Honorable Arbiters of the Conclave.
I come before you today, to put forward a question of public interest, in regards to the continuation of the legislative body.
Pursuant to Section 1.2 of the Standing Orders of the Magisterium, A Citizen wishing to join the Magisterium, referred to as ‘Applicant’ in 1.1 of the aforementioned document may be admitted via the provisions provided in 1.2.1 and 1.2.2.
In the event of a ‘denial of acceptance’, pursuant to 1.4, the applicant may petition the Conclave to appeal a denial. If successful, pursuant to 1.5, the Conclave will instruct the Provost to admit said applicant.
To my understanding, the Provost is appointed from among the members of the Magisterium, and in the event that the Provost is absent for an extended period of time without Leave of Absence, a Deputy will become Provost pro tempore.
Likewise, pursuant to 7.1.2, if all Deputies are ineligible to assume the position of Provost pro tempore, the longest serving Magister is supposed to assume the position.
Honorable Arbiters, this concerns me greatly. In the event that there are no eligible Magisters to assume the position of Provost pro tempore, what would happen in this case?
Under 1.2.1, there would be no Provost to admit a WA Citizen.
Under 1.2.2, there would be no one available to convene a vote to admit a non-WA Citizen.
Under 1.5, there would be no Provost to admit the applicant on the instructions of the Conclave.
Additionally, in the hypothetical situation, that the Standing Orders are suspended (I am unsure if there is a provision for this) to allow the Conclave to admit an applicant to a functionally defunct Magisterium, would the newly admitted applicant be automatically considered the Provost pro tempore pursuant to 7.1.2 and would they then be able to exercise the powers given to them in Section VIII to remove Magisters pursuant to 8.1.1?
I thank the Conclave for their time and consideration of this issue.