[APPLICANT] Application of The East Ambis / The Ambis

The East Ambis / The Ambisn has taken their Magister’s Oath.

The vote to admit them to the Magisterium is [VOTE] P-2023-5 Admittance of The East Ambis / The Ambis to the Magisterium

This thread is to ask questions to the Applicant. Ask as many questions as you wish.

Hello there magisters. I suppose I should start with some experience. I’ve been an MP over in Thaecia for coming up on a year now. While Thaecia law isn’t TEP law, I have a good handle of how to debate and that stuff. So yeah

Out of curiosity, why do you wish to become a Magister in TEP?

I’m interested in getting involved in TEP and enjoy lawmaking

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