[C-2024-45] Confirmation of Atrocha as Arbiter

Delegate @American-Cascadia has nominated Atrocha to the position of Arbiter. This was motioned to vote by Delegate American-Cascadia on 2024-12-07T02:17:00Z and seconded by Magister Mangegneithe on 2024-12-07T02:28:00Z.


The confirmation of Atrocha requires a 2/3rds majority of voting Magisters and a 50% quorum to pass.


This vote will occur between the following period:

Choices for voting:
Vote AYE or FOR if you are in favor of.
Vote NAY or AGAINST if you are against.
Vote PRESENT or ABSTAIN if you cannot make a decision.

Vote: Confirmation of Atrocha
  • AYE | FOR
0 voters
Active Magisters - 18
Index Name Classification
1 Altys WA
2 AC5230 WA
3 Arleat WA
4 Asendavia WA
5 Atrocha WA
6 CyberiumShadow WA
7 Dremaur WA
8 Kingdom_of_Napels WA
9 Mangegneithe WA
10 Marrabuk WA
11 Mira WA
12 Pauline_Bonaparte NONWA
13 Sammy23 WA
14 The Ambis NONWA
15 theclockworkvixen WA
16 Tom NONWA
17 Tommo WA
18 Wazifara WA

This topic was automatically closed after 7 days. New replies are no longer allowed.

This vote ended on 2024-12-19T15:43:00Z. This vote is quorate with 10 voters. Magister Wazifara was removed due to ceasing to exist.

Confirmation of Atrocha as Arbiter

Index Name Classification Aye Nay Abstain Non Voting
1 Altys WA X
2 AC5230 WA X
3 Arleat WA X
4 Asendavia WA X
5 Atrocha WA X
6 CyberiumShadow WA X
7 Dabeez WA X
8 Dremaur WA X
9 Kingdom_of_Napels WA X
10 Mangegneithe WA X
11 Marrabuk WA X
12 Mira WA X
13 Pauline_Bonaparte NONWA X
14 Sammy23 WA X
15 The Ambis NONWA X
16 theclockworkvixen WA X
17 Tom NONWA X
18 Tommo WA X
= = = = = = =
Totals = = 9 0 1 8
Voting % = = 90.00% 0% 10.00% N/A
Total % = = 50% 0% 5.55% 44.44%

Atrocha has been CONFIRMED to the office of Arbiter.