Archipelagic Agitations

Marpan Archipelago
Date Unknown

“Cordis Foederatio ad receperint.” (“Welcome to the Heart Federation”)
“Gratias ago tibi, o. Ego semper bene vidisti tui iuris peculium reperitur in unum.” (“Oh, thank you. I’ve always seen your jurisdiction as a fine one.”)
“Ita, bene, id est plaga eius. Ut parva pars quid hic. Cur enim non sit?” (“Yes, well, it has its troubles. As any small faction here. Why don’t we sit?”)
“Quod pulchrum esset. Qui honos est apud eam tali statu.” (“That would be fine. It’s an honor to be in the presence of someone of such status.”)
“Last tempore dixit, quod aliquis, per se cultro extraxerunt mei.” (“Last time someone said that, they pulled a knife on me.”) The man laughed heartily.
“Im 'certus ut scis, domine, hoc est, quae huc ad me. Utinam autem et ego tale et numquam hic proposita. Ego huc quod a diplomat, quia crudus fuerit, ora pro qua profunditas abyssi Foederatio. Omnino ad pacem cum populo.” (“As I’m sure you know, sir, that is not what I’m here for. And hopefully I’ll never be here for such purposes. I’m here as a diplomat, of sorts, for the Deep Coast Federation. Completely at peace with your people.”)
“Quod est dicere quod omnia.” (“That’s what they all say.”) The man went back to his humored calls, at ease on the Isle.
“Magna res est ut, si fieri potest iungere in unum. Alliance A est verum hoc sit maius in bonis et decoram translationem exanimi Cordis terram.” (“Great things are possible if we join together. A true alliance would mean a greater transfer of land and goods in the Heart.”)
“Haec mutua, Im 'certus?” (“This is mutual, I’m sure?”)
“Certus.” (“Definitely.”)
“Et ne quid requiritur ad hoc multum, ut secundum sceptra ducationum suarum crudelem nasorum interfice?” (“And what would be required for this, deal, to go by under Their noses?”)[hr]The Heart Federation is a compact, divided, and relatively weak portion of the State of Marpa. Blanketed in heavy forest and high in crime-like actions, it is a great place to inhabit. Currently non-warring, this faction has seen a multitude of scientific and infrastructural development within the past season.[hr]Two dirt roads have been constructed near Their border, producing a thriving economy of lumber exchange and heavy, roughneck assault Marpan TOIL-C’s. Rumor has it that one can obtain a default charge-rifle a little off into the Stone Federation borderlands. Be wary, however, as the price for these are great. Also, a restroom has been restored in Central Opening, leading to a minor slash-and-burn war between Heart jurisdictions. This skirmish has been entitled as the Federation’s Stress-Reliever, so don’t panic. In other news, forces grow stronger in the Jagged Federation as the Northern Jurisdiction envelopes yet another swath of territory. The Jagged Orient Federation predicts that the Southern Jagged jurisdiction is next. The newly-formed Federations north of Them are having troubles maintaining their jurisdictions, as rebel groups are attempting to pop up for control.
Estimated Marpan population has dropped to a mere 7.75 million. The Spike seems to be deteriorating due to icy relations between Them and the Stone Federation. Civilians in Southeast Heart jurisdiction ponder if war is soon to come. Heart population is stable.

Marpan Archipelago
Date Unknown

“Animum fidemque erga me insulae quam corde. Non corde, non in loco. Nos autem non deservit navifactivae, maxime in hora cogens. Placere sera futura nostro Foederatio. Nos nostrae tibi debitum.” (“I’m disheartened by your loyalty towards Them rather than the true Heart of the island. Without the Heart, They would not be put in the right place. We can’t disassemble now, in our most compelling hour. Please rejoin our Federation. We are at your debt.”)
The man finished his wiring. This was the last chance to regain the East Central jurisdiction. After the True East jurisdiction was invaded by Them, the East Central decidedly disembarked the Heartship to join the peoples of the Orient. It was to leave a huge scar in the Heart, and left jurisdictions then-protected, now-exposed to the fierceness of Them. The Heart was weakening. The man would have to consult the Deep Coast diplomat for further details on shipments out of the State, as defeat was inevitable. The Oriental Empire had too much power; they could sweep the Heart away in a matter of hours. The man gathered his things and headed out the front of the wiring station, the only one in the Federation.[hr]Two Heart jurisdictions have been lost to the Orient. Population has taken a new low since the founding of the Heart. Pushing in Their western front has prompted mass emigration to both the Deep Coast and the Shallow Coast. Even some are taking their chances in the Central Federation, which has divided into three jurisdictions, their new addition coincidentally bordering the Heart. Scrambling families are preparing for the worst. In other news, Deep Coast Federation has annexed the Gulf Federation-jurisdiction. Along with this, the Jagged Federation has united the majority of their Federation into one jurisdiction, although one satellite state is in the midst of transferring power. Good luck.

