…4.5. Any member of Regional Government can make a request to temporarily revalidate an invalid Citizenship for a maximum of one month, no matter what cause, upon which a vote shall be opened to members of the Magisterium pursuant to Section IV of the Standing Orders of the Magisterium.
…4.5.1. Requests shall not be considered in the following cases:
… If there is suspected or proven abuse of this policy;
… If the Citizen in question has been ejected from the World Assembly for a second time;
… If the Citizenship has been invalid for one month at the time of the request; or
… If the Citizenship has been revoked via Moderation ban
…4.5.2. Requests shall only be considered valid if the request is received from a member of Regional Government who has authority higher than or equal to the Citizen in question
This proposal was created in response to a discussion in the Magisterium channel in the TEP Discord (found here).
While regional security is definitely a concern (as brought up by Aivintis here), I feel that prohibiting trustworthy people from certain aspects of regional government due to a temporary incident (such as a first-time WA ejection or accidental CTE) would be more harmful than beneficial (although please correct me if I’m wrong…)
The reason why I chose a month for the maximum amount of time for the revalidation is because it gives time for the Citizen in question to either restore their nation (in the case of an accidental CTE), or get a new WA nation (either for CTE or WA ejection).
Here’s my reasoning behind the points listed in 4.5.1: Pretty obvious, if people think that the system is being abused or if there’s verifiable proof of someone abusing the system, don’t consider the request. Since the World Assembly is a crucial part of maintaining citizenship, if someone can’t be bothered to follow WA rules, then chances are they shouldn’t be given citizenship. In the case of a CTE, if someone hasn’t come back to restore their nation after about a month since CTE, then chances are they’re not coming back.
Of course, I’m open for debate, questions, etc.
Update: Added, which adds the revocation of citizenship via Moderation action
Update #2: Fixed a punctuation error
Update #3: Added 4.5.2, which adds more clarification on valid requests