Alternate Story Lines

Would anyone be interested in continuing in in this universe with another storyline while the other one stagnates?

I like the basis of this universe, and maybe we could start a brainstorm for plot ideas,

  • the struggle of rebel groups under the Old Federalian Empire, (pre “year 210…”)
  • an immense black market has taken root in the galaxy, and local governments must act against local and regional black market forces which seem to have the upper hand
  • galactic academy (?)
  • zero-point energy has been discovered, and spies across the galaxy try to steal it

I’d be interested.


I kind of like the idea of the rebel groups/ black market thing.

Some rebels being in the black market, the Galactic Empire can label all dissident groups as law breakers and thereby try to hide the fact rebellion is underway.

This story line could even be one of the reasons the empire begins to fall apart to set up for the “year” rp.

Now that would be really fun

It would be a way to continue FT East Malaysia in an alternate way. I’m interested.

One of these days I will sit down and think up a basic plot for this, and I’ll do OP soon.

Lookin’ forward to it.

It should be completely and totally epic <3

Would there still be interest if I kept this going?!0


Why not?

I would be, actually. Been busy the last few days, but very interested.
