Bad Guy in Drakkengard

((OOC: some of the backstory here is in the Listonia thread, some is in the Lso Yiskevi thread))

“Ma’am!” the human Kral Commodore Nevikalu began as he answered his phone somewhere in Provinsk. “All is good and ready over here. We’ve had some divisions penetrate Evesunigrad without much resistance, which is weird. For shootin’ off missiles, they really didn’t have anything in terms of a plan thus far. No one knows what’s going on.”

“Be wary,” Ikrisia began. “Listonia’s unpredictable. I’ve not been able to get through to Evesuni for the past hour. I would’ve expected he would be the first person who would call.”

“What about Drakkengard?”

“They are claiming they did not attack, and that none of their craft is invading our water space. In a few minutes, that will hold true. If they believe the craft does not exist, it’s easy pickings for us. And, if we can down a few of them, we can call them on their lie. Who have you put in charge of that theater?”

“Yevenato (fleet admiral) Loy Somatere. He’s young, but is one of the few who have commanded under naval combat.”

“Under no circumstances is he to engage in anything but a defensive front.”


“We cannot afford to war with Drakkengard, for two main reasons. We are currently pouring into Listonia, and we cannot anger their stronger allies in Packilvania, especially since we have invested in their stolen technology. Should Drakkengard declare war, Packilvania will surely follow, and we will face a war on three fronts. That scenario must be avoided at all costs.”

“Yes’m. We have to handle this situation with kid gloves. The liberation of Listonia can’t cause the destruction of Vekaiyu.”

“Right. What about Yiskevi?”

“Covert team is passin’ over the road to Ye’leli as we speak, ma’am. They’re incognito but there’s really been no resistance so far outside of a few checkpoints and combat batteries.”

“Something must have happened.”

“We’re taking all the precautions we can, ma’am. Ain’t going to catch us off guard. We’re going to move the 7th, 41st, and 42nd armored division into a spearhead for the capital in 0100 hours. Only one Listonian division looks mildly active. We’re takin’ advantage of this confusion.”

“Good idea. The longer it takes them to respond, the harder it will be for them to regroup and assess the situation.” She paused. “One final thing. I want Evesuni alive at all costs. He will answer to the atrocities committed against Listonian peoples.”

“Yes’m. Over and out.”

Ikrisia hung up the phone and sighed. She mulled over the email sent by president Von Drakken. Why would he deny such attacks? It wasn’t any secret that Drakkengard, coupled with their ally Packilvania, was the strongest force in the region and had no need to cover up any attack. Surely they of all people could afford to tell the truth, or better yet boast it to one-dimensional nations. Nevikalu wouldn’t have had any insight, but if they could take one of the AC’s down, they would get their answer. Either Drakkengard was lying, or something else was going on. She composed a message of her own.

— Begin quote from ____

To: President of Drakkengard, Von Drakken

Vekaiyu has no interest in engaging conflict with your nation, nor does it wish to threaten your claim in the gulf. Vekaiyu’s top priority in the gulf is to ensure safe and balanced trade for invested nations.

Missiles struck our nation and have been triangulated to your claim in the gulf. AC’s are advancing to Vekaiyun waters due south from your claim in the gulf. If this is not of your nation’s doing, then I urge you to aid us in shooting the rogue craft down so we may determine what group is trying to make us both into fools. Vekaiyu will compensate in order to get to the bottom of this.

Premier Ikrisia Levinile

— End quote

To: Premier Ikrisia Levinile

In light of our renewed understanding we are glad to announce we´ll cooperate in the capture and/or destruction of the rogue units operating in the gulf.

Kind Regards,
President of Drakkengard, Von Drakken

White sand beach, Drakkengard (Tyrsis)

Enjoying a much deserved R&R, Friedrick is developing a new shade of red in his face as his superior Ai not only decided for topless (to the happiness of nearby men) but also sweet-talked her prude companion into applying lotion at her back…

And Friedrick phone rings…

After trying to catch it with his slippery hands and failing, Friedrick answer it with telemechanic and says in a somewhat embarrased tone:


“- Just who do these arrogant drakkengardians think they are?” - said the furious Marshall Koós. “- They offer a generous protection. As if we can’t defend ourselves.”

