And now for something completely different

the wachovian aide polishes the last of the glass mugs behind the counter. it’s been a long while since anyone was in the bar, too long. he looked up to see one of his fellow aides hope up onto a stool.

Ah, how are you doing?

it wasn’t as if he had to ask. his bartender intuition was coming back but even without it he could see the relief on her face.

Much better now thank you. Give me something. Anything.

setting up a tall glass of hot coffee for her and leaned against the bar.

I guess we’ll start to see a few more foreign leaders in her again. There’s been quite a bit of turmoil lately and I’m sure people need to just relax a bit over some steak and a good drink.

Who knows? We haven’t yet celebrated the new minister’s appointment. It might be about time for that…

Buffy Bush, chief of HoopHoopland police, walks into the bar.


the aide looks up


What can I get you?

Bizarre, it just deleted my post :unsure:

Anyway, IC:

‘Milk please’.

‘By milk I mean orange juice and two shots of vodka, half a kiwi fruit, a condensed copy of War and Peace and an anvil for good luck. By anvil I mean beer mat. Thanks’.

Miss Bush sits down and contemplates whether it would be safe to take some of the free peanuts… :blink:

Pres :fro:

deciding that a copy of War and Peace would not make for a good drink, the aide begins mixing the juice and vodka.

Forgive me but you seem new around these parts. What’s brought you here?

A lizard (neseref) strolls in,
“I greet you Superior Sir and Miss”
she takes a seat at teh bar,
“Midori and Water on the Rocks please, hold the rocks. and a menu please, I need soemthing to nibble on”
She appears nervous about something.

before he can wait for an answer he sees a member of the race enter

I’m honored to see you here.

the aide sets a menu and drink in front of the lizard

These are some troubling times we’ve been through.

K. Grunj re-enters the shop.

What a splendiforous day!

MY WORD! It’s a lizard sitting on a bar stool and I’ve not yet even had my first drink.

The two aides look at each other in horror. Grunj’s neice hurries over to quiet him and the other aide hurridly apologizes to Neseref.

He’s not the most educated of our citizens. Please consider this meal on my tab.

Nesseref nods,
“Yes troubling times, I read the paper this morning, abotu the hostilities in the south, I am worried for Nei, as I havnt recieved a page lettine me know she arrived safly.”

she Picks up the drink, and sips it,

she looks over the menu, Ill have the T bone, with mashed PAX FRUITS and gravy, and a sliced tomato please, Im quite fond of the Tosevite fruit."

she sets the menu down,
“oh and some “Corned Bread” Nei recently introduced me to it, and my but it is tasty.”

Knowing the great care her parents lavish on her, I’m sure she’s fine.

Give me some time to whip that up for you.

she looks puzled
“Nei is a Foundling, whe was found behind the General Secretaries home in northern IL, in a basket some 12 years ago, for some reason, he Nekomimi mother didnt want to care for her or for some reason couldnt, So the General Secretary, then the Comisar took her in, and adopted her, she had full citizenship rights well before teh rest of her race was given rights.”

she takes a sip of her Midori,

“I should have gone with her.”

the female aide and her uncle return to the bar.

I suppose he might have meant adopted parents. He is Juoi after all. Concepts of family are slightly broader than in many other parts of the coalition even.

I do have to say it is quite noble that Loop territories have extended rights to other races in their territories. I hear many other in other lands are not so fortunate.

Grunge pipes up after a long sip of a strong drink that someone has slipped him quietly

Now don’t you worry none… madame i suppose… my little niece here was once a frail young whipersnapper herself. Course I worried none-the-less too…

walks in, looking around

A bar, yes? Very nice…

Goes to barkeeper

I don’t suppose you could fix me up with a screwdriver?

Grunge sees the woman enter the bar and looks over

Mighty fine to meet you m’lady.

he attempts a partial bow will still mounted atop the stool but almost falls over. his niece, a wachovian aide in the standard kahkis and white and free-flowing white shirt, shakes her head.

with a smile the bartender steps over

You’ll have to forgive Grunje. I think he’s had his fill. You’re drink will be ready in a moment.

“By the spiirits of the Emperors Pastshe bows her eyes
exclaims Nesereff,
“you are one of the largest Tosevites I have seen in soem time,”
she looks her over
“and why do you carry the skull of another Tosevite on your stick”

Smiles at niece Oh that’s fine. I have time.

nods to Nesereff Oh, this? lifts Ju Ju Stick This is my Ju Ju Stick of Powa, the staff that allows me to interact with my god, the Great Powa. And it’s just a carved skull. * Grins* I leave the one with the real skull at home. I don’t want to scare the natives too much. At least, when it’s not a ceremonial holiday.

So, I hear that you are from Illinois (if that’s what IL stands for ^_^). True?

the bartender sets the drink on the counter and chuckles

Sounds like you might have had too much to drink already. Here you go.

“I am actually from a planet that orbits the star Tau Ceti, I arrived here in 1968 aboard the colony ship that was launched in anticipation of the capture of this region by the Invasion forces which arrived in 1945”
She pauses,
"by IL you probably mean Infinite Loop, "

She stops on the street and looks up at the Bar and Grill. She then smiles and pushes open the door. Walking in she wanders up to the bar and smiles at the Barkeep.

“Hello, I don’t know if you remember me, Louise, I wonder if by chance the Commander is looking for some general help?”

the bartender looks up

Ah, mlady. It’s been too long. Yes, the commander had hoped to reopen this place soon. He will be quite busy for a while yet but I’m sure your help would be most welcome.

ooc: traveling till the 5th so i’m in and out