Would it be possible to let Cartographers edit the Map thread? There’s some extraneous stuff in there that starts to pile up.
Additionally, there’s many CTE’d nations and people who applied to the map and vanish. We’d like to clamp down on the latter to save room for those who will truly RP and enjoy the land they claim. Any suggestions in this matter would be appreciated.
First off, we should post on the first page the requirements needed to ask for a plot of land.
My suggestions for requirements:
You must be a citizen before asking for a plot of land; posting a claim before becoming a citizen will be ignored. If you become a citizen after posting the claim, re-post the claim, to let the cartographers know you are now a citizen.
If a citizen does not post for more than 6 months, their claim will be removed. (Exceptions being the BigBadHodads and other prominent individuals.)
A claim cannot exceed a 50px by 50px in size (I’d like to discusss this size. I’m not sure if it’s too big or too small a limit). If you want to expand your country, RP your conquest in some way. It is recommended to post on the “In-Character” subforum.
Moved to the Regional Atlas forum as this does fall under forum administration
— Begin quote from ____
Would it be possible to let Cartographers edit the Map thread? There’s some extraneous stuff in there that starts to pile up.
Additionally, there’s many CTE’d nations and people who applied to the map and vanish. We’d like to clamp down on the latter to save room for those who will truly RP and enjoy the land they claim. Any suggestions in this matter would be appreciated.
Many thanks,
— End quote
Yes, I think we have a masking for that, I’ll check into it.
My suggestion would be to clean up. Leave important & historical nations then remove those who applied & vanished. When I originally started we had a limited on the amount of space you could get initially and if you wanted more you did it by RPing.
Perhaps it is time for a new claiming topic?
The current one can be moved to the Archives and then we’d have a brand new topic with a brand new team.
Or maybe the aforementioned action is too early to do (as in, we should wait, maybe).
I agree, there’s multiple nations on there that simply aren’t around anymore or create one post to claim and then never return. I’m with EM, we should cleanup the map, but leave the historically significant ones be. We can and should look into claim sizes as well.
I’m not one the cartography team, alas, but I have a suggestion. I’m just spitballing, but perhaps have a requirement of at least, say, ten posts or so to be able to request a spot on the map?
I think we definitely need to crack down on the in-actives because there’s a lot of them. I’ve only just finished my busy week and will be back full swing soon. I think the cartographers would definitely benefit from having ability to moderate certain RP posts (the map being the obvious one).
Other than that I agree with all that’s been said so far.
One more thing, the Cartographers need a Skype group chat to communicate! Yeehaw.
There should be something like guidelines when making a map. I’ve noticed that some of the countries aren’t the same color scheme as others, and don’t have the same font.