[AMENDMENT] Amendment to the Citizenship Act

I think we should make 3.7 clearer. As it reads, one interpretation seems to read that continuous TEP residency is not required for EPSA citizens.

Which is what you were arguing for in government-plaza is for the onus to be on the OO.

Although if you were to interpret the Citizenship Act one way, the onus on the solider is their loss of citizenship.

and how would you suggest rephrasing it?

Clauses 3.2 and 3.5Continuous World Assembly membership requirements shall not apply to any active soldier of the Eastern Pacific Sovereign Army (“EPSA”) as verified by the Overseeing Officer. The active EPSA soldier must notify the Citizenship Office within one week of joining EPSA.”

I actually think it should be on the Citizenship Office, but that would still require the OO keeping the list. I don’t think a soldier should lose their citizenship because the OO is being derelict in their duty to keep a list.

Redundancy is a waste of time. Any EPSA soldier will be on the register which can be checked at audit to save their Citizenship. Notification is useless here.

From your amendment, forgetting to notify the Citizenship Office does not save a Citizenship since 3.7 exemptions only apply after notification.

I’m against pushing the burden onto lesser government roles. EPSA soldiers should not have to worry about this. These things should be made as easy as possible for them. This should be on the Citizenship Office and the Overseeing Officer.

It’s not the job of CO officers, who are basically all busy with other duties as well, to patrol every TEP space for incidental evidence that someone has joined or left EPSA. If EPSA can guarantee that their rolls will be maintained meticulously and makes them available to all CO officers, that’s another thing, but frankly I prefer the fail-safe approach of having EPSA folks just write a couple words out in the app thread.

A simpler approach is for the first step to be the Citizenship Office to check against the register at audit or ask the Overseeing Officer to check if a suspended Citizen is a soldier before publicly posting the audit.

Only then, if the first step fails, the audit should be posted publicly and then the soldier should notify the Citizenship Office. Whether this occurs in the thread or Discord shouldn’t matter as long as the Citizenship Office records that they received notification and then confirmation from the Overseeing Officer in the thread.

Noting discussion on this had died down and I have also not voiced comments, I will post thoughts before asking for final opinions.

Firstly, It is of my understanding of the legal TEP law that the owner of Citizenship is the sole party for upkeep of Citizenship. The role of the Citizenship Audit is to make sure that citizenships are up to date, which is why we have a 48 hour window to make corrects to citizenships before they are revoked.

I have also updated the original post with the edits Aivintis gave as World Assembly requirements are not required when in EPSA, but residency within TEP is still required.

I hereby motion this to a vote.

I second the motion to vote.

It should be noted that this was acknowledged by Deputy Provost ArenaC.