“-Comrade Koós, while I sympathize with you, at this point we can’t do too much.” - said the president. “Our policy was and is, that Vekiayu and Listonia must remain separate. Even if this was orchestrated by a third party, it is still an excellent opportunity to break Vekiayu. We must hit the iron, while it is hot.”

— Begin quote from ____

To President von Drakken of the Republic of Drakkengard
Your Excellency,

it is with jubilation that we greet the gratefully acceptance of our humble offer by your Excellency. Of course our forces are no match for you divine potency, but as we offer our humble sword in aid, we express our sincere hopes to gain your approval.

While we know, that our opinion pales in front of your endless wisdom, we hope that we can convince you, that despite what may they say, Vekiayu is indeed a threat, and ungodly menace, a black fascist boil on the face of the Earth. It must be cut open, so that the healing can take place. We humbly request, that we may negotiate a deal, so that we together wage a war against Vekiayu.

Waiting you reply,

— End quote

OOC: Oh snap. I forgot what they were! I had the strategy guide, but I left it at home. BTW, Blaze is a he! And if you like I’m going to have your troops and Raven back him up right now. You can take control of when you post. Also, what is Bad News’ AC like? Oh and Szugi, Drakkengard’s forces are probably going to capture your diplomats.


One of the mercs said, “Maybe we should–” Suddenly, a missile strikes the Merc AC shot by Blaze’s AC. Bad News and the Base’s ACs attacked the mercs. Several of the mercs were shot while Blaze and Bad News torn the merc AC to pieces. The few remaining mercs abandoned the diplomats in order to flee into the jungle. “Okay, don’t move!” Bad News and Blaze and the other ACs aimed their weapons at the diplomats.

Julie knew that it was only a matter of time before she and her troops were attacked, so she had everyone on high alert. She then sent a message to the ACs she had sent to attack the mainland to return at once.

“She wants what!?”

“Don’t whine. Return back to the island.” The merc ACs were only a few minutes away, when they suddenly turned and headed back to the island at top speed.

OOC: Sorry, Todd, no battle for you. :frowning:

The older diplomat sighed heavily
-Here we go again…- he said.
-I thought this was a jungle, and yet everyone seems to know where we are. What are we bugged or something?- the younger one said in a resigned tone.
-What ever be the case.- the older one began taking to the new comers -from your… kind reaction to the mercenaries I suspect you are no friend of theirs? And judging by the fact you are still pointing weapons at two disarmed diplomats you must be quite worried about something? Put your guns away before someone gets hurt. Now, let us cut to the chase. Who will be carrying our weapons cause I sure as hell won’t leave them here.-
-Bad business all of this- the younger one said trying to get into character of an serenitech employee

“Friedrick. It’s Kah’lad. How are you doing? I hope I didn’t catch you at an inopportune moment,” Kah’lad said while scribbling some notes, “But we got a situation. I don’t know if you know, but a potential war could be brewing between Drakkengard and Vekaiyu. However something seems to be bothering the spooks up top at Section 9 about it…and guess who they are asking to step in as a…consultant to help?”

Kah’lad paused before continuing.
“I said I would only help if I get to hand pick my staff. I would appreciate it if you could be the first member of my team. But I will understand if you would rather not…especially given SID screwed us over before…”[hr]Somewhere in Dannistaan…

Kokoro dialled the secure hotline to the Drakkengard Military Intelligence Office. She waited for a pick up. As she did so, she started checking through the dossier on the border area on the disputed island. After circling several bits on the map, she called over an assistant.
“Tell CENTCOM I would like to get some access to Project POST OFFICE to monitor some comms traffic.”
“Ma’am, I’m not sure if they will let mere low level operatives like us access such a high level system. Especially given it requires joint permission from the Brits and the Yanks as it’s a multi-national system.”
“I’m aware of that but if the Commander wants me to investigate this I will need access to the best tools we have…”

Kokoro wrote down several requests down on the piece of paper before handing it to the assistant, then returned to the phone.

