Best Character Vote - Nov 2022


Behold, The East Pacific Roleplay Character Award! In no particular order, the eligible candidates are as follows:

Jørgen Bjørn
Prince Thumim a-Namdun Bedon
Eoforwine Æthelstanson
Æthelwine Heardson
Adso’tsæ Øfesak’fla
King Sebastián II
Prime Minister Gabriella Orellana
Fahmida Alwadeen
Eirin Slovkry
Ayo Hoshi
Esta the Protector
Torstein Jensen
Ingrid the Reclaimer
Olav I
Amhoud I
Ulrika II Leidensen
Duchess Saga
Scheherazade Al Sayyed
Žarís Nevran Alandar
Queen Dorothea
Lórien Talháwi
Pétra Méd

We are using instant-runoff voting to pick our winner as fairly as possible. Therefore when you cast your vote you can rank your favourite 10 characters instead of one!

Votes cast that are from people who have not roleplayed within this designated period [End of Jan to End of Nov 2022] will not be counted. New members of the roleplaying community that begin roleplays after this thread goes live will not be acknowledged and their vote will not be counted.


FIRST PLACE WINS THREE TROPHIES, second place wins two, and third place wins one. There will be two of each. If you want to learn more about the trophy system,
click here.

  1. Žarís Nevran Alandar
  2. Æthelwine Heardson
  3. Eoforwine Æthelstanson
  4. King Sebastián II
  5. Adso’tsæ Øfesak’fla
  6. Jørgen Bjørn
  7. Ryz’alf
  8. Prince Thumim a-Namdun Bedon
  9. Prince Thumim a-Namdun Bedon
  10. Fahmida Alwadeen
  1. Eirin Slovkry
  2. Ryz’alf
  3. Prince Thumim a-Namdun Bedon
  4. Pétra Méde
  5. Žarís Nevran Alandar
  1. Eoforwine Æthelstanson
  2. Žarís Nevran Alandar
  3. Olav I
  4. Æthelwine Heardson
  1. Jørgen Bjørn
  2. Esta the Protector
  3. Erin Slovkry
  4. Ryz’alf
  5. Ulrika II Leidensen

Ulrika II Leidensen
Torstein Slovkry Jensen
Ingrid the Reclaimer

  1. Duchess Saga of Tynam
  2. Scheherazade Al Sayyed
  3. Eirin Slovkry
  4. Jørgen Bjørn
  5. Ayo Hoshi
  6. Ingrid the Reclaimer
  7. Ulrika II Leidensen
  8. Zaris Nevran Alandar
  9. Aethelwine Heardson
  10. Eorfowine Aethelstanson