Citizenship Application Thread

Citizen name: Cappedore
Citizenship nation: Cappedore
WA nation: Cappedore

By posting this application, I hereby ratify the Concordat of the East Pacific.

Tom, Dremaur, StyxPrincess, Kangarawa, SiriusBlack, and Cappedore have all been confirmed.

Just for safety, I’m redoing this since I switched cit nation.

Citizen name: Altys
Citizenship nation: Altys
WA nation: EPSA

By posting this application, I hereby ratify the Concordat of the East Pacific.


Citizen name: East Malaysia
Citizenship nation: East Malaysia
WA nation: East Malaysia

By posting this application, I hereby ratify the Concordat of the East Pacific.

Citizen name: LibRight Libertarianism
Citizenship nation: LibRight Libertarianism
WA nation: AuthRight Authoritarianism

By posting this application, I hereby ratify the Concordat of the East Pacific.

Citizen name: Master-General Will Powers
Citizenship nation: Roissyland
WA nation: Roissyland

By posting this application, I hereby ratify the Concordat of the East Pacific.

Citizen name: TheArbores
Citizenship nation: The Arbores
WA nation: The Arbores

By posting this application, I hereby ratify the Concordat of the East Pacific.

Citizen Name: CyberiumShadow
Citizenship Nation: Cyberstrom
WA Nation: EPSA

By posting this application, I hereby ratify the Concordat of the East Pacific.

Citizen name: Nolan Patterson
Citizenship nation: Nolan Patterson
WA nation: Nolan Patterson
By posting this application, I hear by ratify the concordat of the East Pacific.

Notifying having CTE’d the 4st of February and restored the 5th of February

Citizen Name: Patchourisu
Citizenshio Nation: Uchuukage
WA nation: Miraihoshi

By posting this application, I hereby ratify the Concordat of the East Pacific.

Citizen name: Monisau
Citizenship nation: Monisau
WA nation: Monisau

By posting this application, I hereby ratify the Concordat of the East Pacific.

Monisau has been confirmed. Awaiting telegrams from those who have yet to be confirmed.

Citizen name: Cloud
Citizenship nation: Tucread
WA nation: Marlduro

By posting this application, I hereby ratify the Concordat of the East Pacific.

Citizen name: Turbiatop-Aspira.
Citizenship nation: Ferretland trough - NationStates | The Republic of Ferretland trough.
WA nation: Turpotia - NationStates | The Land of of Turpotia.

By posting this application, I hereby ratify the Concordat of the East Pacific.

Citizen name: Ruben/Lumi
Citizenship nation: Luminarum
WA nation: Luminarum

By posting this application, I hereby ratify the Concordat of the East Pacific.

Citizen name: Myehn
Citizenship nation: Myehn
WA nation: Myehn

By posting this application, I hereby ratify the Concordat of the East Pacific.

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Manas Mahanand

By posting this application, I hereby ratify the Concordat of the East Pacific.

Ruben, Cloud, and ManasMahanand have been confirmed.

For others who have not been confirmed, we are still waiting on the confirmation telegram.