Marpan Archipelago
Date Unknown

‘Cor incrementum promittit vitam!’ (‘Growth promises life for the Heart!’) read the elite newspaper. The man, the figure, The Warlord was pleased. His plan had worked. After deciding to give up any attempts on taking back the East Central jurisdiction, The Warlord had seen that he’d have to head west. And, with the help of the Deep Coast Federation up north, they persuaded a hefty diplomat to join the Heart’s side. Yes, things were looking up. Except that the Heart was at war. But that was fine. It was the Shallow Coast, after all: one of the weakest Federations to ever inhabit Marpa. Besides, if this didn’t work, annexation by the Orient was inevitable. The Warlord was taking his one last chance. One that would lead him to the greatest victory the islands had ever seen, surely.
The man was at war.[hr]Hey, we’re not dead. The Heart has taken up western expansion to counteract ineffective defenses in the east, ensuring ourselves a little bit more operating time. Stone Federation has erupted into a nice, bloody feud with the Orient, claiming nearly the entirety of the western bank of the Marpan Sea. Federations north of the Orient, meanwhile, have taken the unification route. Both East and West Tretrid Federations have worked to merge into the Great North Federation, joined by a small, weak jurisdiction in the Orient. The East is as close to its demise as it ever has been, although few believe this is the end of them. Continue to pray for the Great One, however. Otherwise, Deep Coast has lost control over Big Northern Island to the Shallow Coast, possibly to make up for Heart-caused losses in their east.
Pick up some TOIL-C’s at the temporary factory set up in the Heart’s new jurisdiction. High quality, lightly used. Guards posted: don’t try anything.

Marpan Archipelago
July 11th, 2017

Blatant destruction wrestled along the borders of the Heart and Shallow Coast. Fierce men fought for control as the Federations locked in battle. The Warlord had done his duty to his Heart. He had expanded the reach of the Federation to such a degree that has never been met by his people before. In good times, in peaceful times, the Heart had spread its influence all the way to the Marpan Sea. All the way to the largest body of water on Marpa Proper. All the way to the most influential economic factor of the interior of the island. Now the Heart’s arteries stretched to the true Sea. The ocean of untamed, unkempt war of the waves. The mysterious lands far from the shores offered a magnitude of possibilities. Never before had The Warlord been so set on victory. So set on the doings of outsiders. He had access to the World. Access to all that was out there. Not only would he have power over the island, he would surely have power over the Great Expanse of Ripples.[hr]Heart Federation surges toward the shore! Shallow Coast Federation suffers severe drawbacks from their pridelands, resulting in the weakening of their militaristic strength and willpower. Many believe that, due to losing about half of their land, the Shallow Coast Federation will be swallowed up by the intruding Federation. Only time will tell. In other news, although still domestic, The Warlord has taken control over the jurisdiction that was previously carved out of the losses of the Shallow Coast, the precariously named Big jurisdiction. The man states that his annexation of the land is for the “bonum an malum.” (“…]good of the Heart.”) Not only will this expansion give him access to the ocean, which is a new discovery for the Heart, it will also significantly extend his power in the Federation. Due to the recent eastern invasion of the Orient and the said annexation of the Big jurisdiction, the Heart is now owned by only two jurisdictions: the newly-named Greater jurisdiction and its Lesser counterpart. Lesser Dictator Rok Tokoviche is infuriated that the annexation took place, as The Warlord has yet to disclose what exactly happened to the previous and misplaced Big Dictator. On the Greater Marpan end of the news, not a lot has happened. A notable expansion of the Orient has taken place in Their southern lands to compensate for the bites out of Them in the north. The Stone Federation has weakened intensely due to this conquest. In fact, the expansion may very well influence the politics of the Lesser Heart jurisdiction, as the border has, yet again, switched from Stone to Orient. Rumor has it that the mighty Stone Federation is at a decline. This may be true considering past events, so one can only hope that They keep heading south and avoid the west.[hr]
GO. (One may now post in this topic.)