One of the ACs slammed its foot down right next to the diplomats. “And why would diplomats come here? I’m not buying it.” The pulse rifle began to power up. “Now, you better start telling us the truth or I pull the trigger.”

OOC: Szugi, he didn’t step on them at all. His foot only landed two feet from your guys. So they’re alive.

Julie groaned. “Everything’s gone south! Get my AC up and running!”

“Commander! Vulshainian Southern Fleet on patrol heading this way!”

“Damn! They must be looking for those pirates/smugglers. I told them to cover their damn @#$$#$&&&T%^&% tracks!”

“Ma’am! Our forces are almost here! ETA: 10 minutes!”

“Good. At least something’s gone right today.”

OOC: She just used every curse word in history.

-You see Wołodija? This is what happens when a bunch of hotheads get big guns.- the older diplomat said with a grin
-We have no idea what your small brains would like to hear from us…- the younger diplomat began but was quickly interrupted by the older one
-Wołodija… Remember, THEY are pointing the guns at us, not the other way round.-
-Right. Sorry for that. Anyhow, why would we lie about being diplomats? What to see our ID?- Wołodija said. The older diplomat smacked Wołodija on the head and said in a hush tone
-Fool, we don’t have any ID, we came here incognito remember? Serenitech IDs are almost impossible to forge and cost a small fortune…-
Wołodija bit his lip and said to the new soldiers
-We are here by Serenitech authority. Surely you don’t want to mess with us?- with a smile he took out a small badge with the Serenitech logo on it. -So you can now take us to your leaders, and we will have a nice chat. Or kill us and see what the word embargo means.-
Both the diplomats looked at the two robots and waited for a reply.

OOC: Bad News setup: Heavy humanoid OB core with blade, laser rifle, large rocket and multi-missile. And Szugi, don´t worry, there will be more reasonable people on the base, but not by much :slight_smile:

To President Mór Preusz of the People’s Republic of Lazlowia

Your Excelency,

We´ll be sending defense specialists to oversee the fortification of your borders. Please notify if there is imminent threat of invasion, so we can mobilize a defense task force.

Given your interest in the area, we invite your intelligence personal to aid us into finding out the truth behind the current attack.

And regarding an strike within Vekaiyu, please tell us the desired extension of damage to be inflicted or goal to be achieved and participation of our forces in the operation, so we can settle a proper compensation.

Kind Regards,
President Von Drakken of the Armed Republic of Drakkengard

Island - Jungle

“Cut out that smile boya. I might be a simple man but i have a word for so called diplomats that enter other people countries unannouced. Spies, that´s what you are. The only leader you´ll see is our brig taskmaster, and you´ll sing like a bird, or i´ll raise a torture to your embargo, now move!” said Bad News, whose lack of diplomatic instincts might give others and idea of why he was sent to his military dumpster post…

White sand beach, Drakkengard (Tyrsis)

“Kah’lad? What a surprise. I´m fine and nope, there is nothing inopportune going o…” start Friedrick only to be interrupted by Ai

“Hi Kah’lad, wish you were here. You work so well with my boy. I could use another set of hands…”

Joy around nearby men, that cooled down as Friedrick looked from his assault rifle to them with a stern face and got back his cell phone.

“Nevermind that Kah’lad.”


“I see, you should demand a promotion y´know… Anyway, this is serious, so count me in. Nevermind SID, we survived after all. We´ll travel today. Wait for us.” As Ai started to complain, Friedrick sighs and says “Be nice with this and i´ll use those cosplay stuff you want so much…”

And there he went, with a happy Ai in his trail.

Julie’s AC was ready. Armed with two dual-gatling guns and 8-tube rockets built into the shoulders, her Serpent Rose was extremely agile, fast, and deadly. It did lack close-combat weapons, but that wasn’t a problem as the enemy would be dead. Most of her mercs and rogue Ravens had already gotten into their ACs, most armed with heavy machine guns, rifles, and pulse rifles, as well as rockets, gatling guns, and missiles. Her plans were starting to fall apart, but she still could gloat some. Maybe she could inform both Drakkengard and Vekaiyu that they had been conned into during her dirty work. Besides, she could just as easily turn herself into Vulshain in exchange for Drakkengard’s Armored Core technology. She hoped…

OOC: Yeah right. Like Vulshain would grant mercy to this…I’m not going to curse here. Too many children around. :wink:

“Thank you Friedrick. I owe you one. My superiors will relay further travel instructions to you later, but I believe someone will meet you are RDAF Hal’von airbase. See you soon.”

