Armor and Rifle Manufacturers of Sokala is a Sokalan defense company that specializes in firearms and armored vehicles. Based in the heart of Sokala, A.R.M.S cost-effective equipment for security companies, starting and established militaries and (potentially dangerous) militias.
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A.R.M.S Products
LR10 SIMOD (Standard Issue Modifications)
Fully Automatic
Made: in 2001
Color: Black
Camo: Available in any camouflage
Modifications: SIMOD comes with an ECGS Hyperion,
GAT vertical foregrip, QAD suppressor, and QCB adjustable stock
Ammo type: 5.56×45mm
Price: ₦2,210 ($1,923)
Fully Automatic
Made: in 2008
Color: Black/Gray
Camo: Available in any camouflage
Modifications: AIS Holo sight and GAT vertical foregrip
(SBAR-L only: QAD suppressor)
Ammo type: 5.56×45mm
Price: ₦1,720 ($1,530.
Fully Automatic
Made: in 2010
Color: Black/Gray
Camo: No camouflage available
Modifications: AIS Hybrid Holo sight
Ammo type: 5.56×45mm
Price: ₦ 820 ($ 730)
Veltz Uno
**Made: **in 2007
**Color: **Black/Gray
**Camo: **No camouflage available
**Modifications: **No attachments available
**Ammo type: **9mm
Price: ₦ 418 ($ 372)
Mobile Multi-Purpose Infantry Vehicle (MMIV)
Light Armored Car
Crew: 2
Length: 15 ft (4.57 m)
Width: 7 ft 1 in (2.16 m)
Height: 6 ft (1.83 m)
Weight: 3856 kg
Armor: STANAG 4569, Ballistic level 2, and Mine level 2a
Engine: 6.2 L (380 cu in) V8 diesel
Maximum Speed: 55 mph (89 km/h) at max gross weight
Armament: M2 Minigun, T8 Grenade Launcher, and T1 Missile Launcher
Price: ₦247,191 ($220,000)
MTAIUV (Multi-Terrain Armored Infantry Utility Vehicle)
Armored Personnel Carrier
**Crew: **2
**Length: **4.863 metres (15 ft 11.5 in)
**Width: **2.686 metres (8 ft 9.7 in)
**Height: **2.5 metres (8 ft 2 in)
**Weight: **12.3 tonnes
Armor: 5083 Aluminium Alloy 28–44 millimeters (1.1–1.7 in)
**Engine: **Detroit Diesel 6V53T, 6-cylinder diesel engine
**Maximum Speed: **67.6 km/h (42.0 mph), 5.8 km/h (3.6 mph) swimming
**Armament: **M2 Minigun and MG10 Light machine gun
**Price: **₦ 505,617 ($450,000)