The FMS Ibiryo container ship was traveling north to Tretrid passing close by the area on their system known as Marpa. Essentially a unknown and hostile nation, this only had been recently updated due to some of the natives finding the communication apparatus to contact other countries. Now some warlord or another was trying to legitimize his territorial holdings by appealing to the international community. Well, at least this is all what the crew thought.

On the topic of Marpa, the ship had received an order from their freight company, with an interesting request. “They want us to offload cargo container Seven and just drop it in the ocean when we are within a nautical mile of Marpa?” the captain said to nobody in particular. “They want us to offload cargo container Seven and just drop it in the ocean when we are within a nautical mile of Marpa,” said the first mate, for added emphasis.

The crew of the Ibiryo set about moving forklifts onto the cargo container, opened up the gate, and when the ship was close to Marpa, tilted the container into the sea. “I don’t see what a bunch of savages are going to do with opening the container, or what they’ll do with what is in it, but orders are orders,” the captain said, as the container floated towards land.


The shipping company, upon notification that the container was dropped, notified the Furnifold official whose number he was told to call. “It is complete,” he said. “Good, the money is en route to your account. Rest assured we thank you for doing this,” a voice said over the line.

The official put down the phone, and then talked to the figures in the room with him. “We have given Marpa a gift, one that will turn their conflict into something we can take advantage of.”

((OOC: Since finding where all the Federations of Marpa are is a complex task, I’m going to label them for all the Internet to use as reference in this topic. I’ll be using the first Marpan map for this example. NOTE: This was made rather roughly.))

Cerulean: The Stone Federation
Dark Blue: The Central Federation
Green: The Heart Federation
Grey: The East Tretrid Federation (Later Conjoins Into the Great North Federation)
Light Blue, Light Green, Light Pink: Kind of Unimportant, Honestly
Light Brown: The Shallow Coast Federation
Light Purple: The ‘Surrounded Federation’
Maroon: The West Tretrid Federation (Later Conjoins Into the Great North Federation)
Orange: The Gulf Federation-Jurisdiction (Later Annexed by the Deep Coast Federation)
Orange: The Jagged Federation
Purple: The South-Central Federation
Red: The Oriental Empire (Them)
Yellow: The Deep Coast Federation

OOC: I did this on a phone, reason for it being bad or whatever

The AMS Stromharad was at the designated location with the weapons, gems, and money when the crew demanded to know why they were giving these things to savages. The captain sighed and took off his glasses. “The Monarchy clearly sees something in them. What? I do not know. We must trust in the monarchy though,” The crew seemed satisfied with that and asked no more. The cranes and containers were readied, and the cranes hooked onto them. The captain looked on as the containers were lowered to the ground below them, and he looked into the jungles beyond the beach to see if he could catch a glimpse of the Marpans. Unfortunately, he saw no one. When the crates were lowered, the captain gave the order to depart. As the shoreline began to dissapear, he swore that he could see figures appear from the jungle.

Deep Coasters pelted through the dense foliage. Runts skittered around large trunks while heavy brutes lurched from opening to opening, clearing way for the minor infantrymen. Two TOILs and a few cyanide throwers were latched to the group, making them some of the most equipped divisions in the Federation. They whistled through the leaves and roots and, looking both ways, went out onto the shore. Unlike many geologic formations surrounding Marpa, this island had wide sandy beaches with few footsteps laid upon them. Being out of the coast was a major disadvantage during turf wars, so only the most dim ever traversed the sediment. But this patrol was going to be really dim today.
The leader led them over the edge of the beach, just where the trees hit the sand, scouting the shore for any sign of it. And what do you know, it was right there. The strange men had impeccable navigation, it seemed.
The crate was already windswept in pale dust, seeming to have been out on the sand for a couple of hours. It was quite a miracle that the box hadn’t been opened yet. The leader nudged two of his men to go out and fetch it. They obeyed with stupid, excited sounds accompanying.
The pair ran for the shipment and immediately started banging on it. The commander scolded the two profusely, yelling very obscene Latin in their direction. They stopped and drug the thing over to the leader.
Setting aside his anger, the leader began to dislodge the queer silver objects that appeared to hold the thing together.
“Domine, tu nosti, tu non volo do illa. Dux scriptor ordines.” (“Sir, you know, you aren’t supposed to do that. Captain’s orders.”)
“Quis conclusit.” (“Oh, shut up.”)
The man, having rid of all the nails, opened the container. Laying in the interior was a massive bag. The man took out a dagger, much to his subordinates’ fear, and shred a hole in the side of it. In it were an arrangement of sparkling green circular thingamajigs with foreign lines on them. Jade Nudoes.

