[C-2024-25] Confirmation of SirShadow to the Order of the Golden Ocelot

Magister Mangegneithe has nominated SirShadow for the Order of the Golden Ocelot. This was motioned to vote on 2024-06-16T19:09:00Z seconded by Magister The Ambis on 2024-06-16T21:51:00Z.


This nomination needs a majority of voting Magisters and a 50% quorum to pass.


A one week voting period will occur between the following period:

Choices for voting:
Vote AYE or FOR if you are in favor.
Vote NAY or AGAINST if you are against.
Vote PRESENT or ABSTAIN if you cannot make a decision.

Vote: Confirmation of SirShadow to the Order of the Golden Ocelot
  • AYE | FOR
0 voters
List of Active Magisters - 19
Index Name Classification
1 Altys WA
2 American-Cascadia WA
3 ArenaC WA
4 Arleat LOA
5 Asendavia WA
6 CyberiumShadow WA
7 Dabeez WA
8 Dremaur WA
10 Kingdom_of_Napels NONWA
11 Mangegneithe WA
12 Marrabuk WA
13 Millyjamb NONWA
14 Pauline_Bonaparte NONWA
15 Salasatov WA
16 Sammy23 WA
17 The Ambis NONWA
18 Tommo WA
19 Vussul WA

This topic was automatically closed after 7 days. New replies are no longer allowed.

Following 3 removals of magisters and 1 leave of absence requests, the active number of magisters is 17 at this votes end. (Removals) (LOA)

14 of 17 active magisters voted, 3 nonvoting, meaning quorum

Index Name Classification Aye Nay Abstain Non Voting
1 Altys WA X
2 ArenaC WA X
3 Arleat LOA X
4 Asendavia WA X
5 Atrocha WA X
6 CyberiumShadow WA X
7 Dabeez WA X
8 Dremaur WA X
10 Kingdom_of_Napels NONWA X
11 Mangegneithe WA X
12 Marrabuk WA X
13 Pauline_Bonaparte NONWA X
14 Salasatov WA X
15 Sammy23 WA X
16 The Ambis NONWA X
17 Tommo WA X
= = = = = = =
Totals = = 14 0 0 3
Voting % = = 100.00% 0.00% N/A N/A
Total % = = 82.35% 0.00% 0.00% 17.65%

The Magisterium approves @Shadow membership in the Order of Golden Ocelot .

They are hereby awarded this medal and banner



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