Hello @joWhatup , welcome to TEP!!! I’ve had the pleasure to meet you in the IRC, and now you’re applying to the Magisterium right after joining us, so this body has certainly caught your attention. What do you find interesting about the Magi? What expectations do you have for your time here?
So, regarding what caught my attention about the Magisterium, it seemed like a good way to contribute and get involved with the region - although legislation on NS is not something I am super familiar with outside of Lazarus (and within Lazarus I didn’t pay a great deal of attention to it, as most of my time there was spent in the executive) I do think it is something to which I can contribute.
As for expectations: I’ve caught a bit of discussion on Discord regarding problems that the region is facing. While I haven’t been around long enough to have encountered major barriers myself (aside from my initial confusion regarding the regional structure and finding the relevant applications, information threads, etc.), ideally I’d hope to assist in streamlining things and helping out where I can.