BBC News Dannistaan - In Depth

OOC: This thread will be taking an in-depth look at the stories and issues facing Dannistaan as it tries to cope with the ever changing situation in the East Pacific. Expect commentary, analysis, some black humour and sometimes the plain bizzare as the Beeb in Dannistaan try to make sense of everything.

Slaying the White Dragon
An open letter to the Dannistrian people, from the Former East Dannistrian First Minister, Kelly Minn’ow-Jones, first published in the East Dannistrian Times newspaper, on the 25th February 2007

Although I no longer serve East Dannistaan as it’s First Minister, indeed even though I’m not even a backbencher in the State Parliament anymore, I’ve still been following political and diplomatic events very closely. As you all know, war has broken out with our so-called friendly neighbours, the Republic of Bai Lung. To me, this shows a few things about the strange isolated nation that lies to the west of our hallowed land.[ol]
[li]The Communists, in the form of the “People’s” Republic of Bai Lung, obviously cannot keep as firm a grip on power that they previously may have been able to.
[li]If the Nationalists can go off the rails so easily and blame us for something we did not do, then how can we trust the Communists that they will not do the same?
[li]This war will only encourage another wave of refugees/migrants to head east, inevitably to us. And again, our Central Government will do little, or indeed nothing, to stem the tide. We are already strectched to breaking point. We cannot take any more. When will our “masters” in Dannistra Onn realise this?
[li]The Nationalists must be stopped by any and all means. We cannot pussyfoot around Bai Lung anymore, seeing how they have made far too many demands of us.
[/li][/ol]In other words, we must stand against the Bai Lungese with a firm hand. Had I been Prime Minister, this would mean a large scale invasion with the explicit aim of removing both regimes in Bai Lung and establishing a “Democratic Republic of Bai Lung” with universal suffrage. To support the Communists in retaking power is a ludicrous and frankly insane idea which will come back to haunt us later. P’aanil F’orrlason-Smith has shown time and time again that he lacks the “killer instinct” to take extreme measures when our nation needs them most. Instead he often accedes to the demands of the pacifists and lilly livered who think that using only minimal sufficient force is enough. It is not.

Also, the Bai Lungese must be given a chance to develop and sustain their own economy so that waves of illegal Bai Lungese immigrants do not keep trying to enter Dannistaan and contribute to the strain and increased levels of crime we have endured in recent times. It will also empower the people and show there can be another way other than just jumping into a rickety boat and attempt to head east.

Ultimately, when push comes to shove, our PM must show he has the mettle to take the hard decisions and press the red button to show the Republic of Bai Lung that the Royal Confederacy of Dannistaan is not a pushover. Nor shall it ever will be. In the 19th cenury, the British found very quickly that we will fight tooth and nail, and beyond, to maintain our independence. Given the threat to our homeland right now, we should again show the same resolve our ancestors did all those centuries ago when faced with absolute annihilation. The Bai Lungese brought this war on themselves, now they should pay.

TVRBL warned us to “Face 5 million years of uninhabitable land”. If I was Prime Minister, I would make sure there were not any of them left to see that the next day, let alone 5 million years…

Kelly Minn’ow-Jones

We would like to point out the the above article and any opinions stated in it are those of the individual and/or individuals who created it and does not necessarily equal the opinion of BBC Dannistaan, it’s affiliates, employees or the original organisation who broadcast/published the article.

Rights? What rights?
East Dannistrian Business and Employment Laws and how they affect you

Everyone has heard of them. Not just in Dannistaan but the region as well. Especially the more leftist states that do not approve of them. They can make you very rich if you choose you job carefully. And if you don’t, they can put you into crippling poverty beyond belief. They can make or break your career and they can leave you at the mercy of a few elite, or they can make you into one of the elite if you play your cards right. What are they?

East Dannistaan’s Business and Employment Laws.

That’s right, this is capitalism at it’s almost unrestrained logical extreme. Unlike the rest of Dannistaan, the East Dannistrians believed that their almost totally free market stance was the only thing that propped them up when the rest of Dannistaan faced economic stagnation. While other nations moved to protect the rights of the workforce and the common man toiling away in their factories, the East Dannistrian state believed that actually the workforce was an expendable commodity that is part of a larger mechanism.