The leader of the mission was later beheaded for attempting to tape the crate back together with twine. The Warlord was not pleased.
((OOC: I assumed Jade Nudoes have a paper form, Asendavia.))[hr]Nestled in the new Greater jurisdiction of the Heart Federation, the hunters patrolled the shore. This was one of the few places on Marpa that didn’t have typical sandy beaches. Instead, it contained red sand. The blood of fallen. The life force of their ancestors. This was the location of the first assault of the Altalandians.
Spotting the box on the beach was difficult. It had been hidden, perhaps by the waves, in a small cove buried underneath the sand bar and held up by limestone. Probably some ancient sea-post at one point. Maybe it was built by the Altalandian invaders. The team had had to construct a wobbly, thorny ladder to reach the area. But the fruits of their labors would truly exceed the task.
And just like the Deep Coaster team, these Heartlanders were really dim at the moment.
With a sturdy wooden limb they pried the thing open, the now-disconnected top landing on the alluvial earth beneath the men’s feet. The leader reached in. And didn’t pull anything out. Yelling at his people, he lunged for the crate’s lid and shoved it down into its previous position. He immediately wrapped the shipment in twine, shadowing the view of the contents.
“¡Ir! ¡Ir! ¡Movimiento! Debemos llegar al hombre de inmediato!” (“Go! Go! Move! We must get to The Man immediately!”)

The second commander was spared his beheading.[edit_reason]Changed the Jade Nudo to Coinage Rather than Papyrus[/edit_reason]

OOC: If you look at Asendavia’s NSWiki, you’ll see that they’re coins.

“The Jade Nudo is the currency of Asendavia. The Jade Nudo originally dates back to Gliat Shea. Before Asendavia was formed, it was just called the Nudo. However, it became the Jade Nudo when jade was added to the coins in small amounts. Jade was later removed from the coins in an effort to save the jade for better purposes such as trade. The name still stuck however.”

Anyway, that’s all I had to say. Good job by the way.

Marpan Archipelago
July 14th, 2017

The Orient is angry. Having taken over previous break-off states, they decided they could take out a chunk of the Deep Coast while they were at it. This might have been a mistake. The Heart had swooped in and taken the land that was stolen from the Deep Coast. This significantly furthered the friendship of the two Federations. People were celebrating. This was the first hit the Heart had ever had on the Orient. The land was transforming from a victim to a bully. Just what The Warlord wanted. Just what the Heart wanted.
He wanted control. He wanted power. He wanted progress.
Hidden deep in the banks of The Warlord’s conscience, behind all the hangings and the slaughtering. All the shades of shadow and the blights of man. Far beyond all of these coverings there lay a desperate want, need for progress. He must do what is right for the island. What is right for himself.
This is where the papers came in handy.
The patrol leader had done good. He had handed the papers over to The Warlord without question. He was turning into the tyrant he needed to be. The tyrant he was was as useful as the papers themselves.
The Warlord immediately wired a dispatch to the northern tiers of the Orient. What he was doing could decide the fate of Marpa.[hr]-CONSCRIPTION NECESSARY. EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY. REPORT TO THE WARLORD FOR EXPANSION TACTICS AND FURTHER DEPLOYMENT-

On the 4th of July, 2017, the Huatamanu Conglomerate to the Marpan Warlord to support his country’s economy. Due to the war in his country, the Huatamanu Conglomerate had to reassess its goals. Reatasoa Uye, the head of the company, wanted a quick buck. His family, along with many other families, had invested nearly a trillion dollars into the economy, purchasing state assets and shares in state companies. Due to legal restrictions, they were not able to lay off staff, reorganise their assets or escape taxes. Their investment, while availing the state a lot of money to carry out the war, would take a long time to bare fruit. He had thought that they could merely strip Marpa of its resources in order to make up for the lack of sizeable revenues. But rumour has it that Asendavia made a better offer. Reatasoa decided to withdraw the offer and take his business elsewhere. He had also nearly gotten into some bad business with the Vulture Sword. Marpa would be left to its own doom or success.