Kah’lad clicked off his cellphone. He then nodded at Colonel Jackson.
“That is the first member of my team in. I’ll give you a list of others I would like to make up the team later.”
“Understood Kah’lad.”[hr]“Project POST OFFICE”, Somewhere in Section 9 Complex

“Looks like whatever you said, it got your request approved,” Mawasu, one of Kokoro’s colleagues said to her as they walked down the corridor. It lead to a large set of metal access doors. A sign on it declared “Level 1 Access ONLY. SIGINT Operations Room 01.”

Kokoro nodded.
“The seriousness of the situation requires serious measures. Let us hope this mythical piece of equipment does what it says on the tin.”
Kokoro swiped her card through the access reader on the side of the doorway.

— Begin quote from ____


— End quote

The doors slid open. Kokoro bid her colleague goodbye and walked through the doors into a sally port. The doors behind her slammed shut and a soldier glared at her through a security window to her left.
“Codename, registration number and assigned department?” the guard barked out from a loudspeaker.
“Kokoro, 1410, Special Investigations Directorate,” Kokoro answered unwaveringly.
The guard started typing furiously on a computer terminal inside his security counter before nodding.
“Apparently, the Commander has granted unrestricted access to ‘POST OFFICE’ for you until further notice. Very well. Keep your credentials on show at all times and wear this extra pass.”

A hatch at the base of the window opened and the guard slid out a red ID card which was plain save for the words “SIGINT #01/OP_1410” on it.
“Keep it on you at all times when inside the Zero-One lab. Do not lose it or give it to anyone else. You know the drill if you do, Operative Kokoro.”

Kokoro took the badge and attached it to her lanyard. The second set of doors opened in front of her and she walked through into a large hall filled with several large computer servers, all of them large black monoliths with various coloured blinking lights on them…

-I think they did not fall for the badges.- Wołodija whispered to the old diplomat
-Everybody knows Serenitech doesn’t waste money on badges…- the old diplomat whispered back with a heavy sigh. He then said loudly -Torture? Oh boy Wołodija, we’re going to a SPA.-
-But I will miss our weapons…-
-Cheap Serenitech gear. Nobody will miss it. Now, to your SPA this way?- the old diplomat says with a smirk and began walking in the direction from which the funny robots came.

“So…you haven’t got any meaningful traffic from the location yet?” Kokoro asked as the terminal operator concentrated on the readouts on his screen. He shook his head after several minutes.
“So far nothing ma’am,” he said finally, “Nothing out of the ordinary. Not even any encrypted traffic so far. However, it will take several days to go through all the data traffic for the last few days.”

Kokoro sighed.
“Keep at it. We need to find something. Even if we can’t decrypt it, the presence of traffic would say something. And we could always try side channel attacks on any encrypted data.”
“Yes ma’am.”

Kokoro looked around the large hall. The servers all blinked their lights in random patterns. Several other terminal operators were sat or standing at various desks and wall positions, either seemingly staring at screens as binary and hexadecimal numbers flashed by, or typing commands furiously onto worn out keyboards, the clicking and clacking echoing throughout the dimly lit hall. A large projection screen with a map of the world with various close ups of the region covered all of one side of the hall. Several walkways were suspended from the ceiling, leading to other parts of the facility. Every so often, a loud beep would sound over the PA system, followed by a muffled announcement requesting yet another resource or member of staff to be moved to another area.

“Operative Kokoro, please report to lab main security. Operative Kokoro, please report to lab main security.”

Kokoro perked up on hearing the message.
“Keep looking for any suspicious traffic,” she said to the operator as she headed back to the main entrance sally port…