With the view of preservation of economic flexibility over all else, generations of East Dannistrian State Government have done all they can to protect corporations. The recent Conservative administration is trying to undo the damage caused by decades of Dannistrian Nationalist Party rule. However it has a long way to go to fix those problems. With this in mind, the current employment laws fix a standard number of clauses in all East Dannistrian employment contracts.
[li]Clause 1 - Strike and other industrial action ban.
Basically a blanket clause, often in bold red print at the top of the contract, warning employees of the consequences of industrial action and that it is illegal in East Dannistaan.
[li]Clause 2 - Ban on trade unions.
Trade unions and other workers representative groups are banned under East Dannistrian law. This clause, again in bold red, is a reminder of that.
[li]Clause 14 - Termination of employment.
Depending on how brutal the employer is feeling, this lists the amount of notice in advance an employee may have. Values vary from as much as 3 months, to as little as 2 days. It also lists the things employees may not do under employers time.
So far it doesn’t sound so good. However, despite popular opinion, East Dannistaan is not full of totally corrupt capitalists. Many work happy productive lives and work in excellent conditions, regardless of their background. However these philanthropic businessmen and women are often overshadowed by their less than scrupulous peers. Indeed, the business pressure group, the East Dannistaan Industrial Coucil is worried about Dr. Sarah Kah’riinah’s attempts to bring about further reform to workers rights. Many business going as far as to bank roll the DNP’s attempts to retake power.

So can the situation last? Who knows? One thing is certain. The capitalists are determined to hold onto their bastion of economic efficiency in the East Pacific.

Donald Cromartie
BBC News Dannistaan

Order to Chaos
Why the PLF found little sympathy in East Dannistaan

Everyone remembers the August Crisis in Kelssek. This normally left wing nation suddenly had to come to terms with the fact that a small, violent group of its own kind rejected the leftist views the majority of the people have adopted and instead try to force some form of change. This resulted in the kidnap of their labour minister and a foreign diplomat and ultimately the death of the former. Yet when the members of the People’s Liberation Front tried to escape to East Dannistaan, one of the more notable hard right nations in the East Pacific, instead of allowing them to enter their soil at all, the East Dannistrian authorities chose instead to arrest them in a joint operation with the North Dannistrians and have them deported almost immediately back to their homeland to face trial.

Even considering the fact that the Eastern passports were fake, there was next to no sympathy for the PLF in the east. To many Dannistrian analysts this was surprising as previously the East Dannistrian State Government had locked horns with the Kelssekian Administration over the left-right divide. And it must be reminded that Ms. Minn’ow-Jones, one of the iron ladies of East Dannistaan, was in charge at the time. To understand why there was not any support for the PLF, you have to look at the culture of East Dannistaan. Yes, they believe firmly in a free market economy and total opposition to leftist politics. Yes, they are of the belief that taxes should be low and social welfare at a bare minimum. Yes, they are not particularly fond of Kelssekian principles.

However they are also very much in favour of law and order. East Dannistaan has the strictest laws and punishment in the entire Confederacy and its police force known for having particularly low levels of corruption in the island. If there is anything a typical Easterner hates more than leftist politics, its crime and terrorism. This stems back to the three major periods of Anomie which ravaged the state, most notably the second period after the Second World War and the third period after the 1982 Civil War. After the anarchy, the State Administration vowed “never again” and took major proactive measures to crack down harshly on crime. However many question if those measures are working today. Nonetheless, the East Dannistrians have also operated under the principle of “better 10 innocent people are jailed than 1 guilty person person goes free”. This has resulted in much criticism in the past and still garners criticism today. However it is this policy which resulted in the capture and ultimate return of the PLF to Kelssek soil. Even if the members of the PLF were not deported, they would have been charged on East Dannistrian soil and possibly given a harsher punishment as is the normal situation in East Dannistaan.

So what would have been in store for the PLF members if they had been dealt with on Dannistrian soil, assuming they would be charged under East Dannistrian law?
[li]Posessing forged identity documents
The members of the PLF tried to use false East Dannistrian passports to enter Dannistaan. This on its own carries a minimal 5 year jail sentence with only marginal chances for parole, followed by a minimal 18 month supervision period. Given the problems counterfeit identity cards and passports cause, it is more than likely this sentence would be nearer 7 years with 42 months supervision.
[li]Aiding and Abetting in Kidnap
Though the incident did not happen on Dannistrian soil or involved any Dannistrian individuals, the mere fact that they were involved in the kidnap of others would result in a minimal sentence of 15 years with 90 months supervision.
[li]Aiding and Abetting in Murder
Again although it did not happen on Dannistrian soil and did not involve any Dannistrian individuals, being involved in a murder incident will not be helpful for the group. Minimal sentence is 30 years with high chances of a death sentence being given.
Although because of location of the crime, it was unlikely the latter two charges would stand. But in any case the PLF members would most likely end up deported anyway. As for the lack of sympathy, this can be summerised by a speech that the former First Minister Ms. Minn’ow-Jones said a few months after the incident during a Q&A seission in a DNP conference.

“We are firmly in favour of the free market economy, no doubt. But we will not harbour terrorists. The market has to be brought in by peace, not violence, lest it mean nothing…nothing!..”