Christie Island Film Festival OOC

[mention]Gablogian[/mention] mentioned it first and [mention]Tuva[/mention] and myself did some additional brainstorming… a film festival for Urth!

So you might be wondering how this would work? It’s simple! You find a movie / series / etc [PG-15] clip (5m or less) and add your own original story, title, poster and find an instrumental song that goes with your movie’s story.

Voting (see example Tuva made below) would be done on a scale of 1-10 with 3 different categories: best film (original story / clip), best art (original poster), and best sound (instrumental song). Then a final average is done with the 3 categories and whoever has the highest wins best picture.
Based on discussion we believe the timetable between events would need more time than Urthvision due to the need to write an original story (maybe have a certain word count?), make an original film poster and finding the perfect sound to go with the story. Maybe an every 3 month event?

So let us know your thoughts and ideas! Let’s see what suggestions you can think of to make this even better!

Wow, that sounds like a great idea! I’d love that!

Since the idea was born I’ve been interested in this. I have some questions: is the venue going to rotate or will always be the same? Films will instead go to this major festival after winning a national one? Different festivals like IRL?

Anyway, you can expect New Leganés participating there. Hope this comes out soon!!

— Begin quote from ____

Since the idea was born I’ve been interested in this. I have some questions: is the venue going to rotate or will always be the same? Films will instead go to this major festival after winning a national one? Different festivals like IRL?

Anyway, you can expect New Leganés participating there. Hope this comes out soon!!

— End quote

An initial idea was to maybe have it take a page from Urthvision and rotate but as the idea evolved to use the the Christie Island territory as it is neutral and owned by no one to make it fair.

You can think of the film being shown has already won top awards in your country and is now being submitted. Because the process is finding a clip from a movie, series, anime, cartoon, etc. Writing an original scene that leads into, is in the middle, or leads out of the clip with a poster and finding an instrumental score (I don’t want to infringe on Urthvision too much with music) would take more time than normal and makes the logistics of having multiple regional ones as impractical.

I will be interested in how this turns out and may seek to join!