Milo Hannsen is a diplomat in the Foreign Secretary’s office. At least, that is what his wife, Holly, his family, and most of the people on his office floor think. In reality, he is the station commander for the Defense and Intelligence Agency (DIA), Furnifold’s intelligence service. It was necessary for the deep cover, as Hannsen was investigating foreign adversaries, and domestic ones. His station command monitored communication in the Foreign Secretary’s office and tied together some of the dots that their sources helped with. Very few people in the Foreign Secretary’s office knew of this, and those that knew acquiesced, for the greater good.

Recently, shipments from a cargo container into a port in Tretrid were being monitored, so as to log where Furnifold’s tagged materials were going. The analysts under Milo received a manifest of the delivery, and found that cargo container 7 was missing from the manifest. Hannsen wired to the DIA headquarters to get people on identifying what was in container 7, and to try and figure out a way to locate where it could be. He thought it would be strange that an entire crate would go missing like that, but maybe there was a good reason for this.


A small ship and its occupants, well offshore of Marpa, surveyed the container as it floated and landed on the beach and observed several natives going towards the container before peeling away. “The fish have caught the bait,” one figure remarked. “Let’s see if the rest of the sharks smell blood.”

Marpan Archipelago
July 21st, 2017

Drunken men stumbled, indulged in their fake moonshine, as the Heart celebrated ferociously. The Orient was at its weakest! The Heart had a chance to forever rid Marpa of the menace, one which had always overshadowed the pride, joys, and entire lives of the Heartlanders. Nearly everything in their society had indirectly been decided by their neighbors to the East, from trades to housing. From food to clothing. And think of the possibilities! Such a strike had never been taken at the East, and such a strike was sure to topple it. The future looked bright, and The Warlord was going to find a way to take the optimism and convert it into raw power. For the good of Marpa.

The entire northern tier of the Orient had split from the main arteries of the Federation. Already having spread dissent and terror throughout the rebelling jurisdictions, the Great North Federation, then conquered by the Orient, had revived itself. And as the number of loyalists to the Orient declined in neighboring jurisdictions due to the wars down south, the others formed to create the Even Greater North Federation, or simply the EGNF. These peoples sworn revenge upon the Orient, as they had caused much grief for the people there. Therefore, the East was split roughly half-and-half between the north and south.[hr]You know what happened. Celebrate the demise of the Orient!

Marpan Archipelago
July 24th, 2017

The Warlord is happy. Very much so. The Deep Coast Federation has taken a new stance: one highly tuned to the wants and needs of the man. He has finally managed to get them to go for the EGNF. And the Deep Coast is loving it. After reasoning with the southern jurisdictions of the EGNF, they have joined the Deep Coast, and, therefore, the Heart side. Well, it is not as if they weren’t on the Heart’s side. They are simply more oriented now. Power is spreading from the Heart. Bleeding through the center of the island, now, the northern portions of it. Influence of The Warlord is exploding. Even some nearby Federations tune into the occasional newspaper broadcasts of the man. Some are ecstatic. Most are unhappy. Most see the Heart as a growing and dangerous influence. A new Orient, if you will. And, probably, to be a stronger one. People are scared, as they should be. This fear and dislike for the Heart may very well add to the list of attentions of The Warlord. But he doesn’t see it. He lay back in his hammock, apparently un-tuned with the world, little to do with it, little to care. Coups have been attempted in his base camps, especially on diplomatic missions into the Central Federation. But it doesn’t startle him. He knows what Marpa, the world, is like. It’s a power grab. And he’s grabbing it. People at the top are always ridiculed by the people down below. He’ll just have to live through the inevitable threats of invading Marpa. There’s little else he can do. At least, for now. He is limited to the borders of the Heart. The Heart keeps him in tune, blissful tune.[hr]Major territorial grabs have taken place via the Deep Coast Federation. The EGNF has suffered distinct losses in their southern lands, as they have been snatched diplomatically by the aforementioned Federation. A massive divide has been allowed to fester within the core of the Central Federation as The Surrounded Federation, in a swift turn of events, has driven a stake through it. Along with it, the Federation has lost a chunk of land in their south due to recent rebellion. News will be updated on this expansion as often as possible, as the Federation has now managed to reach the bounds of the Heart.

In other news, the Orient, although severely weakened since the Northern Rebellions, has almost completely decimated the Stone Federation. The Heart sends a message of hope and prayer that the fine, surviving peoples of the Stone shall be forever welcomed in the lands of the Heart. Swear your allegiance and you will find that you like it here better than your other place that just got destroyed.

Further, the Heart is now united under one government. All minor jurisdictions, by law, have been merged into the greater mass of the Federation.