Chancellor Election

As per the following provision of your Education Act:

— Begin quote from ____

SECTION 3. The Chancellor
1.(a) The University of the East Pacific shall be administered by the Chancellor.
(b) Each Chancellor shall serve a term of 4 months and can be reelected for one
successive term.
(c) The Chancellor will be elected by the Council of Holders by majority vote. Any citizen of
the East Pacific can be candidate.
(d) The resigning Chancellor will organize this election.

— End quote

Holders, you will have to vote on the candidates. As of now, there’s a 48-hour period for Citizens/Holders to post their candidacies in this thread. Any Citizen can be candidate. After said period, we will as Board take a decision by majority vote.

If no candidates step forward, I’m willing to go for a new term myself.

Who are the holders at present?

There’s a pinned ‘Board of Holders’ thread in this subforum.

This is a subforum?! :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

Well, I’d like to be Chancellor. I’ve got a vision for the university as more than just the library. It should have seminars and research projects, as well as become the stepping stone from new citizen to Magister extraordinaire.

Alright, your candidacy is noted.

Shouldn’t the Viceroy oversee this election? “Section 4) The Arbiters shall elect from amongst themselves for a term of six months a Viceroy, who shall oversee the proceedings of the Conclave and administrate all elections in the East Pacific and represent the Conclave to the Magisterium and the Delegate.”

I think this was an oversight.

I refer to the Education Act as quoted above:

— Begin quote from ____

(d) The resigning Chancellor will organize this election.

— End quote

You can try this law for review by the Concordat, but until such time it can be followed. I don’t see why you would though, as it doesn’t matter for your candidacy and one can argue it’s easier to let the Chancellor handle this. Moreover, it’s not a region-wide election, but a simple majority vote among the board of Holders.

It’s the former Arbiter in me talking. I’m content with you officiating as long as I win. :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

I would like to submit my name to the Board of Holders as a Candidate for Chancellor. Thank you.

Awesome!Is there time to present platforms before the holders vote?

The 48-hour period for candidacies is hereby closed. Two candidates have presented themselves:

Old Federalia

In order to give both candidates a fair chance to present their vision to the Board, they are allowed to present a platform in the for another 48 hours, after which the Council of Holders will decide on a candidate by majority vote. Since we have two candidates, I will not seek re-election.

The current members of the Council are Prussia (Holder of the Faculty of NationStates and Strategic Studies), Aelitia (Holder of the Faculty of Worldly, Fantasy & Mystery Studies) and Hobbes (Holder of the Faculty of Law and Political Science).

Voting will be initiated in 48 hours in this thread. The candidate securing 2 or more votes will be appointed Chancellor.

Good luck to all candidates.

I look forward to seeing the platforms of the candidates.

I too await the campaigns.

I declare the vote on the Chancellor Election, now before the Council of Holders, open.

Holders, state the name of the preferred candidate you wish to endorse:

Old Federalia.

Voting will last 24 hours. Good luck to both candidates.



Considering this situation has come down to me,

I would like to vote for the person with what I believe the clearest campaign was-
I vote Unibot, but with a suggestion that OF should be named as vice chancellor.

I would like to see all of the Uni campaign promises delivered, and some of the training programs suggested by OF; and I think the pair of you will do a very good job with the University.

I look forward to working with you all this term!

I should have used bullet points. Darn.

I would be more than happy to assist Unibot if he would be so generous.

HAIL UNIBOT! Chancellor of the East pacific University!

HAIL OLD FEDERALIA! Vice Chancellor of the East Pacific University!

I like the idea. Yes.

If I was a full Holder… I would vote for the idea.