Armour
Medium armour is the standard armour of the Holy Terran Navy. Hits to vessels clad in medium armour have a 1/4 chance of penetration and damaging important modules. To test light armour, flip a coin twice. If the coin flip produces two tails, then penetration occurs.
Heavy Armour
Heavy armour is the battleship armour of the Holy Terran Navy. Hits to vessels clad in heavy armour have a 1/6 chance of penetration and damaging important modules. To test light armour, roll a dice. If the dice roll produces 6, then penetration occurs.
Super Heavy Armour
Super heavy armour is the heaviest armour of the Holy Terran Navy. Hits to vessels clad in medium armour have a 1/8 chance of penetration and damaging important modules. To test light armour, flip a coin three times. If the coin flip produces three tails, then penetration occurs.